The change of pregnant women at 23 weeks

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ly Thi Thanh Nha - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International General Hospital Da Nang.
Pregnant women at 23 weeks gain about 5-7 kg, back pain also appears with increased vaginal discharge that is light yellow and has a slight odor. If the discharge changes abnormally, women should go to the hospital to check for signs of infection at 23 weeks of pregnancy.

1. What's special about 23 weeks pregnant?

At 23 weeks pregnant, women are entering the 6th month of pregnancy. Only 3 months left, or 17 weeks, the baby will be born. The fetus has now passed the milestone of 20cm in length and 0.54kg in weight, about the size of an eggplant. Your baby is almost fully developed for life outside of the womb, but still needs a few more months of practicing essential skills.
Lungs continue to practice breathing by breathing in amniotic fluid. Surfactant is also produced which allows the lungs to inflate. Meanwhile, the fetal brain is creating the necessary nerves for future thinking and communication. Your baby's skin is still wrinkled at this point because the fetus will continue to gain more and more pounds. The undercoat that covers the baby's body sometimes turns darker.

Thai nhi tuần 23
Thai nhi tuần 23

2. Common symptoms in pregnant women at 23 weeks of pregnancy

While the fetus is lying still and developing stably in the uterus, the 23rd week pregnant woman notices many changes appearing throughout the body because of the baby. During the 23rd week of pregnancy, a woman's mind can become more hazy due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on the brain. Toes or even legs seem to be enlarged, accompanied by some other characteristic symptoms such as:
Change in skin color A common symbol of pregnant women is the brown stripe on the belly, running from the middle of the navel to the top of the vagina. This brown stripe is called "linea nigra", which is caused by a pregnancy hormone and will be more visible in women with darker skin. Pigmentation changes also occur in the areola, freckles and even melasma on the face.
Meanwhile, the palms and legs of the 23 week pregnant woman may turn red, the skin of the whole body is more prone to rashes, and the entire stretch marks all over the body are pink or purple. However, pregnant women can rest assured that all these skin changes will fade within a few months after giving birth.
Feel the baby's activity At 23 weeks pregnant, women have become accustomed to feeling the movements of the fetus in the womb. These light kicks are now a joy for the mother until the kicking force becomes stronger and more pronounced. This is sometimes painful for a pregnant woman as the baby kicks her ribs, abdomen or cervix.
Fast hunger and bloating The fetus is growing rapidly inside the mother's womb, making the 23-week pregnant woman often feel hungry and can eat a lot. Although a larger-than-normal portion of a pregnant woman's diet will provide enough energy for both mother and child, the pregnancy hormone progesterone has the effect of making the digestive tract "relax", thereby slowing down the digestion process. chemical.
This is because nutrients take longer to be absorbed into the bloodstream and travel to the fetus. To overcome this situation, women should stock up on fruits and some healthy snacks to consume when hungry, as well as drink more water to promote the functioning of the organs.
Snoring Snoring is a fairly common symptom of pregnancy week 23 and can be annoying because it will disrupt the sleep of both couples. Weight gain during pregnancy causes nasal congestion and swollen mucous membranes in the nose as the main cause of this condition. Snoring can be reduced by wearing a decongestant bandage at bedtime, combined with using a humidifier in the bedroom.
Bleeding gums Pregnant women's gums / gums will be more swollen than usual at 23 weeks of pregnancy also due to the impact of hormone changes. Ways to reduce gum irritation include: Avoiding chewing gum or sweet gum, brushing and flossing regularly, or seeing a dentist when bleeding gums worsen.
Pain and itchiness in the hands Swelling during pregnancy can put pressure on the nerves in the wrist, causing pain and tingling sensations similar to median nerve / carpal tunnel syndrome ( carpal tunnel syndrome). If the 23-week pregnant woman has to work regularly with the computer, she should stretch her arms regularly and make sure to keep the correct posture when sitting at the desk: Wrists straight, arms perpendicular, elbows higher than hands .

Bà bầu có thể gặp tình trạng đau ngứa bàn tay
Bà bầu có thể gặp tình trạng đau ngứa bàn tay

3. Advice for pregnant women at 23 weeks

Pregnant women at 23 weeks should continue to moisturize the skin with some specialized creams, to avoid the condition of the skin becoming more and more stretched, becoming dry and itchy. Entering the 23rd week of pregnancy, women who are working in an office environment can also start learning about maternity leave with the human resources department to take steps to prepare. Here are some other tips for pregnant women at 23 weeks to refer to:
3.1. Iron supplement The fetus needs a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the mother's body. In addition to prenatal vitamins, your obstetrician will also prescribe iron supplements during the second half of pregnancy. A 23-week pregnant woman needs to get 30 milligrams of iron per day to produce enough red blood cells and reduce the risk of anemia. Iron deficiency will make the body tired, weak, short of breath and dizzy. Although this does not harm the baby, it takes a lot of energy from the pregnant woman.
3.2. Improve back pain If you are 23 weeks pregnant with upper back pain, it can be resolved by changing to a new bra that fits better. The weight of growing breasts is the cause of back pain in some women. Lower back pain is also a common symptom during the 23rd week of pregnancy. Pregnant women can look to massage or hot compress measures to improve this condition.
3.3. Try to sleep well According to a study, up to 78% of pregnant women cannot get a good night's sleep every day, especially those who are first time mothers. All the changes going on in the body make it difficult for a pregnant woman's brain to fully rest. If you feel uncomfortable, you should try using a pillow designed specifically for pregnant women or change the lying position to make it most comfortable (sleep on your side and bend your legs to hug the pillow).
3.4. Drink water regularly Pregnant women at 23 weeks should keep a full bottle of water with them at all times. Water helps blood flow easily, cleans amniotic fluid and boosts milk production. Depending on the condition, body weight as well as activity level, pregnant women need to drink from 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. In addition to water, you can also add other healthy drinks, but you should consult your obstetrician before starting to use.

Mẹ bầu nên bổ sung đủ nước
Mẹ bầu nên bổ sung đủ nước
3.5. Prevents Urinary Tract Infections During pregnancy, the bladder becomes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and can lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs). Ways to prevent this include: Drinking plenty of water and some suitable fruit juices (no sugar); Check urine color; Do not hold urine; Leaning forward when urinating to empty the bladder; Clean the private area after going to the toilet and having sex; Wear cotton underwear; Shower instead of bath.
3.6. Choose organic food With the advantage of less pesticide residues and preservatives, organic products are really beneficial for both mother and fetus. The substances that a 23-week pregnant woman consumes will be passed on to the baby in the uterus and then also into breast milk. However, it should not be subjective that organic means absolute safety. Even without pesticides and chemicals, organic food can still be contaminated with bacteria. Therefore, pregnant women need to cook all organic fish and meat carefully and wash organic vegetables and fruits carefully.
In addition, from the 23rd week of pregnancy onwards, women need to focus on learning relaxation methods. It can be breathing exercises, yoga or other exercises for pregnant women. This will help you get through pregnancy worries, impending labor contractions, and be very helpful in the future of a busy mom's life.
Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package Maternity Care Program for pregnant women right from the first months of pregnancy with a full range of antenatal care visits, periodical 3D and 4D ultrasounds and routine tests to ensure that the mother is healthy and the fetus is developing comprehensively. Pregnant women will no longer be alone when entering labor because having a loved one to help them during childbirth always brings peace of mind and happiness.
Master. Doctor. Ly Thi Thanh Nha has worked at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital and Quang Tri Provincial General Hospital before working at Vinmec Danang International General Hospital as it is today. Dr. Nha has strengths and experience in diagnosing, monitoring and treating pregnancy, pregnancy pathology. Pregnancy screening. Perform caesarean section techniques. Laparoscopic surgery to treat ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy.

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Article reference source:, whattoexpect,
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