Uses of Atmurcat

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Atmurcat medicine has the main ingredient Montelukast (in the form of Montelukast sodium 4.16mg) with a strength of 4mg - belongs to the group of drugs that have effects on the respiratory tract. The drug is indicated mainly for the prevention and treatment of bronchial asthma. In addition, the drug also relieves the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

1. What is Atmurcat?

Atmurcat is a brand name of the active ingredient Montelukast (as Montelukast sodium) to be used only when prescribed by a doctor. The drug is a product of Vietnam Pharmaceutical Chemistry Joint Stock Company and is prepared in the form of nuggets (10 packs or 20 packs x 1 gram).
Each 1 gram of Atmurcat medicinal nuggets contains 4mg of Montelukast (in the form of Montelukast sodium 4.16mg) and some other excipients just enough.

2. Atmurcat medicinal uses

It is used primarily to treat the following conditions:
Prophylaxis and treatment of chronic bronchial asthma (asthma) in adults and children 6 months of age and older. Includes symptomatic prophylaxis of daytime and nocturnal asthma, aspirin-sensitive asthma, and exercise-induced bronchospasm. Relief of both daytime and nighttime symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis in adults and children 2 years of age and older and allergic rhinitis in adults and children 6 months of age. Regular use of the medication can prevent wheezing and shortness of breath caused by asthma and reduce the number of asthma attacks that occur. Moreover, it also relieves the symptoms of summer fever and allergic rhinitis such as sneezing, stuffy nose, runny or itchy nose. However, drugs are not the first choice in this disease.
Medications can be taken before exercise to prevent symptoms such as bronchospasm and may help reduce the number of times an inhaler needs to be used.
Also relieves symptoms of asthma attacks, year-round allergies and seasonal allergies.

3. Instructions for using Atmurcat

The medicine can be given directly into the mouth or mixed with a small amount of soft food or dissolved in a tablespoon of milk at room temperature. Nuggets also need to be used within 15 minutes after being mixed and not preserved for next use.
Dosage is indicated according to each disease condition and user as follows:
Prophylaxis and treatment of chronic bronchial asthma: Children from 6 months to 5 years old: Take 1 pack per day in the evening. Children 6-14 years old: Take 1.5 sachets per day in the evening. Adults and children 15 years of age and older: Take 2.5 sachets daily in the evening. Patients with exercise-induced bronchospasm: Children from 6-14 years old: Take 1.5 sachets per day, use 2 hours before strenuous activity. Adults and children 15 years of age and older: Take 2.5 sachets daily, 2 hours before strenuous activity. To relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis: The drug should be taken in the morning or evening. Children under 6 months old: Overdose can lead to poisoning, even life-threatening if not treated promptly. It is necessary to discuss with a specialist to determine the appropriate drug and dose for each age group. For pregnant women and lactating women: The drug can be transported across the placenta and excreted in breast milk. Therefore, before using the drug, the patient should consult a specialist. Before prescribing Atmurcat, tell your doctor if you have one of the following contraindications:
Hypersensitivity to Montelukast or to any of its ingredients. Are pregnant or breastfeeding. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding. Suspected or confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer. There are elements of precancerous or suspected cancer due to the effects of sex steroids. Have a previous or current liver tumor (benign or malignant). Have serious liver disease. Active deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolic disorders or a history of these conditions. Severe hypertriglyceridemia. The efficacy of Atmurcat in the treatment of acute asthma attacks has not been established. Therefore, do not self-medicate in these cases without the prescription of a specialist. Patients should consult a doctor to choose the right method.
In addition, do not suddenly replace corticosteroids with drugs unless indicated.
The drug has no bronchodilator effect and does not relieve acute asthma attacks. Always take it with an inhaler, inhaler, or other medication for effective control.
Care should be taken when administering the drug to people who do jobs that involve driving or operating machinery.
In case you forget a dose during the course of taking the medicine, take it as soon as you remember, usually it can be taken about 1-2 hours from the indicated time. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the prescribed time. Patients should not take twice the recommended dose. Patients should take the drug at the same time every day to increase the effectiveness of treatment.
Do not tear the medicine packaging, store at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius and in a dry place, protected from light. If the medicine shows any signs of damage, changes color, or watery, the medicine should be discarded and used with another medicine box.

4. Drug interactions and side effects of Atmurcat

4.1. Drug interactions

Some products may interact with Montelukast, so before being prescribed, make a list with your doctor about the medications and supplements you are taking.
It is necessary to stop hormonal contraceptives when using the drug or to instruct the patient to use other methods of contraception if necessary.
With prolonged treatment, certain drugs that induce liver enzymes (such as anticonvulsants and antibiotics) may increase sex hormone clearance and reduce clinical symptoms.
Drugs that can induce liver enzymes such as:
Hydantoin. Barbiturates. Primidon. Carbamazepine. Rifampicin . Oxcarbazepine. Topiramate. Felbamat. Griseofulvin . Substances whose metabolism undergoes glucuronic conjugation (eg, paracetamol) may increase the bioavailability of estradiol.
Do not use the drug with foods such as alcohol, beer, tobacco,...
Interact with some tests.

4.2. Side effects

Some of the possible side effects of Atmurcat are:
Reproductive system and breast disorders such as vaginal bleeding, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, hormonal changes in the vagina, period-like symptoms perimenopause, painful, tight, or enlarged breasts. Digestive disorders such as anorexia, bloating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders such as erythema, pruritus, eczema, urticaria, acne, hirsutism, alopecia, erythema. Nervous system disorders such as headache, depression, fatigue, anxiety. Other symptoms such as palpitations, edema, cramps, weight changes, visual disturbances, etc. When an allergic reaction occurs, the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately for treatment. according to the anaphylactic shock treatment protocol issued by the Ministry of Health.
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