Use Postinor 1 birth control while breastfeeding

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Postinor 1 is an emergency contraceptive that is quite popular with many women. However, many people still wonder if Postinor 1 can be used by women who are breastfeeding.

1. What is postinor 1?

Postinor 1 is an emergency contraceptive pill, containing the main active ingredient is Levonorgestrel 1.5mg. It can be used within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse or the used method has not worked. Levonorgestrel can prevent pregnancy through several mechanisms:
Increases cervical mucus Inhibits sperm movement through the uterus and sperm survival Inhibits ovulation from an upward feedback mechanism hypothalamus, leading to decreased secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). In addition, the drug also changes the endometrium and affects implantation. However, Levonorgestrel is not effective once the eggs have implanted. If taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse, Postinor 1 can prevent about 84% of expected pregnancies. Users of the drug should note that the effectiveness of the drug is higher if you take it as soon as possible, preferably right after having unprotected intercourse.

2. How to use Postinor 1?

The drug Postinor 1 is taken orally. Accordingly, you need to take the pill as soon as possible within the first 12 hours and not later than 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected intercourse. You should not delay taking the medicine. The sooner Postinor 1 is used, the more effective it will be. If you are using another regular method of birth control, such as the oral contraceptive pill, you can continue this therapy as usual.

Thuốc Postinor 1 là một trong các loại thuốc tránh thai hiện nay
Thuốc Postinor 1 là một trong các loại thuốc tránh thai hiện nay

3. Can I use postinor 1 birth control while breastfeeding?

Levonorgestrel is excreted in breast milk, however this is not considered harmful to the infant. Actual drug concentrations in milk depend on the dose and route of administration. An observational study of 100 nursing women found that a single oral dose of levonorgestrel did not adversely affect lactation or the health of the infant. Therefore, women who are breastfeeding can still use oral levonorgestrel for emergency contraception. However, if you are not sure, you can take the medicine immediately after breastfeeding and do not breastfeed for at least 8 hours. That way, the time between taking the medicine and the next feeding is long enough to reduce the amount of medicine in your milk and won't harm your baby.

4. What are the side effects of Postinor 1 birth control pills?

When using Postinor 1, you may experience undesirable effects including:
> 10%:
Central nervous system: Endocrine and metabolic fatigue: abnormal bleeding or spotting bleeding during the period after taking the drug until the next menstrual period. Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, lower abdominal pain, diarrhea 1 to 10%:
Central nervous system: Dizziness, headache Endocrine and metabolic: Menstrual suppression Genitourinary system: Breast tenderness Not known frequency: Dysmenorrhea, irregular periods, amenorrhea, pelvic pain, vomiting
Some other side effects may occur such as: itching, urticaria, erythema, facial edema,.... If you notice any unusual symptoms, consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

Thuốc Postinor 1 có thể gây ra một số tác dụng phụ cho người sử dụng
Thuốc Postinor 1 có thể gây ra một số tác dụng phụ cho người sử dụng

5. Some notes when using Postinor 1

In the process of using Postinor 1, you need to pay attention:
Abnormal bleeding: You may experience spotty spotting after use. The possibility of pregnancy should be considered if you have missed your period > 7 days after your expected period. Ectopic pregnancy: A history of ectopic pregnancy is not a contraindication to emergency contraception. The possibility of an ectopic pregnancy should be considered in patients with lower abdominal pain, especially in relation to a missed period or vaginal bleeding in patients with prior amenorrhea. Postinor 1 should not be used for conventional contraception and is not effective in terminating an existing pregnancy. Postinor 1 is suitable only as an emergency measure and should not be used too often. You should still take birth control pills every day to prevent pregnancy effectively. Protection against HIV infection: Emergency contraception does not protect against HIV infection or other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, you should still use safety measures such as wearing a condom. In addition, you need to inform your doctor before taking Postinor 1 if you have one of the following conditions:
Are pregnant or think you may be pregnant Missing or your last period is not normal You have had unprotected intercourse since your last period and it has been more than 72 hours You have an intestinal disease, severe liver failure In short, Postinor 1 is an emergency contraceptive can be used safely by lactating women. However, if you are still not sure, you can take the medicine and wait at least 8 hours before feeding your baby. The time between taking the medicine and the next feeding is long enough to reduce the amount of medicine in the milk and will not harm the baby.
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