The benefits of breastfeeding your baby

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The article was written by a doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Currently, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund both recommend early breastfeeding. Also according to Dr. Nguyen Cong Nghia, former head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Vinmec Times City: ''In the first 6 months, only breast milk is given to babies without any food or drink. From the 7th month, start to give the baby complementary foods and breastfeed as much as possible. Breastfeeding should be continued for up to 24 months or longer, not weaning before 12 months of age."

1. Why is breast milk the best food for babies in the first year of life?

Breast milk is the most complete and most suitable food for babies, because breast milk contains all necessary nutrients such as protein, sugar, fat, energy, vitamins and mineral salts in an appropriate ratio for absorption. and young body development. Breastfeeding, children will grow up quickly, prevent malnutrition. Mother's milk is a source of nutrition that is easily digested and absorbed by the baby. Breast milk has a lower amount of protein than animal milk, so it is very suitable for the elimination function when the baby's kidneys are immature. Besides, the protein in breast milk is mainly soluble liquid protein, also known as whey protein, so it is suitable for the baby's digestive and absorption capacity. Whey Protein contains antibacterial proteins that help children fight off bacterial infections. Meanwhile, the protein in cow's milk is mainly casein (85%), so when entering the stomach of young children, it will form clots that make it difficult for children to digest and absorb, children often have digestive disorders. Lipids (fats) in breast milk account for 50% of energy, unsaturated fatty acids are more than saturated fatty acids. Breast milk has enough essential fatty acids, helping the process of brain and retina completion and stabilizing blood vessels such as: monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid), polyunsaturated fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids). α-linoleic, linoleic acid), precursor of DHA (Decosahexaenoic acid) and ARA (arachidonic acid). There are no fatty acids in animal milk. Carbohydrates (glucid and sugar) in breast milk are more than cow's milk, providing energy, 85% is lactose to enhance calcium absorption and 15% is oligosaccharide to support the growth of beneficial bacteria for the baby. Breast milk has enough vitamins (A, B1, B2, C,...), minerals (Calcium, phosphorus,...) and trace elements (iron, zinc, copper, selenium,...) meet the needs of young children, help children prevent micronutrient deficiency and protect the body against oxidation.

Sữa mẹ là thức ăn hoàn chỉnh nhất, thích hợp nhất đối với trẻ.
Sữa mẹ là thức ăn hoàn chỉnh nhất, thích hợp nhất đối với trẻ.

2. Protecting children against infection

Breast milk contains many antibacterial substances, strengthens the child's resistance, fights bacterial infections, especially diarrhea and respiratory infections. Because of the antibacterial effect of breast milk, breastfed babies are less likely to get sick. Breastfed babies are less prone to allergies, eczema/eczema.
Breast milk contains white blood cells (lymphocytes, macrophages), immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM), some factors that stimulate the growth of Lactobacillus Bifidus bacteria (Lactose, Oligosaccharid, factor Bifidus), helps children fight infections such as diarrhea, respiratory infections, ear infections, meningitis and urinary tract infections. Breast milk also contains antibodies against infections the mother has had. When the mother has an infection, (1) the white blood cells become active and produce antibodies to protect the mother, (2) some white blood cells travel to the breast and produce antibodies there, (3 ) these antibodies are secreted into the milk to protect the baby against infection. Therefore, when a mother is infected with an infection, she can still breastfeed her baby, she should not be separated from mother and child.

Nuôi con bằng sữa mẹ sẽ giúp trẻ chỗng nhiễm khuẩn.
Nuôi con bằng sữa mẹ sẽ giúp trẻ chỗng nhiễm khuẩn.

Many studies in developed countries have proved that the incidence of diarrhea, respiratory disease, otitis media and allergies,... in infants who are exclusively breastfed for the first 7 months is lower than that of mixed-fed infants. Initial research results of the Alive & Thrive project in 2010 in 15 provinces/cities in Vietnam also show that: Children who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months have less diarrhea (5.7%) compared to children who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months. infants who are breastfed and eat other foods and drinks.

Mối liên quan giữa tỷ lệ trẻ mắc tiêu chảy và cách nuôi dưỡng trẻ nhỏ.
Mối liên quan giữa tỷ lệ trẻ mắc tiêu chảy và cách nuôi dưỡng trẻ nhỏ.

3. Help improve the psychology of mothers and children

When breastfeeding, frequent contact and closeness to the baby will help bond the mother and child. Mothers feel comfortable, secure and reduce anxiety and depression after giving birth. Children who are in close contact with their mother and are cuddled will cry less, feel more secure, and mentally and intellectually develop better.

4. Help the mother recover quickly

Reduce the risk of bleeding, postpartum anemia. Reduces the risk of breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers. Delayed return to pregnancy (especially the period of exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months will be highly effective in preventing pregnancy safely). Quick recovery of original weight and physique.

5. More economical than formula feeding

Breastfeeding will be more convenient and economic because mothers can breastfeed at any time, regardless of time, without cooking, preparing utensils, and without spending money to buy. As long as the mother eats well and is mentally comfortable, she will have enough milk to breastfeed.

Cho con bú sữa mẹ sẽ thuận lợi và kinh tế hơn.
Cho con bú sữa mẹ sẽ thuận lợi và kinh tế hơn.

6. Reduce the risk of obesity and chronic disease for children later in life

Breast milk protects babies from excessive weight gain (overweight, obesity) especially in the first two years of life and reduces the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood (diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, .. .). Because breast milk has the hormones Leptin, Ghrelin, IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor 1) involved in regulating eating and energy balance.

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