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Articles in Heart

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Ventricular arrhythmias
Ventricular arrhythmia is a type of arrhythmia that causes the heart to beat at an abnormally fast rate. If not detected and treated promptly, ventricular arrhythmias can be life-threatening.
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Endovascular intervention to treat severe limb ischemia
Ischemic limb syndrome is the result of many different diseases that cause narrowing or blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the limbs. This is a very dangerous disease that cannot be cured on its own and needs to be treated with endovascular interventions.
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Notes in the treatment of heart failure with surgery
There are many methods of treating heart failure such as using drugs, resynchronizing the heart, implanting a pacemaker - defibrillation, cardiac catheterization. However, if the above methods are not effective, surgical intervention is required.
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Cavernous hemangioma: A cerebral vascular malformation
Vascular malformation is the appearance of an abnormal vascular organization or lesion that produces many small cavities (lobules) that resemble a honeycomb or strawberry shape.
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Varicose veins treatment methods
Venous malformation is a common vascular malformation with an incidence of up to 50%. Treatment of venous malformations has many different methods, but patients should learn as well as consult a specialist to come up with the most appropriate treatment plan.
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Ectopic pulmonary veins: What you need to know
Ectopic pulmonary venous drainage is a congenital heart disease, when the pulmonary veins do not empty into the left atrium but into the right atrium or into the accessory vein.
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Test troponin T in the assessment of heart failure, myocardial infarction
The troponin T test is used to measure the level of the protein troponin T in the blood. These proteins are released when the heart muscle shows signs of damage. Very high levels of troponin usually in the blood indicate a person has recently experienced a heart attack.
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Who should have an electrocardiogram?
Cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease, cerebral artery disease, peripheral artery disease, etc. are tending to be younger, accounting for 77% of annual deaths. For the prevention and early detection of cardiovascular diseases, electrocardiography is an indispensable method when screening for cardiovascular disease.
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Treatments for stage 3 heart failure
Heart failure consists of 4 stages, of which stage 3 heart failure is a state of actual heart disease. Patients with heart failure need to be treated according to the doctor's instructions to avoid side effects or make the condition worse.
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Treatment options for myocardial ischemia
Myocardial ischemia is a dangerous disease that, if not treated and treated promptly, can affect the patient's life. Depending on each patient, the doctor will have the appropriate treatment options for myocardial ischemia.
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TM echocardiography and what you need to know
Echocardiography is a technique that uses ultrasound waves to study the structure and diagnose heart diseases. The ultrasound signals will reflect the contraction of the active heart through clear and accurate images, detecting holes in the septum in the heart, tumors or abnormalities in the heart as well as extra fluid. heart membrane.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics