Understanding human needs in health care

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Human needs in health care are basic needs, both to help the patient survive and help overcome the disease. These include survival needs, physiological needs or advanced needs that need to be met step by step in order to maintain life as well as improve quality of life.

The basic human needs in health care are listed in the following order of urgency:

1. Humans need oxygen

Oxygen is the most essential thing in all basic survival needs, ensuring the process of respiration, creating active energy for cells. Without enough oxygen circulating in the blood, a person will die within minutes.
The patient should be continuously assessed for oxygenation in the blood by maintaining airway patency and adequate oxygen levels. This is especially important in patients treated in the ICU or with chronic lung conditions such as emphysema, asthma, or obstructive pulmonary disease.

2. Human need is water

Water is a basic component of living organisms and is also necessary to sustain life. People in hot climates need to consume more water than people in cold climates. In addition, each individual condition and each disease need different fluid requirements, consistent with the function of the heart and kidneys. If there is excess water and the heart and kidneys are weakened, the body will retain water in the tissues, causing edema. On the contrary, if there is a lack of water, the metabolic processes will be difficult.

Nước là thành phần chiếm lượng lớn trong cơ thể con người
Nước là thành phần chiếm lượng lớn trong cơ thể con người

3. Food and nutrients

Food is the source of energy to sustain life although the body can still go for a few days or weeks without eating anything. However, if you don't eat enough nutrients or you have irregular eating habits or digestive disorders such as inability to chew or swallow, nausea and vomiting, food allergies... are also a concern. threat to the nutritional status of the body.
On the other hand, in patients with severe medical disease or after surgery, energy requirements are also higher. At this point, the physician needs to assess and monitor calorie intake, consider nutritional support such as tube feeding or intravenous infusion.

4. Waste removal

The elimination of waste products after metabolism is also essential to help the body feel comfortable. This elimination occurs in several ways, through the lungs, skin, liver, kidneys, and intestines.
For whatever causes solid and liquid waste to build up, serious conditions can occur. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor this need of the patient and provide timely support, especially in the elderly, weak, disabled, comatose patients.

5. Sleep and rest

Sleep and rest are very important in re-energizing to maintain lasting health. This factor also changes according to the needs of each person. However, very little or no sleep, with no rest, although not immediately life-threatening, can cause various disorders such as some forms of mental illness.
Therefore, this need of the patient should also be focused, starting with non-drug therapies such as gentle back rubs, warm baths, warm milk drinks... to promote sleep.

Giấc ngủ và nghỉ ngơi rất quan trọng đối với con người, giúp tái tạo năng lượng
Giấc ngủ và nghỉ ngơi rất quan trọng đối với con người, giúp tái tạo năng lượng

6. Activity and exercise

Any activity stimulates both the mind and the muscles. However, proper exercise will help maintain the structural integrity and health of the body by enhancing circulation and respiration.
While this is not a necessity for survival, physicians should also perform bedside range of motion exercises for immobile patients to avoid muscle atrophy, stiffness, or to encourage walking soon after surgery. when the wound is fine.

7. Sexual Satisfaction

Sex is also an important factor, although unlike other basic physiological needs, sexual satisfaction can help improve physical and mental health. Physicians or caregivers need to be aware of this need, as an older male patient may be uncomfortable with a younger female nurse or concerns regarding sexual problems after surgery. surgery, trauma, stroke.

8. Stabilize body temperature

The human body operates within a relatively narrow survival range of temperatures. This is body temperature, one of the conditions that needs to be ensured for the body's metabolic processes to take place at its best. Therefore, focus on hypothermia if the patient has severe burns, high fever, heatstroke and even the patient is in a coma to protect the brain. In contrast, patients with hypothermia and frostbite require active heating and temperature monitoring to adjust accordingly.

Con người cần sưởi ấm tích cực khi thân nhiệt hạ xuống thấp
Con người cần sưởi ấm tích cực khi thân nhiệt hạ xuống thấp

9. Security and safety

This is a higher level need, the patient needs to be comfortable both physically and psychologically. Specifically, this need can be met by providing support, helping the patient use a walker, crutches and being ready to use body positions such as arms and torso to anticipate support. for the patient in cases of loss of balance.
Besides, explaining and advising the patient about the surgical procedure to be performed as well as any other treatment methods is also to meet this need. This in turn will help patients feel safer, adhere to treatment and recover better.

10. Where to live

Unlike inpatients of acute illness, for outpatients of chronic medical conditions, the need for a safe, adequate, hygienic and well-being shelter is a key factor. health factor is always kept stable.
Indeed, if housing does not fully meet basic needs, although not life-threatening, it will make health worse, the ability to adhere to treatment is also worse.

11. Advanced human needs in health care

Social Needs Social needs are ranked at the third level of Maslow's hierarchy. This need is provided and met in relation to the surrounding individuals, expressed by love, affection and feelings. Although these are not basic human needs as humans must have their survival and security needs well met before they can address social needs, this is also a factor. cause physical and mental stress if left unresponsive.
This will be easier to see through the difference when caring for premature babies whose mothers hug and talk to abandoned babies. Similarly, a person who has suffered a severe disability will think very negatively because of feeling worthless, becoming a burden, especially when not receiving the sharing from family, friends or those around them. around.

Nhu cầu xã hội của con người được thể hiện qua nhiều tình huống khác nhau
Nhu cầu xã hội của con người được thể hiện qua nhiều tình huống khác nhau

Spiritual needs Many people have a great belief in invisible and important sources of power higher than their own health. This power takes different forms, depending on educational background, religion, ethnicity, and life experience. Health care for the sick or injured can be more comforting when it is met with regard to health. spiritual needs. Medical staff can support patients by facilitating them to perform rituals and worship at the hospital bed when conditions permit or by providing reading materials such as books, tapes, etc. Figure.
Self-esteem needs Self-esteem is a person's perception of their own worth. Accordingly, positive self-esteem is achieved only when receiving respect and appreciation from those around even when illness and all care depend on others.
People with serious medical conditions, malignancies, or sequelae from surgery or trauma may have altered their self-esteem due to loss of decision-making power, motor function or physical impairments. body. However, this condition can potentially lead to mental and psychological disorders later on, which can easily lead to self-harming behaviors such as drug poisoning and suicide.
Needs for recognition Needs at this level are the highest human needs, which are achieved when a person realizes himself, reaches his or her full potential and is recognized. The most obvious manifestation of this need is the subjects living in the fields of culture, art, and politics.
Therefore, health care work for patients with this need is relatively higher than the general community can become more complex, more difficult to achieve a good overall health. At this time, listening, understanding and empathy from both sides will be the key to solving the problem.
In short, basic human needs always need to be respected in daily life and even when sick. Understanding and meeting the basic needs of patients well during health care will help them heal quickly and build a sense of health protection in the long run.

Đáp ứng tốt các nhu cầu cơ bản của người bệnh giúp họ nhanh khỏi bệnh hơn
Đáp ứng tốt các nhu cầu cơ bản của người bệnh giúp họ nhanh khỏi bệnh hơn

Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.

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