The Reasons You Don't Lose Belly Fat

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Belly fat not only causes inconveniences about dressing, but also causes many other health problems. This type of fat, called visceral fat, is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many other conditions. So what makes it difficult for you to lose belly fat?

1. Inadequate nutrition

Unhealthy eating is the biggest cause of belly fat. The reason is that in your diet there are too many starches and bad fats that lead to this condition. Instead, eat more vegetables, choose lean protein and limit the fat from red meat. Choose healthier fats in things like fatty fish, nut oils, and avocados. Even moderate reductions in carbs (cereals, pasta, sugar) can help you lose belly fat.

2. Too addicted to food

Subcutaneous belly fat, fat under the abdominal muscles and fat around vital organs (called visceral organs) need to be removed. Visceral fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and many other conditions. This is partly because you eat too much of the food that you need every day, so limiting your portions can reduce visceral fat intake.

Sử dụng khẩu phần ăn quá mức có thể gây tích trữ lớp mỡ bụng của bạn
Sử dụng khẩu phần ăn quá mức có thể gây tích trữ lớp mỡ bụng của bạn

3. Smoking habit

We all know that smoking is dangerous for the smoker and the people around him. Recent studies show that smoking also increases belly and visceral fat. So this is also a good reason for you to quit smoking and protect your health.

4. In a state of stress

When the stress hormone cortisol travels through the body, fat will increase in your belly. Therefore, you should seek advice from a psychologist or mental health professional to help you deal with the stress you are facing. In addition, you can exercise, doing yoga can help reduce the time spent thinking about stress and help you relax.

Luôn trong tình trạng căng thẳng có thể gây ra tình trạng béo bụng
Luôn trong tình trạng căng thẳng có thể gây ra tình trạng béo bụng

5. Not exercising enough

No one can claim to lose belly fat easily. If a man has a waist circumference of more than 102cm or a woman has a waist circumference of more than 89cm, that means you need at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity (such as walking) a week or vigorous activity (such as running) for 75 minutes /week, and strength training at least twice/week. Ideally, you should consult with your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

6. The wrong exercise

If you can only do one type of exercise, it's best to choose subjects like aerobics, walking or running. These sports are very effective in burning fat. Therefore, you need to make these sports a daily habit and gradually increase the intensity of exercise to achieve the ideal waistline.

7. Likes to drink beer

It's not just beer and the carbs in beer that make your belly bigger, but all alcohol with calories causes this phenomenon. If you consume too many calories, especially combined with not exercising and proper nutrition, you will easily gain weight. If you drink, drink in moderation.

Sở thích uống bia là một trong các lý do khiến vòng eo của bạn to lên
Sở thích uống bia là một trong các lý do khiến vòng eo của bạn to lên

8. Drink plenty of rehydration, electrolyte and energy drinks

Rehydration and electrolyte drinks can contain a lot of sugar, so you will have to consume a lot of calories in them. If you drink too much of this drink, it will easily make you gain weight and increase your belly. Therefore, you need to cut back on sugary, high-calorie drinks including energy drinks and non-diet sodas.

9. Not drinking enough water

Studies show that drinking lots of water can help you lose weight. Choosing H2O over sweetened drinks means you'll consume fewer calories and may help reduce belly fat. Water is also the only beverage that can hydrate without adding sugar or other compounds.

10. Genetic problems

Genetic factors can affect your risk of obesity. While this is a factor that can't be changed, you can reduce your risk of obesity by striking the right balance between the number of calories you take in (diet) and the number you burn (throughout your diet). through exercise) keeps you from gaining weight, regardless of your genes.

Yếu tố di truyền có thể khiến bạn có nguy cơ mắc béo phì
Yếu tố di truyền có thể khiến bạn có nguy cơ mắc béo phì

11. Not sleeping well

You often wake up to eat at night or because you don't sleep well, your body will start to increase the amount of stress hormones. This will create conditions for fat to be retained in the body. You can take some measures to help sleep better such as:
Do not use electronic devices before going to bed such as phones, tablets. Turn off the computer early. Practice going to bed at the same time each night. Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed. Exercise regularly. Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in neurological examination and treatment, patients can completely rest in peace. Center for examination and treatment of raised intracranial pressure at the hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Reference source:

Factors affecting childhood obesity Causes and treatment of obesity in children Side effects causing weight gain in children when taking anti-allergic drugs Loratadine, Desloratadine
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