Home Tag Constipation during pregnancy

Articles in Constipation during pregnancy

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What medicine do people with constipation take to help?
We are all at risk of constipation at any age. If the form is mild, people with constipation just need to change their diet and living conditions will improve. However, if constipation occurs frequently and in severe form, it is imperative to use drugs to treat constipation. So what is the best medicine for constipation?
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Is it dangerous to be constipated during the first 3 months of pregnancy?
Constipation during the first 3 months of pregnancy is very common but few people pay attention to it. In fact, the symptoms of constipation during the first 3 months of pregnancy may not be too serious but have negative effects on the mother's health as well as the baby's development.
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The change of pregnant women at week 19
Pregnant women in the 19th week will notice obvious changes in their bodies with symptoms such as back pain, cramps, dizziness, constipation... They can make pregnant women feel uncomfortable and have a certain impact on daily activities. Let's learn about the changes in the body during the 19th week of pregnancy and what pregnant women need to do during this time.
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Should I use whole grains for pregnant women?
Smart food choices are the foundation of a scientific pregnancy diet, helping to bring the best for both mother and baby. Whole grains for pregnant women are an indispensable part of the diet during pregnancy.
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Can gestational diabetes eat jackfruit?
Jackfruit is a very healthy fruit and can bring many benefits to pregnant women. However, people with gestational diabetes should not consume too much jackfruit, as it can affect blood sugar control as well as cause some health problems. Moreover, before adding any food to your pregnancy diet, you should consult a nutritionist to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
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Should you eat bamboo shoots during pregnancy?
Many pregnant women worry and avoid eating bamboo shoots during pregnancy because they are afraid that eating bamboo shoots will cause blood loss and affect the fetus. So is it true that pregnant women should eat bamboo shoots?
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Is breast milk good for pregnant women?
When you are pregnant, it is important to eat nutritious foods and avoid calorie deficiencies. Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients, including star apples. By adding a variety to your diet, you can get most of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber you and your baby need. So is star apple good for pregnant women?
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The change of pregnant women at week 33
Pregnant women at week 33 often encounter many difficulties in daily activities because during this week the fetus develops very quickly, filling the mother's belly.
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The change of pregnant women at 34 weeks
Hormonal changes in pregnant women at week 34 sometimes cause blurred vision, constipation, and increased vaginal discharge. The fetus at week 34 grows large, causing compression, leading to back pain, shortness of breath, and stretch marks.
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The change of pregnant women at 39 weeks
Pregnant women in the 39th week of pregnancy begin to feel the pelvic area widen and physiological contractions occur more frequently. Pregnant women in the last 2 weeks need to determine the position of the fetus to get support to turn the baby's head if necessary.
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The change of pregnant women at 32 weeks
Pregnant women in week 32 begin to experience physiological contractions with more frequency and severity. The growing fetus causes a lot of discomfort for pregnant women in week 32, such as loss of appetite, constipation, and skin irritation.
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