Top 5 foods to avoid for babies with intestinal disorders?

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Intestinal disorders affect the absorption and digestion of food, which can cause anorexia in children. What foods to feed babies and what foods to avoid during intestinal disorders is a topic of great concern to parents.
Video content is professionally consulted by MSc Pham Lan Huong, Pediatrician, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

1. General principles in nutrition for children with intestinal disorders

Parents should pay attention to nutrition for babies with intestinal disorders such as:
If the child is breastfeeding, the mother will still breastfeed normally and increase the number of times. If the child is not breastfed, the mother will feed the baby formula milk and need to increase the number of feedings per day based on the child's needs. Children who have supplemented food are not excessively abstinent. Provide adequate nutritional components in the child's diet. Includes starch, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Give your child many meals a day (6-8 meals/day). The dishes should be soft, liquid and easy to digest. When children reduce symptoms due to intestinal disorders, then gradually switch to a normal diet. Rehydrate children to prevent dehydration.
Top 5 foods to avoid for babies with intestinal disorders?

2. Some foods that mothers supplement for babies

The addition of foods for babies during the period of intestinal disorders is recommended including:
Food from rice, wheat: in which white rice is nutritious, easy to digest, does not put pressure on children's digestive system. In addition, mothers can use rice to cook flour, cook porridge, cook rice or roast it to boil water to rehydrate for children. Mom can make toast with low-fat butter, creating a delicious taste that stimulates appetite. Bread has not too much fiber, necessary for babies with diarrhea. Meats such as chicken, lean pork, and beef, provide the necessary amount of protein to restore the body. Green vegetables: Mothers can increase the portion of vegetables for the baby to add a large amount of vitamins and minerals needed to digest unhealthy fats - one of the causes of indigestion and digestive disorders. Banana: Banana contains a large amount of potassium, so it will help provide electrolytes for children who are deficient due to vomiting and diarrhea. Contains pectin which is a type of soluble fiber, which can absorb excess fluid in the intestines of children. Besides, bananas also contain inulin which is a type of probiotic, which helps restore the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. In addition, supplement with 11 minerals and 6 vitamins and energy when children are tired. Apples: The soluble fiber content of pectin in apples is very helpful for people with diarrhea. However, when eaten raw, apples also provide many other types of fiber, so it will make the weak digestive system work harder to digest all the abundant fiber in this fruit. So, cooked apples are not only easier to digest, but they also provide a lot of benefits from the pectin, nutrients and natural sugar found in apples. Consuming 2 to 3 apples that have been cooked into delicious dishes every day will significantly reduce digestive symptoms. Yogurt: contains beneficial bacteria that ferment, help improve intestinal disorders, support the digestive process. However, mothers also need to be aware that the child has a digestive disorder caused by milk (lactose intolerance). Besides eating good foods to restore the digestive tract, parents need to pay attention to the diet to avoid foods that make the child's symptoms worse. Foods to avoid include:
Fried foods Foods with sugar and artificial sweeteners Avoid too much fiber Do not drink carbonated drinks Rare, raw foods Avoid eating other foods that can cause irritation Intestinal effects include:
Onions, garlic, spicy foods Processed and packaged foods Foods that produce gas in the intestines, causing bloating such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower... Fruits Citrus products made from milk if allergic, the hospital where children are examined and treated should be reputable establishments, not only the medical examination and treatment level is guaranteed, but the medical equipment system, the clinic also need to meet the standards to protect the child's immature health in the best way. Vinmec International General Hospital fully meets these criteria. Moreover, Vinmec also provides dedicated and attentive medical services, always taking the interests of customers as the center, helping customers have the most satisfied experience when choosing to visit and treat here.

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