Uses of Belocat

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Belocat is an injectable antibiotic, used by prescription. Let's find out what Belocat drug works for? How to use? What is the dosage... right here.

1. What is Belocat?

Belocat is a prescription drug, manufactured by Wuhan Grand Pharm Goup Co., Ltd - CHINA, under the registration number VN - 15264 - 12.
The main ingredient in Belocat is the active ingredient Metronidazole with high concentration. 500mg. Belocat is prepared in the form of an infusion solution, packed in a box of 1 vial.

2. What is the effect of Belocat?

Belocat contains the active ingredient Metronidazol - an antibacterial drug of the nitro - 5 imidazole family. Belocat is effective against both intra- and extra-intestinal amoeba, both acute and chronic. Particularly for chronic intestinal amoebic dysentery, Belocat is less effective due to less penetration into the colon.
Belocat is used with bacteria such as:
Trichomanas vaginalis; Giardia; Bacteroids; Clostridium; Helicobacter; ... The mechanism of action of Belocat is the active ingredient Metronidazol – this component will be reduced by the Electron/Ferredoxin transport protein. The reduced active ingredient Metronidazole in Belocat has the ability to lose the helix structure of DNA, thereby killing other protozoan bacteria.
Belocat has a bactericidal effect as indicated.

3. Indication of Belocat

Belocat is indicated in the following cases:
Peritonitis ; Abdominal abscess; Skin infections; Septicemia ; Obstetric and gynecological infections; Amebic liver abscess; Prevention in surgery; ... Belocat is safe to use as indicated.

4. Dosage and how to use Belocat

Belocat is safe to use correctly and at the right dose.
4.1 How to use Belocat Belocat is prepared in the form of an infusion solution. How to use Belocat by infusion, intravenous infusion in 30 - 60 minutes.
4.2 Dosage of Belocat Dosage of Belocat according to the manufacturer's instructions, depends on the condition of the infection and the intended use.
Anaerobic infections In adults, the starting dose of Belocat is 15 mg/kg body weight. The maintenance dose of Belocat is from 7.5mg/kg body weight every 6-8 hours and not more than 4g/24 hours.
Children use Belocat at a dose of 35-50mg/kg body weight x 3 times/day;
Systemic amoebic infections Systemic amoebic infections in adults use Belocat at a dose of 500 - 750mg/ 8 hours x 10 days;
Children use Belocat at a dose of 35-50mg/kg body weight x 3 times in 10 days;
Prevention in surgery In this case, the dose of Belocat is 15mg/kg body weight 1 hour before surgery. 6-12 hours after surgery, Belocat dose 7.5mg/kg body weight.
Liver failure For patients with liver failure when using Belocat, it is necessary to reduce the dose according to the instructions.

5. Contraindications Belocat

Do not use Belocat for the following subjects:
Allergic to ingredients in Belocat; Pregnancy in the first 3 months; Breastfeeding; Epilepsy ; ... Do not use Belocat for the above objects.

6. Belocat interaction

Some drugs that have the potential to cause interactions when using Belocat include:
Disulfiram; Alcohol; Warfarin; ... In addition, Belocat may also increase the toxicity of Fluoro-uracil by reducing clearance. Drugs that interfere with certain tests such as Nelson.

7. Side effects of Belocat

When using Belocat you may also experience some side effects including:
Nausea; Stomachache; Anorexic; Diarrhea ; Vomit; Hives; Vasomotor flush; Itchy; Dermatitis; Glossitis; Dry mouth; Dizzy; Brush recoil; Pancreatitis ; Leukopenia; Red-brown urine; ... Monitor and inform the doctor about the side effects when using Belocat to be managed.

8. Warnings and Precautions for Belocat

When using Belocat, attention should be paid to the following subjects:
Liver failure; Candida infection ; Are taking corticosteroids; Pregnant; Myasthenia; Liver coma; Stomach ulcers ; ... These subjects need to be careful when using Belocat.

9. Preserving Belocat

Belocat medicine well preserved according to the instructions.
Above is all information about Belocat drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Belocat is a prescription drug, patients absolutely must not buy and treat at home because they may experience unwanted side effects.

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