Uses of Arthromine

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Arthromine is indicated in the treatment of symptoms associated with degenerative diseases of the bones and joints. It is extremely important to learn information about this drug before using it, contributing to minimizing risk situations arising during treatment.

1. What is Arthromine?

Arthromine medicine contains the main active ingredient Diacerein, which has the ability to treat osteoarthritis symptoms, slow acting by two mechanisms including In vitro, Diacerein inhibits the synthesis of interleukin-1. It is also known to be a major cause of cartilage destruction and acts on the synthesis of proteoglycan and hyaluronic acid (Considered as a major component of cartilage).
Because Arthromine is often slow acting, it is a popular choice in the treatment of chronic osteoarthritis. In particular, the drug can be used in combination with pain relievers in the first time to help patients relieve pain and some symptoms caused by the disease.

2. Indications and contraindications

2.1. Indications Arthromine is indicated in the treatment of symptoms associated with degenerative joint diseases. Besides, in some cases the drug is also used for gout and related diseases.
2. Contraindications Do not use Arthromine for the following cases:
People who are sensitive and allergic to the ingredients contained in the drug. Especially with a history of allergy to Anthraquinone derivatives. Patients with liver failure, severe renal failure, children, pregnant and lactating women. People with ulcerative colitis, obstruction or pseudo-obstruction.

3. Usage and dosage

Arthromine is made in capsule form, so users can use it directly orally. When using, the patient should drink with a full glass of water, should swallow the pill whole instead of breaking, biting or chewing the medicine will reduce the treatment effect.
Dosage depends on many factors, but basically indicated as follows:
In the first 2-4 weeks, use and dose 1 tablet/time/day, should be taken in the evening. 4 weeks of taking the drug can increase the dose to 2 tablets / day, divided into 2 oral doses. Arthromine has a slow effect, usually it takes 2-4 weeks to be effective, so patients need to be persistent in using it. During this time, to control symptoms caused by osteoarthritis, you may consider using additional pain relievers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

4. Side effects

During use, Arthromine has the potential to produce unwanted side effects including: Diarrhea, epigastric pain, eczema, skin rash and dark yellow urine.
When the body appears these symptoms, the patient needs to contact a doctor to receive professional advice and correct side effects. In addition to the side effects mentioned above, some other problems may also appear during the use of the drug. Therefore, patients should monitor and pay attention to the body's manifestations to promptly detect unwanted effects and have timely treatment solutions.

5. Drug interactions

Arthromine can interact with some drugs to change the action of the drug, make it less effective or less effective.
Specifically, when using Arthromine in combination with other Western medicine drugs, it can change the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines, leading to irritation of the digestive system, especially when used together with drugs containing aluminum hydroxide. , Calcium and Magnesium Hydroxide.
Patients should actively inform the doctor about the drugs they are using, including functional foods and vitamins. In the event of an interaction, the doctor will ask the patient to stop either medication or to adjust the dose and frequency of use to limit the risk of this happening.

6. Precautions while taking Arthromine

Patients with severe malnutrition are at risk of reducing the bioavailability of the active ingredient Diacerein in the drug, so it is necessary to discuss with the doctor before choosing a treatment drug. Patients with pre-existing intestinal disorders are often more sensitive to Arthromine. Therefore, if there is a history of this disease, the patient should inform the doctor to adjust the dose or substitute another drug. When missing a dose of Arthromine, the patient should take it as soon as he remembers. In case it is almost time for the next dose, the patient should skip the patient should pay attention to take the drug regularly to maximize the effect of the drug. If the drug overdose, the patient should pay attention to the abnormal manifestations of the body because these may be signs of unwanted effects. As soon as the body appears these symptoms, the patient should contact the doctor immediately for timely support. Stop using the drug when prescribed by a specialist, absolutely do not prolong the time of taking Arthromine without consulting your doctor. Above is all information about Arthromine, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Arthromine is a prescription drug, patients absolutely must not buy and treat at home because they may experience unwanted side effects.

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