The child has a sour smell in the stool, does it have an intestinal infection?

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The color and smell of children's poop is one of the signs that help reflect the baby's health and growth status. The case of children going out with a sour smell can be a normal health symptom or a symptom of many diseases that should be noted by parents. Let's learn about the causes of sour-smelling stools in children through the article below.

1. Symptoms of children going out with a sour smell

For babies, stools with a sour smell and a liquid consistency are common. If the child's stool only has a slight sour smell and is not accompanied by any unusual symptoms, parents do not need to be too worried. Because the cause may be because the digestive system of the child is still weak and has not absorbed all the nutrients, causing the stool to have a sour smell.
However, parents need to take the child to a medical facility for an accurate examination and diagnosis in case the infant has a sour and mucusy smell, combined with the following symptoms:
The child has a bowel movement loose stools for a period of about 24 hours; Children have a lot of bowel movements with great frequency, there is blood in the stool; Passing stool with fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, paleness, fatigue and irritability...

Trẻ đi ngoài có mùi chua là tình trạng thường gặp ở lứa tuổi sơ sinh
Trẻ đi ngoài có mùi chua là tình trạng thường gặp ở lứa tuổi sơ sinh

2. What causes children to go outside with a sour smell?

Children having a sour smelling stool can be caused by the following reasons:
2.1. Children do not absorb all nutrients The child's body does not absorb all the nutrients provided, causing excess sugar and nutrients to irritate the stomach, creating conditions for pathogenic microorganisms to develop. . The cause of poor absorption of nutrients is due to an immature digestive system, or because the baby's body does not have enough enzymes to break down lactose from breast milk or formula.
Some diseases such as neonatal intestinal infections, parasitic infections, digestive disorders ... are also the causes for the infant's bowel movements to have a sour smell.
2.2. Children with an imbalance of microflora in the intestinal tract The microbiota in the intestines is also known as beneficial bacteria, which helps to stabilize the body's digestive system. For babies born vaginally, in the process of moving through the mother's vagina to be born, the baby receives a good amount of beneficial bacteria to help complete the intestinal microflora quickly. On the contrary, babies born by cesarean section do not have the opportunity to come into contact with the mother's beneficial bacteria, so the intestinal microflora is easily imbalanced, creating treatment for harmful microorganisms to develop and causing the baby's stools to fall. Newborns have a sour smell.
In addition, children treated with antibiotics also upset the balance of intestinal microflora, thereby leading to acidic, mucusy stools.
2.3. Crohn's disease is a childhood-specific chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation and irritation at any site of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease prevents the absorption of nutrients, thereby leading to a child's bowel movement with a sour smell, combined with the following symptoms: ; The child has colic, irritability and frequent fussiness; The child is lethargic, tired, refuses to breastfeed, has a fever, and is vomiting. The disease, if not treated promptly and properly, seriously affects the child's nutritional absorption, slows down the child's weight gain, malnourishment, and more seriously, slows down the child's achievement of important developmental milestones. important.
2.4. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that causes blockage of the lungs and digestive tract, which in turn causes mucus and digestive juices to become sticky and thick. For infants with cystic fibrosis, sticky digestive juices interfere with the movement of pancreatic enzymes to the small intestine to break down and absorb nutrients from food, thereby leading to digestive symptoms. chemistry, including the condition that the child has a sour smell in the stool.

Bệnh xơ nang có thể là một trong các nguyên nhân khiến trẻ đi ngoài có mùi chua
Bệnh xơ nang có thể là một trong các nguyên nhân khiến trẻ đi ngoài có mùi chua

3. What to do when the child has a sour smell when going out?

In case the child has a sour-smelling stool, parents need to pay close attention and observe other signs of the baby. If the baby shows any more unusual symptoms, parents need to take the child to the medical facility as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Some notes to help parents limit and overcome the situation of children having loose stools are as follows:
If the baby is exclusively breastfed, the mother needs to pay attention to her own diet and nutrition such as eating lots of vegetables. Green, yogurt, fruit, protein-rich foods (fish, meat)... Besides, mothers also need to limit greasy, hot and spicy foods, and reduce the amount of starch and sugar in the diet. daily; If the baby is formula-fed outside, it may cause sour-smelling stools in the first 2-3 days of using milk because they are not used to the ingredients in milk. In case the above situation does not improve, the mother should consider changing another type of milk for the baby; Mothers need to pay attention to keeping clean in daily life and eating for both mother and baby to limit the risk of digestive disorders; In case the baby's stool has a sour smell due to an imbalance of intestinal microflora, the mother should consult a doctor about supplementing with beneficial bacteria for the baby. For the safety of the baby's health, it is best to take the child to a medical facility to be examined by a doctor for appropriate advice.
Pediatrics - Vinmec International General Hospital is a prestigious address for medical examination, care and treatment that parents can choose to visit by a team of doctors and experts. , has many years of experience.

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