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Articles in Montelukast

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Smart-Air 10mg: Medicine for chronic bronchial asthma
Asthma is caused by inflammation in the small airways of the lungs. This inflammation irritates the muscles around the airways and causes them to contract, narrowing the airways making it difficult to breathe. Asthma symptoms can flare up over time and may have no apparent reason.
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Side effects and precautions when using Montelukast
Montelukast cannot treat acute asthma attacks and must be used concomitantly with bronchodilators and other medications.
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Uses of the drug Derdiyok 10 mg
Derdiyok 10mg is one of the brand names of montelukast used in the treatment and prevention of asthma. You can often see montelukast marketed with many names such as Singulair, Montiget, Miowan... with many different strengths and dosage forms. In this article, we would like to introduce to you about one of these brand-name drugs - derdiyok drug and the use of derdiyok 10mg drug.
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What is Montiget 4mg?
Montiget is a drug that belongs to the group of medicines for respiratory diseases. The main active ingredient in the drug is Montelukast. In addition, the drug montiget 4mg also has the drug montiget 5mg. These two drugs are just dosage adjustments for the convenience of many users.
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Uses of Telkast
The drug Telkast has the main ingredient is montelukast, which selectively antagonizes the leukotriene receptor and helps inhibit bronchospasm. The drug is indicated for the treatment of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and the prevention of exercise-induced bronchospasm.
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Uses of Usalukast 10
Usalukast 10 is used to treat and control allergic conditions that cause respiratory manifestations such as sneezing, runny nose, bronchospasm. Regular use of the drug reduces the severity of acute asthma attacks and reduces the frequency of asthma hospitalizations in patients with bronchial asthma.
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Uses of Glemont ct4
Glemont ct4 is a medicine used to help control allergic conditions that cause respiratory manifestations such as sneezing, runny nose, bronchospasm, bronchial asthma for children over 2 years old.
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Uses of Miowan 5
Miowan 5 is indicated in the supportive treatment of chronic asthma, seasonal allergic rhinitis,... So how to use Miowan 5? What precautions should be taken when using this drug? Let's find out the necessary information about Miowan 5 drug through the article below.
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Uses of Monast 10
Monast 10 belongs to the group of drugs that act on the respiratory tract, which is made in the form of tablets. The main ingredient of Monast 10 is Montelukast, which is used in the treatment and prevention of chronic bronchial asthma.
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Uses of the drug Repair 10mg
Respair medicine 10mg has the main active ingredient Montelukast in the form of Montelukast sodium with a strength of 10mg. It is an inhaled medication used in the treatment of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis.
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Uses of Leukas
Leukas belongs to the group of drugs acting on the respiratory tract, indicated for the treatment of bronchial asthma. So how to use Leukas? Let's find out the necessary information about Leukas drug through the article below.
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