Ultrasound procedure with intravenous contrast injection

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Khong Tien Dat, Doctor of Radiology - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital and Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Truong Duc - Doctor Doctor of Radiology - Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
Ultrasound with intravenous contrast is an ultrasound method combined with the use of contrast agents to increase the ability to detect abnormalities in the structure and flow of the body.

1. What is Contrast Echocardiography?

Contrast echocardiography is an ultrasound method combined with the injection of contrast material into the blood vessels to increase the ability to detect cardiac structures and flows in echocardiographic exploration (through the chest wall and through the esophagus).
When conducting echocardiography, contrast material is injected into a vein and returned to the heart.

2. When is an ultrasound with intravenous contrast injection indicated?

When the doctor needs more information, assess the patient's health status:
Patients with heart diseases such as: Congenital heart, need to find shunts between the heart chambers, blood vessels ...

Siêu âm có tiêm thuốc cản âm tĩnh mạch khi kết quả siêu âm 2D bị mờ
Siêu âm có tiêm thuốc cản âm tĩnh mạch khi kết quả siêu âm 2D bị mờ
Helps to identify cardiac structures, assess the movement status of the heart walls, especially in the case of blurry 2D ultrasound images. Investigating myocardial perfusion status: Using micro-foam contrast agents. Help the doctor to probe the pericardial cavity, puncture the pericardium.

3. Ultrasound procedure with intravenous contrast injection

To perform only need to use echocardiography with intravenous contrast, 1 nurse and a cardiologist to perform echocardiography.
3.1 Prepare the media The facilities for the procedure include:
Ultrasound machine: Plain black and white with cardiac transducer. The heart probe of the ultrasound machine has a chip that can record video to analyze the image, the direction of the echo foam. Contrast Contrasts: Contrasts are solutions with properties that enhance the echocardiographic response to clarify cardiac structures, myocardial flow and perfusion, including self-made contrast agents and other substances. pre-manufactured muffler. Self-made contrast agents: Doctors will often use solutions for daily infusion to create acoustic foam, eg 0.9% NaCl solution, glucose, isotonic and hypertonic dextrose. 3.2 Steps to conduct echocardiography with intravenous contrast The nurse performs echocardiography as usual for the patient. A needle is then inserted into the vein in the arm (usually the left arm is chosen) and connected to the system.

Luồn kim vào phần tĩnh mạch chỗ cánh tay trái
Luồn kim vào phần tĩnh mạch chỗ cánh tay trái
Use 2 seringues + fork. Acoustic foaming: Use 5ml of liquid and 1ml of air in the same syringe, install 2 syringes, lock the 3 prongs and gently shake the mixture of liquid and air from one syringe to the other through the 3-pronged lock for until the mixture becomes homogeneous, containing microbubbles. Turn on the Video recorder to be able to record the practice process directly and save the image. Inject acoustic foam into the cannula. Observe the process from the camera, follow the path of the acoustic foam. Evaluate the results of the procedure. The process of ultrasound with intravenous contrast injection is a small procedure that does not cause complications, so the patient does not need to stay for further monitoring after the contrast is injected. There are a few cases of congenital heart disease where transient headache may occur: the patient just needs to lie down for 5-7 minutes to feel better.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has also applied the ultrasound method with intravenous contrast injection in the indications of doctors in departments and clinics when further evaluation is required. Vinmec International General Hospital with international standards is a reliable destination to choose for examination and treatment.

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