Understanding metastatic nasopharyngeal cancer

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Nasopharyngeal cancer is very dangerous because this disease is difficult to detect but progresses very quickly. At the metastatic stage, the tumor has spread to the lips and mouth, destroying lymph nodes up to 6cm. The surgery becomes difficult, must use a combination of treatment methods.

1. Metastatic nasopharyngeal cancer

When cancer is discovered, the patient not only suffers from the dangers of the disease but also mentally breaks down when he knows he doesn't have much time left. Especially, for nasopharyngeal cancer, when cancer cells are growing and spreading, organs close to the nasopharynx will be metastasized by cancer cells sooner than other organs far from the nasopharynx. .

2. Final stage: Metastatic stage

Khi ung thư vòm họng di căn vào các tế bào bạch huyết, sẽ khiến các tế bào này sưng phồng lên tạo thành hạch
Khi ung thư vòm họng di căn vào các tế bào bạch huyết, sẽ khiến các tế bào này sưng phồng lên tạo thành hạch

When nasopharyngeal cancer metastasizes to the lymphatic cells, it causes these cells to swell to form lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are hard to the touch, but not painful. Later on, lymph nodes can burst, bleed, and cause pain.
2.1 Metastasis to the nasal cavity Nasopharyngeal tumors in the late stage can enlarge and invade the nasal cavity, causing the patient to have congestion on both sides of the nose. At the same time, the patient also has symptoms of frequent nosebleeds with a large amount of blood.
2.2 Metastasis to the ear cavity In the final stage, the nasopharyngeal tumor can also invade the eustachian tube, causing the patient to have persistent tinnitus and possibly permanent deafness.
2.3 Metastasis to the brain When the tumor metastasizes to the brain, the patient will have symptoms of facial numbness, drooping eyelids, strabismus, headache...
In addition, nasopharyngeal cancer can also metastasize. metastasize to organs such as lungs, liver, bones... In which, bone is the organ most often metastatic nasopharyngeal cancer. When cancer cells metastasize to the bone, the patient will have symptoms of bone pain, brittle bones, easy to break bones for unknown reasons, pale body, pale, anemia and always in a tired state. tired.
2.4 Nasopharyngeal cancer metastasis to cervical lymph nodes Tumor cells will metastasize to cervical lymph nodes or lymph nodes, these are organs located close to the nasopharyngeal region, so these will be the organs where the tumor has metastasized firstly. When cancer cells metastasize into these cells, they will swell to form lymph nodes, which are hard and painless to the touch.
If the lymph node ruptures, it will cause uncomfortable pain for the patient and may cause bleeding. The tumor has grown larger and multiplied, invading the surrounding area and nearby organs, the surgery becomes difficult, must use a combination of methods to make the tumor small enough to be removed. Okay.
The problem of treating the disease when nasopharyngeal cancer will be much more difficult, the patient at this time not only has to perform treatment measures for himself with oropharyngeal cancer, but also has to perform treatments for other diseases. organs where cancer cells have metastasized.

3. How long does metastatic nasopharyngeal cancer live?

Những người hút thuốc lá, uống rượu nhiều nên tầm soát ung thư để đảm bảo sức khỏe
Những người hút thuốc lá, uống rượu nhiều nên tầm soát ung thư để đảm bảo sức khỏe

The prognosis of nasopharyngeal cancer for doctors is based on the average survival time of a group of patients. This is not absolutely correct for each patient because each person has a different health condition. Nasopharyngeal cancer has a good prognosis, the 5-year survival rate in the early stage is from 70-90%, the late stage is only 15%-30%. abnormal expression of yourself to get an early health checkup. In order to detect and diagnose nasopharyngeal cancer promptly, in order to have appropriate treatment measures, Vinmec International General Hospital has a package of screening and early detection of oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal, and laryngeal cancers, including full range of services needed to help early detection of nasopharyngeal cancer. Detect other abnormalities in the arch - hypopharynx - larynx area.
The following subjects at risk of oropharyngeal cancer should screen for cancer early to detect the disease in time::
Customers with a family history of oropharyngeal cancer, Customers who smoke, drink a lot. Customers with frequent abnormal symptoms: nosebleeds, headaches, ringing in the ears, stuffy nose, lymphadenopathy in the neck... Customers wishing to have regular check-ups to screen for nasopharyngeal cancer throat.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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