Uses of Amk 457

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Amk 457 drug is often indicated for the treatment of bacterial infections on the respiratory tract, urinary tract, soft tissue, skin, ... The drug is used in the form of a powder for oral administration and patients need to ensure compliance. The correct dosage is prescribed to avoid any side effects.

1. What is Amk 457 drug?

Amk 457 is a broad spectrum antibiotic that kills many Gram-positive bacteria. Amk 457 is mainly used to treat infections of the urinary tract, respiratory tract, skin, soft tissue, gynecology or bones.
Amk 457 drug is prepared in the form of powder for oral suspension, packaged in a box of a 70ml bottle with a dropper. Each 5ml of Amk 457 solution contains Amoxicillin (as amoxicillin trihydrate) 400mg and clavulanic acid (as potassium clavulanate) 57mg.

2. Indications and contraindications to the use of Amk 457

2.1 Indications for use of the drug Amk 457 Amk 457 antibiotic is indicated for use in the treatment of the following specific bacterial infections:
Upper respiratory tract infections, such as tonsillitis, otitis media , pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis or laryngitis. Lower respiratory tract infections such as acute/chronic bronchitis, empyema, pneumonia. Soft tissue and skin infections such as boils, nails or open wounds, cellulitis , bacterial infections in the abdomen. Genitourinary tract infections such as gonorrhea, syphilis or cystitis. Other infections such as osteomyelitis. 2.2 Contraindications to using Amk 457 Do not use Amk 457 for the following subjects:
Patients with allergies or hypersensitivity to Amoxicillin or Clavulanic Acid. There is a history of allergic reactions to antibiotics of the Penicillin group. Pregnant women. Women are breastfeeding.

3. Dosage and how to use Amk 457

3.1 Dosage of Amk 457 The dose of Amk 457 can be divided based on the age and severity of the patient's pathology, specifically:
Dosage for treatment of mild - moderate infections: Take 25mg Amoxicillin / kg / day × 2 times/day. Dosage for severe infections & respiratory tract infections: Oral 45mg Amoxicillin/kg/day × 2 times/day. The maximum dose of Amoxicillin will be divided as follows:
For children under 12 years old: Take up to 45mg Amoxicillin / kg / day. For children > 12 years old and adults: Take up to 6g Amoxicillin/day. The maximum dose of clavulanic acid is divided as follows:
For children > 12 years old and adults: Maximum oral dose of 1200mg / day. For children 3 months – 12 years: Take up to 20mg/kg/day. For children 8 days old - 3 months old: Take up to 15mg/kg/day. For children under 8 days old: Take up to 10mg/kg/day. For patients with renal failure with creatinine clearance > 30ml/min, no dose adjustment of Amk 457 is required.
3.2 How to use the drug Amk 457 Amk 457 drug is used orally, the ideal time to take the drug is right before a meal, helping the drug to be absorbed best. According to the doctor's recommendation, when treating bacterial infections with Amk 457 antibiotics, it is necessary to avoid using the drug for more than 14 days and always adhere to the treatment time prescribed by the doctor. Before taking Amk 457, the patient can pour just enough water to touch the mark on the vial, then shake well to dissolve the powder and use it immediately.

4. Some side effects of Amk 457

During the treatment of infections with Amk 457, patients may experience some unwanted side effects from transient to obvious, including:
Mild side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, Vomiting, abdominal pain, indigestion, viscous stools. Rare side effects include enteritis, candidiasis, rosacea, urticaria, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, exfoliative dermatitis, acute generalized pustular pustulosis. Anaphylactoid reactions, angioedema, hypersensitivity vasculitis or a rapid hematologic syndrome. Moderately elevated liver enzymes, jaundice, hepatitis.

5. Some important notes in the process of taking Amk 457

5.1 What precautions should be taken while taking Amk 457? When treating with Amk 457, patients need to be cautious of the following:
Elderly patients, people with a history of liver dysfunction or jaundice caused by taking clavulanic acid / Amoxicillin need to be cautious when using Amk 457 because it may increase the risk of intrahepatic cholestasis. Symptoms of cholestasis and jaundice caused by Amk 457, although rare, can be severe if present. However, these conditions are reversible and disappear after 6 weeks of discontinuing Amk 457. Patients who are allergic to penicillins or to certain other allergens may experience severe hypersensitivity reactions when used. Amk 457. Dosage adjustment of Amk 457 is required for patients with moderate or severe renal impairment. Amk 457 should be used with caution, as it can cause redness with fever and lymphadenopathy. Prolonged use of Amk 457 can lead to the development of resistant bacteria. During the use of Amk 457, it is necessary to periodically check hematological indicators, kidney and liver function, and at the same time it is necessary to have a differential diagnosis of cases of diarrhea caused by C. Difficile and inflammatory bowel disease. pseudo membrane. Patients with infectious mononucleosis have an increased risk of rash when taking Amk 457. Caution should be taken when administering Amk 457 to patients with phenylketonuria or who need to control phenylalanine levels. Treatment with the antibiotic Amk 457 may adversely affect inflammatory bowel disease. During treatment with Amk 457, patients may receive an additional enzyme glucose oxidase method that detects the presence of glucose in the urine to prevent false positives. 5.2 Interactions of Amk 457 with other drugs Amk 457 may interact with the following drugs:
Oral anticoagulants such as Warfarin. Birth control pills. Methotrexate, increased toxicity due to decreased excretion of Methotrexate when used with Amk 457. Probenecid when used with Amk 457 can reduce the excretion of active substance Amoxicillin through the renal tubules. Mycophenolate mofetil. In addition to the above drugs, Amk 457 also has the potential to interact with other drugs or substances that have not been mentioned. Patients should talk to their doctor about the medications they are taking to prevent potential drug interactions.

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