Tips to cure motion sickness

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Video content is professionally consulted by a Doctor of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

According to Specialist Doctor I Dao Duy Khoa - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital, the driver has a lot of influence on whether you get motion sickness or not. So what to do in case of car sickness? Tips to treat car sickness how effective?

In fact, people with motion sickness can apply motion sickness tips such as:
If you drive smoothly and at a steady speed, the people behind will be less likely to get motion sickness. Seating position also plays a very important role, people sitting near the window will be less prone to motion sickness than sitting in the middle. When in a car, you should lie down slightly with your head back, eyes looking far ahead; Limit reading or viewing electronic devices while in the car; Drinking alcohol or smoking in the car will also make it easier to get motion sickness, so it should be avoided; In some people, it is possible to apply the remedy of car sickness with the smell of essential oils; In addition, when taking a placebo, it also made the body more comfortable, thereby reducing the possibility of motion sickness by 48-50%. Another tip to treat motion sickness is to sit near the window and open the car window. It is also possible to use anti-motion sickness drugs, to achieve the effect, it should be taken 30 minutes - 1 hour before getting in the car; There are many tips to treat motion sickness, but depending on the location and feelings of each person to choose the most appropriate method to combat motion sickness.

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