Uses of Alpyrene

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Alpyrene belongs to the group of minerals and vitamins, used for patients with deficiency of selenium and vitamin C, iron deficiency anemia, fatigue.... To use Alpyrene safely and with good results, people Users need to know the drug information below.

1. What is Alpyrene?

Alpyrene is a pharmaceutical product manufactured at Phil Inter Pharma Co., Ltd., Vietnam, belonging to the group of Minerals and Vitamins with the main ingredient being dry yeast containing selenium, vitamin C, DL alpha tocopherol and beta carotene suspension. Alpyrene is often used in cases of vitamin C deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, fatigue and helps fight oxygen.
Alpyrene is prepared in the form of soft capsules and packed in a box of 2 packs x 5 blisters x 10 tablets, each containing the main ingredients and excipients just enough.

2. Uses of Alpyren

2.1. What does alpyrene do? Selenium is a mineral that the body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained through food or selenium supplements.
The most important effect of Selenium is anti-oxidant and especially Selenium in the form of selenocysteine ​​will closely bind with the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme is responsible for the main role of fighting free radicals and oxidative damage in the body.
Selenium is also an antagonist of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum and cadmium.
Selenium also helps restore vitamin C after it is oxidized, rebuilds vitamin C from small pieces of armor after the oxidation reaction, thereby helping the metabolism to be more efficient. Many studies show that if you take vitamin C and selenium at the same time, the effect will be higher, especially for people who are sick. The mineral component vitamin C in Alpyrene is involved in the creation of collagen and some other components that make up connective tissue in bones, teeth and blood vessels. In addition, vitamin C also participates in the metabolism of lipids, protid, glucid and the synthesis of catecholamines, adrenocortical hormones. In addition, vitamin C also participates in catalyzing the conversion of Fe+++ to Fe++, so it helps to absorb iron better, preventing iron deficiency anemia. Vitamin C also increases interferon production and reduces the body's sensitivity to histamine, fights stress, so it helps increase the body's resistance. Vitamin C also participates in the antioxidant process by neutralizing free radicals produced by metabolic reactions, thereby helping to protect the integrity of cell membranes.
2.2. Indications to use Alpyren Alpyren is usually used for the following cases:
Supplementing with anti-oxidant Selenium for the body. Prevention and treatment of vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) and bleeding disorders caused by vitamin C deficiency. Increase the body's resistance to infections, poisoning, fatigue, flu. Iron deficiency anemia. 2.3. Contraindications to use Alpyrene Alpyren is contraindicated in some of the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to vitamin C, selenium and other ingredients contained in the drug. Do not use high doses of vitamin C for people with glucose - 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Do not use for people with a history of kidney stones, hyperoxaluria and oxalate metabolism disorders, thalassemia.

3. How to use, dose Alpyren

Alpyren should be used as directed and directed by your doctor or pharmacist, medical professional.
Alpyrene is taken orally, swallow whole with cooled boiled water or purified water. Should not be used with beer, wine, alcoholic beverages, coffee, soft drinks, carbonated water... because it can change the composition and effects of Alpyrene. Dosage:
For Selenium, it is recommended to use about 50-200mcg per day for adults, while children use 3.3mcg/kg body weight. The dose for prophylactic vitamin C deficiency is 25-75mg per day (adults and children), and the therapeutic dose for adults is 250-500mg/day divided into several doses, children take 100-300mg/day divided into several small doses. In combination with Desferrioxamine to increase iron excretion, vitamin C dose is 100-200mg/day. Note: It is necessary to apply the correct use and dosage according to the advice and prescription of a doctor or professional person.

4. Side effects of Alpyren

Side effects when taking products from Selenium include: Diarrhea, garlic breath and sweat, weak nails, hair loss, itchy skin, nausea and vomiting, unusual tiredness, weakness.
Side effects when taking vitamin C include: Increased oxalate - urine, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, fatigue, headache, dizziness, flushing, insomnia, diarrhea, heart failure, hemolytic anemia .
Note: If there are any side effects when using Alpyren, the user should consult a doctor for timely treatment.

5. Interactions with other drugs

Alpyrene may interact with some drugs or health supplements, affecting the effects of the drugs being taken. Therefore, to avoid drug interactions, you should inform your doctor about all medications you are taking, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, dietary supplements, so that your doctor can advise you on how to use them. safest and most effective.

6. Notes and cautions when using Alpyren

In order to achieve the best and safest use effect, minimize possible side effects, when using Alpyrene, users should also be cautious and note the following: exactly as directed, prescribed by the doctor, medical professional and the manufacturer. Do not arbitrarily calculate and change the dose of Alpyrene because it may reduce the therapeutic effect or increase side effects. Pregnant and lactating women should be cautious when using Alpyren, should consult a specialist before using it for the best advice on whether to use Alpyren or not to avoid affecting pregnancy and children. . Besides, people also need to have a scientific diet, complete with nutrients for the body to strengthen resistance and avoid lack of substances.

7. Handling missed dose, overdose Alpyren

Missed dose: Usually, drugs can be taken within 1-2 hours compared to prescribed. So, if you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember, but if it's almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as scheduled. Do not double the prescribed dose to make up for the missed dose because it can easily lead to an overdose or increase side effects.
Overdose: If you have unusual symptoms that suggest an overdose, contact your doctor for advice on how to handle it. In case of emergency and danger, take the patient to a medical center for emergency treatment and timely treatment.

8. How to store Alpyren

You should store Alpyrene in a cool and dry place with a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius, avoiding direct sunlight and moisture.
Keep Alpyren out of reach of children.
If the product has expired or is left over without using it, you should not throw it into the toilet or flush it under the household tap. It is best to consult your doctor or local waste disposal company for the best advice on safe disposal.
All information about Alpyren provided in this article is for reference only and is not intended as a professional medical diagnosis or treatment. This is a form of functional food to protect health, so it is not a substitute for medicine. People should not arbitrarily use Alpyren without a prescription from a qualified doctor. Please contact your doctor or healthcare provider for advice on the safest way to use Alpyren.

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