Ultra-selective adrenal vein imaging and blood collection procedure digitizing background erasure

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This article is professionally consulted by Master, Resident Doctor Tran Duc Tuan - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital. The doctor has many years of experience in the field of imaging and interventional internal and external blood vessels.
Abnormalities in the adrenal glands are the main cause of many harmful health symptoms such as fatigue, constant stress, or high blood pressure, etc. Nowadays, using imaging procedures. and ultra-selective adrenal venous blood collection to digitize background deletion is a great step forward to help detect and accurately diagnose related diseases in a timely manner.

1. What is the role of the adrenal gland?

The adrenal gland is located above the two kidneys, responsible for secreting hormones to balance the body such as hormones to regulate blood pressure, hormones to fight stress,...
Specifically, the adrenal glands are also the where cortisol and adrenaline are secreted, these are two especially important hormones, helping to reduce human stress. In particular, adrenalin has a relatively short duration of action and cortisol, on the contrary, they have the main role of controlling stress in the long run.
When the human body is under stress, the adrenal gland will initially secrete an amount of adrenaline to reduce stress in an instant, regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Then, the adrenal glands secrete large amounts of cortisol to control long-term stress.
Both of these hormones tend to increase sugar levels, in part based on their ability to control processes that move non-sugar materials such as amino acids into glucose. In addition, these hormones also have an important role in the entire process of controlling other activities of the immune system.

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2. What are the characteristics of adrenal insufficiency?

When the adrenal gland is impaired, it will have negative effects on the patient's health. The common feature of people who are suffering from adrenal insufficiency is that the body always feels tired, unstable blood pressure, stress and tension. In most cases, people with adrenal insufficiency will not realize their health status, they always try to work even though their productivity is not as high as before, and they are also prone to stress and irritability. than the average person.
In particular, exercise is a way to better reflect this condition. People with well-regulated kidneys will always feel elated and refreshed after exercise, but people with kidney failure only feel exhausted, tired and physically weaker.

3. The main causes of adrenal insufficiency

One of the most notable causes of this situation is the hectic pace of life in the development era and the difficulties we face in our daily lives.
A study shows that people who are more active and active with many competitions in life and work will have a higher rate of disease than the average person.
Adrenal insufficiency can stem from many different causes such as:
The adrenal cortex of the patient has been destroyed, so it can no longer produce enough hormones needed for the body's needs. Derived from autoimmune disease: then the body's immune system treats the adrenal glands as a foreign object and quickly attacks to destroy them, in addition, adrenal insufficiency can be caused by other reasons. Other factors such as cancer metastasis to the adrenal gland, caused by bacteria, adrenal bleeding, etc. The cause of secondary adrenal insufficiency may be due to the body's pituitary gland being damaged, so the production of The hormone ACTH is reduced, leading to a decrease in the activity of the adrenal glands,...

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4. Ultra-selective adrenal vein imaging and blood collection procedure digitizing background removal

Adrenal insufficiency can be caused by syndromes of hyperaldosteronism or idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia, adrenocortical adenoma, etc.
In many cases, the diagnosis is established based on imaging studies or serum does not bring the desired results, especially the pathology related to the one-sided adrenal gland.
Therefore, the application of ultra-selective blood collection from the adrenal veins is a form of examination with high value, contributing to accurately determining the cause and location of the pathological adrenal gland, in order to improve the quality of life. add other diagnostic techniques.
Below are the steps to perform the procedure for taking and taking super selective adrenal venous blood digitizing background erasure:
Anesthesia method
The patient is asked to lie supine on the imaging table, then an IV line is placed pulse (most of the cases used isotonic saline 0.9%). Patients are usually given local anesthesia, in addition, pre-anesthetic drugs can be used for cases where the patient is young and has no sense of cooperation, is easily agitated during the scan. Common femoral vein puncture
Use an 18-gauge needle to puncture the right common femoral vein with ultrasound guidance. Thread the lead wire attached to the vascular tube. Selective blood collection from the right adrenal vein
Use Cobra-2 to find the right adrenal vein and pour it directly into the inferior vena cava just above the right vein. Use a super-selective microcatheter for the right adrenal vein. Collect 5-8ml of venous blood from the right adrenal gland through a microcatheter. Using super-selective left adrenal vein
Use Cobra-2 to insert into the left renal vein and rescan the left vein to determine the exact location of this vein emptying. Ultra-selective microcatheter for the left adrenal vein. Collect 5-8 ml of venous blood from the left adrenal gland into the microcatheter. Inferior vena cava blood collection
Inferior vena cava using a pigtail catheter Collect 5-8ml of inferior vena cava at the level of the renal veins through the Cobra-2 catheter. After completing the operation and taking blood from the adrenal vein, the doctor will advise and explain to the patient or family any questions if required.
Long-term damage to the adrenal veins can affect the patient's psychological well-being and quality of life. Therefore, when any relevant symptoms appear, the patient should conduct imaging and take blood samples of the adrenal veins, which are ultra-selective, digitized and erase the background in time, helping to diagnose and treat diseases.
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