Uses of Vinsalmol

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Vinsalmol belongs to a group of drugs that work on the respiratory tract, used to probe respiratory function. So what effect does Vinsalmol drug and in what cases is it indicated, let's find out through the article below.

1. What is Vinsalmol?

Vinsalmol medicine has the main ingredient as the active ingredient Salbutamol sulfate, equivalent to the active ingredient Salbutamol with the content of 0.5mg and other excipients just enough and 1.0ml distilled water for injection. The drug is prepared in the form of an injection solution, packaged in a box of 5 ampoules and 1ml of injection solution.

2. Uses of Vinsalmol

Mechanism of action: Vinsalmol medicine contains the active ingredient Salbutamol, which acts on smooth muscle and skeletal muscle, thereby relaxing smooth muscle on the bronchial and uterine muscles. At the same time, salbutamol also has a relaxing effect on bronchial muscles in patients with asthma and chronic lung disease. In addition, the active ingredient salbutamol also helps to increase the rapid clearance of mucous capillaries, stimulates beta 2 receptors to create widespread metabolic effects.

3. Uses - indications

Vinsalmol drug works to treat the following cases:
With respiratory diseases:
Treatment of asthma attacks, helping to interrupt bronchospasm caused by exertion. Treatment of airway obstruction, normalization, treatment of severe asthma attacks, malignant asthma, alveolar dilatation and chronic bronchitis Note : Persistent asthma requires hospitalization in In special departments, subcutaneous injection only helps to support the patient while waiting for hospitalization.
With obstetric diseases: difficult births, threatened preterm birth, hyperactivity at birth, preventing contractions during uterine surgery during pregnancy. The aim is to slow the time of delivery so that corticosteroid therapy has an effect on fetal development or to ensure sufficient time for the mother to be transferred to a higher medical facility. Contraindications:
Cases of allergy to the active ingredient Salbutamol contained in the drug. People suffering from shortness of breath due to heart failure, continuous asthma. People with advanced severe heart disease, bacterial infection of the amniotic membrane Not for use by women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. People with high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism. Note: Contraindications should be understood as absolute contraindications, that is, not for any reason that the above contraindications should be used to avoid danger to the body.

4. Usage and dosage of Vinsalmol

Usage: Vinsalmol is prepared in the form of an injectable solution, so it will be injected into the body by injection. Therefore, when using the drug, the patient should pay attention to ensure the correct dose and ensure that the body's health is in a stable condition to avoid drug shock or other hypersensitivity reactions.
Treatment of respiratory diseases: Use a subcutaneous dose of 0.5mg. The dose may be repeated 4 hours apart if necessary. Treatment of diseases in obstetrics: Mix 2.5mg/200mg glucose 5% by slow IV infusion during emergency. With maintenance dose: IM or IV 0.5mg/time x 4 times/day. Note: During treatment, users should use the right dose, ensure the continuity of not giving up midway to help the patient get the best change.
In case of missed dose: Medicine is usually used by the team of nurses and doctors, so it is rare to miss a dose. However, if rare cases occur, the patient should be reminded to avoid missed doses affecting the treatment process.
In case of overdose: there are currently no reports of events occurring with overdose. However, if users discover an overdose and notice strange symptoms, they must immediately notify the treating doctor for guidance and treatment, to avoid dangerous consequences to the body.

5. Side effects of the drug Vinsalmol

Besides the main effect that Vinsalmol brings, users may also experience some unwanted side effects during the following treatment:
Affects the nervous system: Trembling limbs, excitability , palpitations, dizziness. Effects on the fetus: Tachycardia of pregnant women, fetal arrhythmia. In addition, there are some rare symptoms such as: Nausea, vomiting. Note: When noticing unusual signs of drug use, the patient should stop using the drug and contact the doctor, medical staff for advice and timely measures.

6. Vinsalmol drug interactions

In the process of using the drug, patients need to be careful because Vinsalmol can interact with beta-blockers. Therefore, before using the drug, the patient needs to list the drugs, functional foods that are currently taking or intend to use, so that the doctor can advise on the correct dosage, give timely treatment directions to avoid causing serious side effects. negative consequences for the patient.

7. Some notes when using Vinsalmol

When using Vinsalmol for treatment, patients should note a few things as follows:
Need to use the right dose, do not increase or decrease the dose arbitrarily because it may cause hypersensitivity reactions or reduce it effectiveness of the drug. Medicines need to be used in hospitals, reputable clinics, absolutely should not be used at home. For pregnant women, when using the drug, it is necessary to regularly monitor the mother's blood pressure and pulse. Care must be taken before administering halothan to diabetic women or patients taking MAOIs. After the injection is completed, the injection site should be cleaned to avoid infection. Medical regulations must be strictly followed to ensure the safety of patients. During treatment, no more than 2 doses of Vinsalmol should be missed in a row. Absolutely do not arbitrarily stop the drug during treatment, because stopping suddenly may cause a decrease in the body's immunity and increase the risk of symptoms of some other diseases. Before using the drug, it is necessary to carefully check the appearance of the drug, if the packaging shows signs of being open, the drug changes color or deforms, it is forbidden to continue using the medicine. Hopefully, the information shared above about Vinsalmol will help people get more useful information for themselves and when using it feel more secure, know how to handle cases of missed dose, overdose.
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