Tebexerol Immunoxel functional food: Uses, how to use

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Article by Pharmacist Pham Thi Kim Dung - Faculty of Pharmacy - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

Functional food Tebexerol Immunoxel is a product imported from Germany, which is expected to help improve liver function in people with poor resistance, impaired function or high liver enzymes.

1. What ingredients does Tebexerol Immunoxel have?

Functional food Tebexerol Immunoxel is manufactured and imported from Germany, with the composition of concentrated extract from 27 herbs soaked in alcohol, including:
Aloe vera (Aloe capensis): 4.5 mg/ 15ml Birch leaves (Betulae folium): 2.2 mg/15ml Glechomae herba: 4.5 mg/15ml Oregano (Origanum vulgare): 2.8 mg/15 ml Golden root (Rhodilae rhizoma): 4.5 mg/15 ml Centauri Herba :2.2 mg/15ml Calendulae flos :4.5 mg/15ml Nettle ( Urticae folium ): 2.2 mg/15 ml Juniper (Luniperi pseudofructus ): 2.2 mg/15ml Sea Buckthorn ( Hippophae Fructus ): 2.2 mg/15ml Wormwood ( Artemisiae herba ): 2.7 mg/15ml Licorice ( Liquiritiae radix ): ): 4.5 mg/15ml Equiseti herba: 2.2 mg/15ml Chaga Mushroom (Inonotus obliquus): 4.5 mg/15ml Rosehip (Rosae pseudofructus): 4.5 mg/15 ml Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococci radix): 4.5 mg/15ml Echinaceapurpureae herba: 4.5 mg/15ml Wild strawberry leaves (Fragariae) folium ):1.4 mg/15ml Wild thyme (Serpylli herba): 1.2 mg/15ml Tiliae flos: 4.5 mg/15ml Parsley (Petroselini radix): 4.2 mg /15ml Sage (Salviae officinalis folium ):4.2 mg/15ml Chinese dragonfly (Agrimoniae herba ): 1.9 mg/15ml Green tea (Theae viridis folium ): 2.1 mg/15ml Sesame (Theae viridis folium ): 2.1 mg/15ml Symphyti radix ): 1.7 mg/15ml Potentillae albae herba: 2.7 mg/15ml Violae herba: 2.4 mg/15ml

2. Uses of functional food Tebexerol Immunoxel

The product is expected to help improve resistance, enhance health, improve liver function in people with poor resistance, impaired function or high liver enzymes.

3. Usage and dosage of functional food Tebexerol Immunoxel

Adults: 15ml Tebexerol/day diluted with about half a cup of water
5-10 years old: 6ml Tebexrol/day diluted with water 10-15 years old: 9ml Tebexerol/day diluted with water Manufacturer recommends Suggest users to use the product 40 minutes before or after eating. However, you should use the product after eating to avoid discomfort on the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, you should maintain daily use to feel the effect over time.
Tebexerol Immunoxel product contains alcohol, do not exceed the recommended dose. You should dilute with water and shake well before use.

4. Notes when using functional food Tebexerol Immunoxel

The product contains a variety of herbs. Therefore, patients should be consulted by a specialist before using if they are using drugs with a narrow therapeutic range or a high risk of toxicity such as drugs acting on the central nervous system, anticoagulants, anticoagulants, etc. cancer drugs...You may have to monitor when you start using new drugs or supplements. Tebexerol Immunoxel product contains sugar, so if you are suffering from uncontrolled high blood sugar, you also need to be consulted and monitored by a specialist before and while starting to use the product. Tebexerol Immunoxel is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. This product is not a medicine and is not meant to replace medical treatment. Therefore, patients need to adhere to the treatment of chronic diseases with prescribed drugs, because this plays an important role in protecting and maintaining health. Patients do not arbitrarily quit chronic treatment when using any health protection products or functional foods.
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