Throat cancer treatments

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Nasopharyngeal cancer usually progresses very quickly, if not detected early and with timely intervention measures, it very quickly leads to death. Currently, there are many treatment methods for nasopharyngeal cancer, depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor will choose different treatment.

1. Surgery

In some cases, when nasopharyngeal cancer is detected at an early stage, surgery is indicated. With today's advanced craniotomy and endoscopic surgery, it has opened up more opportunities for treatment thanks to surgery for patients with nasopharyngeal cancer but poorly responsive to radiation such as keratinization. or cancer recurrence. Surgical approach can remove metastatic neck lymphoma in the localized stage.

Một vài trường hợp khi phát hiện ung thư vòm họng ở giai đoạn sớm sẽ được chỉ định phẫu thuật
Một vài trường hợp khi phát hiện ung thư vòm họng ở giai đoạn sớm sẽ được chỉ định phẫu thuật

2. Radiation therapy

It is currently the mainstay of treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer. In the early stages, the disease can be treated with radiation therapy alone, with a dose of radiation 5 days a week, lasting from 6 to 8 consecutive weeks. In addition to the classic radiotherapy techniques (such as radiation therapy using Cobalt rays, radiation therapy using accelerators), many cancer centers have implemented advanced radiotherapy techniques such as: three-dimensional simulation radiation therapy. , dose-modulated radiation therapy... These new techniques give a high cure rate, and at the same time significantly reduce the side effects of radiation therapy on the patient's body. At the late detection stage, surgery is almost impossible and radiation therapy is the first measure.
Before radiation therapy to the nasopharynx, the doctors will carefully examine the patient's oral cavity. Usually, radiation treatments to the head or neck, especially in the nasopharynx or larynx, tonsils, more or less will affect the teeth and mouth. The clinical symptoms no matter how we monitor, no matter how modern techniques are used, they also leave certain sequelae, which are sequelae of the teeth and mouth. The sequelae are usually gingivitis, gingival necrosis, sclerosis of the temporomandibular joints, sclerosis or gangrene... in many severe cases, there may be necrosis of the maxillary bone, necrosis of the mandible due to radiation. caused treatment.

3. Chemotherapy

When nasopharyngeal cancer has spread to other organs or when radiation therapy fails, the doctor will prescribe chemotherapy (chemotherapy). Lines of chemicals are injected directly into the body to destroy cancer cells. This method often leaves many side effects such as hair loss, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue...

Hóa trị thường để lại nhiều tác dụng phụ như rụng tóc, buồn nôn, chán ăn, mệt mỏi...
Hóa trị thường để lại nhiều tác dụng phụ như rụng tóc, buồn nôn, chán ăn, mệt mỏi...

4. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy

If the disease is detected at an early stage (when the lesion is still localized in the nasopharynx, has not metastasized far) and treated promptly and correctly, the cure rate is relatively high. up to 70-90%. After radiation therapy, it is possible to combine chemotherapy and radiation therapy; chemotherapy is given first, then radiation is followed; or radiotherapy, continue chemotherapy ... depending on the stage of the disease.

5. Treatment with special drug method

Besides chemotherapy, which will affect the body, causing fatigue and exhaustion of the treatment, or radiation therapy is using X-rays to destroy cancer cells, but not all. Even tumors, making tumors can still grow and metastasize,... Currently, there are a number of studies on effective foreign specific drugs that are still in the experimental stage.

Ngoài ra, ung thư vòm họng hiện nay còn có thể được trị liệu bằng phương pháp thuốc đặc trị
Ngoài ra, ung thư vòm họng hiện nay còn có thể được trị liệu bằng phương pháp thuốc đặc trị
Nasopharyngeal cancer is characterized by being relatively sensitive to radiation and anticancer chemotherapy. Therefore, in the later stages, nasopharyngeal cancer is often treated with a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Surgery is currently only applied to cases of tumor and/or lymph node remnants or recurrence after combination chemotherapy and radiation therapy. However, in the advanced stage of the disease or metastasis, the cure rate is low, the 5-year survival rate ranges from 10 to 40%. When nasopharyngeal cancer is detected in the late stage, the patient's quality of life and survival time are also greatly reduced. In addition to the above classic treatment methods, there are many researches on advanced treatment methods based on advances in immunology, molecular biology, technology and technology. gene technology... such as treatment with monoclonal antibodies, use of targeted drugs, use of radioisotopes with specific antibodies... with initial relatively positive results.
Therefore, doctors recommend people to raise awareness of the importance of throat cancer screening as well as regular health check-ups.
The package of screening, and early detection of oropharyngeal, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cancers at Vinmec International General Hospital includes:
Full range of necessary services for early detection of oropharyngeal cancer Detecting abnormalities When registering for the screening package, and early detecting cancer of the oropharynx, pharynx, larynx, customers will be screened for nasopharyngeal - hypopharyngeal - laryngeal cancer. through general otolaryngology examination with hard or soft endoscope; Software ultrasound, thereby detecting the disease early, improving the effectiveness of treatment, increasing the survival rate for patients.
You can find out more about the screening package and early detection of nasopharyngeal cancer as well as other service packages of Vinmec International General Hospital HERE.
How to detect oropharyngeal cancer Why oropharyngeal cancer screening is the best way to prevent cancer today Differentiate nasopharyngeal cancer and common pharyngitis
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