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Video content is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
According to Ths. Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy - Vinmec Central Park, chronic kidney disease is a condition in which kidney function is slowly and irreversibly declining. According to statistics, 10% of Vietnamese people suffer from chronic kidney failure.
This disease has 5 stages. For people with chronic kidney disease from stage 1 - grade 4 kidney failure, it is still possible to have conservative medical treatment, along with correcting causes and complications. When a patient progresses to stage 5 chronic kidney disease (end-stage renal failure), kidney function is completely lost and renal replacement therapy is required to maintain life.
Currently, there are 3 methods of renal replacement therapy for patients with severe renal failure including: Kidney transplantation, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. In particular, kidney transplant is the most effective method of kidney replacement therapy.
For kidney transplantation to treat end-stage renal failure, the patient will need a kidney transplant from a healthy or brain-dead or heart-dead donor...into his or her right or left iliac fossa. After the kidney transplant has stabilized, patients with severe kidney failure can return to normal life without depending on treatment machines. Barriers to the current kidney transplant method are: Sources for kidneys are scarce; High cost of kidney transplant; Patients must take anti-rejection drugs daily....
Before the barriers of kidney transplantation, end-stage renal failure patients can choose the second method of treatment, which is hemodialysis. In principle, the blood of people with severe kidney failure will be taken out into the conduit system and brought to the filter. At the filter membrane, there is a blood cavity and a filtrate cavity, blood and filtrate will be exchanged through a semi-permeable membrane, the filtrate will take the excess substances, the filtered blood will be returned to the patient's body with end-stage renal failure through the system. conductor. The hemodialysis time is 3-4 hours, the patient needs to go to the hospital to perform hemodialysis 2-4 times a week.
Treatment of end stage 3 renal failure is peritoneal dialysis. This method uses the patient's peritoneal membranes as semi-permeable membranes. The patient will have a catheter and peritoneal dialysis catheter inserted into his abdomen. After about 2 weeks, patients with end-stage renal failure will be instructed to perform peritoneal dialysis to remove waste products from the body. This method of treating severe kidney failure is quite simple and patients can prepare technical equipment to perform daily peritoneal dialysis at home. Patients only need to visit the hospital once a month for a check-up.
Regardless of the treatment method for end-stage renal failure, the patient must absolutely follow the instructions from the doctor to get the most effective and avoid unwanted complications.
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