Uses of Bidivit ad

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Bidivit ad is commonly used to prevent and treat conditions related to vitamin A and D deficiency, such as osteomalacia, night blindness, dry eyes, rickets,... During the course of use Using Bidivit ad, patients need to strictly follow the instructions that the doctor has prescribed, including regulations on dosage and frequency of use of the drug.

1. What is Bidivit ad?

Bidivit ad drug belongs to the group of mineral and vitamin drugs, used to prevent and treat vitamin A and D deficiency cases related to diseases such as dry eyes, night blindness, rickets, osteoporosis,. .. Bidivit ad drug is a product of Bidiphar 1 Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - Vietnam, made in the form of soft capsules and packaged in boxes of 10 blisters x 10 tablets or bottles of 100 tablets / 200 tablets.
Each Bidivit ad capsule contains the following pharmaceutical ingredients:
Main ingredients: Vitamin A (content 5000 IU), vitamin D3 (content 400IU). Other excipients: Soybean Head, BHT, Glycerin, Gelatin, Nipazol, Polysorb, Vanillin, Nipagin and distilled water.

2. Indications and contraindications to the use of Bidivit ad

2.1. Indications to use Bidivit ad

So what does Bidivit ad do? Bidivit ad is usually prescribed by doctors for the following cases:
Prevention and treatment of vitamin A and D deficiency in cases of nutritional rickets in children, rickets caused by chemistry, dry eyes, developmental disorders, night blindness, psoriasis or acne. Prevention and treatment of bone problems such as osteomalacia or osteoporosis.

2.2. Contraindications to the use of Bidivit ad

Do not use Bidivit ad for the following cases:
Patients with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the active ingredients in the drug. Bidivit ad is contraindicated for subjects with excess vitamin A, vitamin D toxicity, hypercalcemia, impaired liver/kidney function.

3. Dosage and instructions for using Bidivit ad

3.1. Dosage of Bidivit ad

Prophylactic dose: Children > 12 years old and adults: Take 1 tablet of Bidivit ad/day. Children < 12 years old, pregnant or lactating women: Take the dose as directed by your doctor. Treatment dose: Bidivit ad treatment dose for each subject will be determined specifically by a specialist.

3.2. Instructions for using Bidivit ad

Bidivit ad is made in the form of soft capsules, so patients should take it orally. The right time for Bidivit ad to promote its effects and avoid affecting the digestive organs is to take the drug with meals.
Before using Bidivit ad, patients need to carefully read the instructions printed on the product label, and at the same time comply with the time and dose prescribed by the doctor. Absolutely do not arbitrarily adjust the dose of the drug and take the medicine for longer than the prescribed time limit.

3.3. How to handle an overdose of Bidivit ad

Taking an overdose of Bidivit ad can lead to the following conditions:
Vitamin A overdose: Causes symptoms of acute poisoning, such as headache, drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, dizziness, nausea , vomiting, diarrhea, irritability,... If using high doses of vitamin A for a long time, it can lead to chronic poisoning and cause symptoms such as digestive disorders, loss of appetite, fatigue. Fatigue,... Overdosage of vitamin D: Causes blood calcium toxicity or hypervitaminosis D. To manage the above overdose conditions, patients can refer to the following instructions:
Treatment of vitamin A toxicity: Patient It is necessary to stop using Bidivit ad and notify the doctor for early treatment of symptoms. Treatment of vitamin D toxicity: The patient also needs to stop using the drug as well as supplement with calcium. Ideally, patients should maintain a low-calcium diet, while increasing fluids and fluids. If necessary, the patient can use diuretics to increase calcium excretion or corticosteroids. In addition, vitamin D overdose can also apply artificial kidney dialysis or peritoneal dialysis to help push calcium out of the body.

4. Possible side effects when using Bidivit ad

Here are some potential side effects during the prevention and treatment of vitamin A and D deficiency with Bidivit ad, including:
Common side effects: Headache, somnolence, weakness , fatigue, dry mouth, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, metallic taste, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, tinnitus, dizziness, rash, ataxia, myalgia, hypotonia , bone pain, irritation. Uncommon side effects: Renal calcium infection, decreased sex drive, renal dysfunction (causing decreased urine density, nocturia, proteinuria, polyuria or increased thirst), itching, runny nose, decreased body growth in children, osteoporosis in adults, anemia, weight loss, photophobia, calcified conjunctivitis, multiple calcifications, general vascular calcification, pancreatitis, convulsions. Rare side effects: Arrhythmia, hypertension, increased urinary phosphate, increased calcium in urine, increased serum cholesterol, increased AST, ALT and blood urea nitrogen, decreased serum alkaline phosphatase levels, electrolyte disturbances , marked psychosis or mild acidosis. If any of the side effects mentioned above occur, the patient should stop taking the drug and immediately report it to a specialist for appropriate treatment. Most of the side effects of Bidivit ad are mild and go away on their own when the medication is stopped. However, some symptoms can be severe and can easily progress in a complicated way, leaving many health consequences for the patient if not treated early.

5. Notes and cautions in the process of using Bidivit ad

5.1. What precautions should be taken while using Bidivit?

During the course of treatment with Bidivit ad, patients need to pay special attention to the following:
Caution when used with other drugs containing vitamins A and D. Subjects with hypoparathyroidism, Sarcoidosis (easily increased sensitivity to vitamin D), impaired liver and kidney function, kidney stones, heart disease or atherosclerosis should be used with caution when using Bidivit ad. Absolutely do not take an overdose of Bidivit ad or reduce the dose on your own unless directed by your doctor. If taking Bidivit ad high dose for a long time, patients need to regularly monitor the amount of calcium in the urine and blood to avoid the risk of drug overdose. Do not take vitamin D in larger amounts than the doctor-recommended daily supplement dose (400 IU) for pregnant women. In addition, vitamin D also has the ability to be excreted into breast milk, so nursing mothers should avoid taking vitamin D in excess of the indicated dosage. If vitamin A is given to pregnant women at doses < 10000 IU/day, it can lead to teratogenic effects. In addition, vitamin A is also present in breast milk, so the recommended daily dose of vitamin A for nursing women is between 4000-4330 IU/day. Bidivit ad does not affect the patient's ability to drive or use machines.

5.2. Does Bidivit ad interact with any other drugs?

Interactions between drugs can affect the drug's ability to work or lead to a higher risk of side effects. Patients should inform their doctor about all medications they are taking, including prescription drugs, natural herbal preparations, non-prescription drugs, vitamins, minerals, etc. The doctor will give advice. and adjust the dose, use time between drugs more reasonable.
It is not known at this time whether Bidivit ad can interact with beer, alcohol or tobacco. Therefore, patients should also consult with their doctor about taking these drugs with them to avoid the risk of interactions.

5.3. Instructions on how to store Bidivit ad

The content, concentration and active ingredients in Bidivit ad may be negatively affected if the patient does not store the medicine well or the medicine has expired, causing harm to the user. Therefore, before using the drug, patients should carefully read the storage information as well as the expiration date printed on the product packaging.
Normally, Bidivit ad is recommended to be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight or high humidity. If the medication is past its expiration date and cannot be continued, the patient should dispose of the medication safely on the advice of a physician.

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