Things to know about vaginal itching before menstruation

Vaginal itching before menstruation is quite common in women. The cause of this condition can be due to hormonal changes, yeast infections, or bacterial vaginosis, or it can also be due to the use of certain menstrual products that cause itching. However, are these symptoms harmful to women's health? This article will provide more information to help you better understand this issue.

1. Vaginal itching - private area before menstruation

Vaginal itching or private area itching can be caused by vaginal infection and is often accompanied by vulvitis causing itching, redness, blistering, sometimes causing difficulty in urination and sexual intercourse. Vaginal itching is also considered a fairly common gynecological problem in women.

2. Causes of vaginal itching before menstruation

Common causes of vaginal itching before menstruation:

Yeast infection. Many women have yeast infections or recurrent vaginal infections. These infections often come up with symptoms such as burning and itching in the vulva can occur both internally and externally at the same time of the menstrual cycle. However, some people may experience this condition before or during menstruation. These symptoms are worse after sexual intercourse. Cyclic vaginal and vulvar inflammation can be caused by yeast infections and usually by an overgrowth of the fungus candida in the body. Candida is a naturally occurring fungus in the vagina, and is normally kept in check by lactobacillus or beneficial bacteria in the vagina. But during your menstrual cycle, hormone levels can change and throw off the pH balance of your vagina, affecting the natural bacteria. When the bacteria are weakened, Candida can grow out of control. In addition to the itching symptoms of a yeast infection, which manifests as vaginal itching before your period, other symptoms include redness and swelling around the vagina, burning when urinating or having sex, pain, rashes, or a grayish-white, lumpy vaginal discharge. Yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter oral and topical antifungal medications. But if you have this condition, you should see your doctor to determine the exact nature of the disease.

Bacterial vaginosis, or bacterial vaginosis, has many of the same symptoms as a yeast infection. However, the most obvious difference is that bacterial vaginosis often causes the vagina to have a fishy odor. In addition, vaginal infections can cause itching in the genital area near the menstrual period. Along with that are symptoms such as white or gray discharge. And other symptoms of vaginal infections often cause pain and burning sensation when urinating...
Vaginal infections can be transmitted from one person to another if you share items that come into contact with the genital area such as underwear or sex toys... The cause of this condition can also be due to women douching too much. Similar to yeast infections, vaginal infections can occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy or during menstruation. So if you have itching in the genital area near the menstrual period, you need to see a doctor for timely treatment.

There are many different causes that can cause itching in the genital area before menstruation
There are many different causes that can cause itching in the genital area before menstruation

Trichomonas vaginitis is often sexually transmitted. When it comes to vulvar or vaginal itching, sexually transmitted infections can be a fairly common cause. Trichomonas vaginitis is caused by the vaginal flagellate trichomonas vaginalis, and one of the symptoms of this inflammation is itching in the female genital area. According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 3.7 million women in the United States may have a trichomonas infection at some point in their lives. Symptoms of trichomonas infection usually appear about 5 to 28 days after infection. However, according to CDC statistics, only about 30% of women with trichomonas have symptoms. In addition to the symptoms of vaginal itching, this infection also has other manifestations such as burning and pain especially when urinating or having sex, or vaginal discharge that is white-green, fishy smelling, even foamy, or vaginal bleeding or red, swollen vulva and frequent urination... Trichomonas vaginitis can be treated with antibiotics. So if you suspect a vaginal infection in this case, you should see a doctor for timely treatment.

Irritation often causes itching during the menstrual cycle due to the use of sanitary napkins or tampons. These products can be made from materials or ingredients that contain irritants that lead to redness in the genital area. Tampons can cause vaginal dryness and cause itching for the user. To avoid this condition, women need to change tampons regularly and avoid tampon products with high absorbency. Sanitary napkins can be used instead of tampons to limit this condition. In addition to tampons and sanitary napkins, women can use menstrual cups to help reduce the disadvantages of these two products. In addition, other products can also cause itching in the genital area such as perfumed soaps, lubricants and douches. Because these substances in the ingredients can affect the pH level of the vagina.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be defined as a group of physical and emotional symptoms that typically begin about a week before menstruation and last for several weeks. Symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder can be similar to premenstrual syndrome but are not as severe for women. Some of the most typical physical symptoms of this condition: itching, dizziness, headache, fatigue, muscle pain...

3. Diagnosing the cause of vaginal itching before menstruation

To diagnose the cause of vaginal itching before menstruation, for each specific case, the doctor will perform the following methods: in the case of yeast infection, the doctor can easily diagnose by evaluating clinical symptoms. Or the doctor can take a sample of vaginal tissue and send it for testing to determine if there is a yeast infection and what type of fungus is causing the disease. In the case of bacterial vaginosis, the method of taking a sample and analyzing it under a microscope can be used to determine the type of bacteria. In the case of trichomonas infection, a sample of vaginal fluid is needed to accurately diagnose the disease.

Tests commonly used to diagnose the cause of vaginal itching before menstruation: pH test, viscosity test and Potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparation. Initially, the doctor will use vaginal fluid to test the pH. If the pH is between 4 and 6, use a cotton swab to sweep the vaginal secretions onto the test glass. Next, fix one end with 0.9% saline and the other end with 10% KOH. When KOH is dropped into the secretions and there is a rotten fish smell, this result is due to the diffusion of amines produced by bacteria in the vagina and often appears due to trichomonas vaginitis. The KOH solution will dissolve all cells except the fungal filaments, making it easier to recognize the disease. However, performing the saline fixation test should be done as soon as possible because if left for a long time, it will make it more difficult to observe trichomonas bacteria.

For women of menopausal age, the decrease in estrogen can increase the risk of infection and vulvitis. Therefore, these cases need to be evaluated early to help reduce the risk of cancer or even malignancy that can affect the woman's health.

A pH test can help doctors find the cause of vaginal itching before menstruation
A pH test can help doctors find the cause of vaginal itching before menstruation

4. Treatment of vaginal itching before menstruation

There is no specific treatment for vaginal itching before menstruation. However, you can use some vaginal moisturizers to relieve vaginal dryness and itching during this period. For irritation, you should switch to benign menstrual products, you can choose products that are fragrance-free, with more natural ingredients...

In the case of yeast infections, it can be treated with non-prescription antifungal drugs. However, some patients need to be treated with oral antifungal drugs in cases of chronic or recurrent yeast infections.

In the case of using medication, you should see and consult a doctor. Your doctor may prescribe both topical creams and oral antifungal drugs to treat cyclic vaginitis. And in some cases, continuous treatment is needed for several months for the itching symptoms to gradually subside.

For bacterial vaginal infections and sexually transmitted diseases, your doctor will also prescribe antibiotics. Because different infections respond differently to antibiotics, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the cause of the disease in order to have an effective treatment plan.

5. Some measures to help overcome vaginal itching before menstruation

In cases of vaginal itching before menstruation, some measures can be applied at home to minimize this condition.

Use loose, breathable, moisture-wicking underwear, avoid wearing jeans or tight pants or underwear made from synthetic materials.

Do not douche the vulva regularly and only clean the outside of the vagina with water or natural products that do not cause irritation
Use sanitary napkins or tampons and change them regularly to avoid leaving them for too long, creating favorable conditions for bacteria to grow. In addition, you can choose a menstrual cup to help limit the disadvantages of sanitary napkins and tampons.
In case of vaginal itching, you can use hydrocortisone cream. But only apply the cream on the skin and do not insert it into the vagina.
If you have a yeast infection, your symptoms may improve significantly when using over-the-counter antifungal creams and medications. However, you can use some products to help limit this condition including: taking probiotics to increase beneficial bacteria while helping to balance the natural microflora in the vagina. Or use vaginal suppositories containing cajeput essential oil, or dilute a cup of apple cider vinegar in the bathtub and soak for about 20 minutes. Although the above measures can help reduce vaginal itching before menstruation, it is best to see a doctor if you experience this symptom to determine the cause of vaginal itching. Because, you may have a vaginal yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. And this condition needs to be treated with a prescription to be effective and avoid the condition recurring many times.

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