The change of pregnant women at week 19

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ly Thi Thanh Nha - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International General Hospital Da Nang.
The 19th week pregnant women will notice obvious changes in the body with symptoms such as back pain, cramps, dizziness, constipation... They can cause the pregnant mother to feel uncomfortable and affect the most. to daily activities. Let's find out the changes of the body during the 19th week of pregnancy and what pregnant women need to do during this time.

1. How does a pregnant woman's body change at 19 weeks of pregnancy?

19 weeks pregnant means that the pregnant woman is in the 5th month of pregnancy, which means only 4 months left to give birth.
As the baby grows bigger and bigger, at this week pregnant mothers may have symptoms such as lower abdominal pain, dizziness, heartburn, constipation, slight swelling in the ankles and feet, back pain. The dilated blood vessels cause small red spots, temporarily called spider nevi (asteroids, a skin lesion with many tiny blood vessels radiating around like an asterisk) to appear on the face and shoulders. and 2 arms.
Leg cramps Pregnant women during this time also face leg cramps. Cramps that pull from the top of the calf down are very common during the second and third trimesters. Cramps can appear during the day, but pregnant women will only really notice when it appears at night, greatly affecting sleep quality and making it impossible for pregnant women to sleep well after. long tiring day.
The cause of cramps during pregnancy is not clear yet, although there are many plausible explanations for this problem. Accordingly, cramps can simply be due to the muscles in the mother's calves getting tired from carrying the extra weight of the fetus, or because the blood vessels to and from the legs are compressed by the growing uterus. gradually in the 19th week of pregnancy. There is also speculation that the cramps may be related to the diet in some way, although this hypothesis has not been tested.
Whatever the cause, you still need to find a way to overcome cramps when standing, sitting and especially when going to bed to get a good night's sleep. Straighten your legs, gently flexing your toes and ankles toward your shins, this can help ease cramps.
Feel the baby's movements Some pregnant women have heard that at the 19th week of pregnancy when they start to feel the baby kick, they start to feel anxious when they still can't feel anything. Those first little kicks from the baby can be felt in many different ways at any time, usually around 18-22 weeks of pregnancy, so pregnant women should not be impatient when in the second week of pregnancy. 19 but have not seen the baby kick.
In some cases, feeling the baby's kick early is also a sign reminding the pregnant woman of some body problems. For example, pregnant women are too thin to feel the baby's movements or because the muscle tone of the mother's uterus is becoming more and more loose, which explains why those who have given birth for the second time or more can perceive it. earlier fetal movements.

Thai phụ không nên sốt ruột khi ở tuần thai thứ 19 nhưng chưa thấy bé đạp
Thai phụ không nên sốt ruột khi ở tuần thai thứ 19 nhưng chưa thấy bé đạp
Increased appetite 19th week pregnant women often find it difficult to control their insatiable hunger pangs. The body of a pregnant mother always feels that it is never enough. Increased appetite during pregnancy is very common, especially in the second trimester when morning sickness subsides and the body needs more calories to feed the growing baby.
To ensure the body is provided with adequate nutrients, pregnant women should remove junk food from the house and fill the refrigerator with nutritious, healthy, healthy foods. However, sometimes pregnant women should also allow themselves to eat the foods they like, to avoid creating a feeling of boredom when eating.
Appearance of stretch marks Up to 90% of women get stretch marks during pregnancy. They appear on a pregnant woman's thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and possibly breasts. While there is no proven cure for stretch marks, you can still alleviate the dryness and itchiness caused by stretched skin by using moisturizers like cocoa butter. high.
Constipation If you can't have regular bowel movements, review the supplements and medications you're taking. Some of them, such as iron, can make constipation worse. If these substances are found, ask your doctor to suggest alternatives to them until the digestive system returns to normal.
Fainting or dizziness A growing uterus can put pressure on blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the brain and making you feel dizzy. Although dizziness during pregnancy is common, it should not be taken lightly and ignored, gently sit or lie down when you start to feel dizzy so that there is no impact on the mother and the baby. fetus.
Back pain As your uterus grows, you may notice that your body's center of gravity is shifted forward, putting extra pressure on your lower back, leading to back pain during pregnancy. Avoid putting extra pressure on your back by having someone else lift heavy objects; if you must lift something, lift it slowly, bending at the knees, not the waist; Raise gradually with your arms and legs, not with your back.
Nasal congestion One study found that over 65% of pregnant women experience a stuffy nose that resembles a cold or allergies. Nasal congestion, sometimes even nosebleeds, appear from the 16th week of pregnancy until the end of pregnancy, so pregnant women should often carry a tissue with them for convenience.
When you want to blow your nose, close one nostril with your thumb and gently blow out the other nostril. This method will not damage the nasal membranes and will not cause nosebleeds.

Khi tử cung phát triển gây thêm áp lực lên lưng dưới, dẫn tới đau lưng khi mang thai
Khi tử cung phát triển gây thêm áp lực lên lưng dưới, dẫn tới đau lưng khi mang thai

2. Advice for pregnant women in the 19th week

2.1 Beware of Candida There are many problems pregnant women have to face during this week of pregnancy, but that is not all. Candida can appear at some point in pregnancy, not except at 19 weeks. It becomes more difficult to control during pregnancy, so read the literature related to thrush. Candida to deal with them best.
2.2 Find a beneficial antenatal class Although you may not need to take a antenatal class right away before your third trimester, take the time to research and find a reputable antenatal class when 19 weeks pregnant. Prepare your birthing knowledge and find supplies to try out the entire birthing process. What pregnant mothers know now will bring unexpected benefits such as helping mothers reduce anxiety and panic when the first labor arrives until the baby is born.
2.3 Choosing safe treatments Pregnant women should always be cautious when using any treatment during pregnancy. To ensure the safety of the fetus, the mother should not take any drugs or herbal preparations, including those known to be freely available to all, unless prescribed by a doctor. . If you want the fetus to grow up naturally without being affected by the effects of western medicine, pregnant mothers can look to natural therapies such as acupuncture, massage, meditation,...
2.4 Eat small meals throughout the day Replenish energy by eating 6 small meals throughout the day or 3 moderate meals plus 3 snacks will not only keep nutrition supplied continuously to feed the fetus but also prevent the digestive system of pregnant women from being overloaded when eating too much food in 1 meal.
From the 19th week of pregnancy, pregnant women are very susceptible to health problems including gestational diabetes. This disease accounts for 3-7% of all pregnant women, increasing the risk of dangerous complications during pregnancy higher than normal pregnant women if not detected and treated early. timely. Pregnant women should actively screen for gestational diabetes regularly to be treated early.
With the desire to provide comprehensive health care for pregnant women during pregnancy, Vinmec offers a variety of maternity packages. In addition to the usual antenatal check-up, you can also perform important screenings such as: gestational diabetes screening, Double Test or Triple Test to screen for fetal malformations; Quantitative angiogenesis factor test for preeclampsia; thyroid screening test; Rubella test; Testing for parasites transmitted from mother to child seriously affects the baby's brain and physical development after birth.
For all needs of maternity examination and registration package, please book directly at the website or contact the hotline system for detailed advice.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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