Surprising Reasons You're Gaining Weight

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Weight gain is an increase in body mass that is related to muscle mass, fat accumulation, and excess fluid. Therefore, if you do not control your weight as well as find the cause of weight gain, it can create a premise for the body to have many dangerous diseases. So what is the main cause of weight gain?

1. What are the characteristics of weight gain?

Weight gain occurs when there is more energy (such as calories from food and drink consumption) than the energy expended for daily living activities, including normal physiological processes and do exercise .
If your body weight is within the norm and you're still gaining weight, it could be due to an increase in body fat. This causes the body to become overweight or obese and is often interpreted as having a lot of body fat (adipose tissue). Body mass index (BMI), which is a measure of body weight proportional to height, can be used to check for standardized weight ranges.
Excess adipose tissue is a common condition, especially when the body is provided with an abundant food source but has a sedentary lifestyle and exercise. Being overweight and obese can be a risk factor for a number of diseases such as: diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,... Moreover, it It is also a factor in altering the body's response to insulin (insulin resistance), a proinflammatory state, and an increased propensity to thrombosis (prothrombotic state).

Có thể dựa vào chỉ số khối cơ thể (BMI) để kiểm tra các mức cân nặng theo tiêu chuẩn.
Có thể dựa vào chỉ số khối cơ thể (BMI) để kiểm tra các mức cân nặng theo tiêu chuẩn.

2. Causes of weight gain

2.1. Sleepless

There are two problems in the functioning of sleep and weight gain. First, if you stay up late, the odds of having late-night snacks go up. That means more calories than normal.
Another reason is related to the activities that take place in the body if you lack sleep. It is the hormone change that increases hunger and cravings. In addition, lack of sleep also makes you not feel full after eating.

2.2. Stress - stress

When the demands of life become too intense, our body goes into survival mode. At this time, Cortisol - the stress hormone is secreted and causes appetite. That will give us quick access to high-calorie foods during times of stress. This combination will be the perfect cause of weight gain.

Stress - căng thẳng là nguyên nhân gây tăng cân
Stress - căng thẳng là nguyên nhân gây tăng cân

2.3. Antidepressants

A common side effect from some antidepressants is weight gain. You should talk to your doctor about changing your treatment plan if you think your antidepressants are causing weight gain. But you should remember that you should never stop suddenly or change your medication without consulting your doctor.
Studies have also shown that some people gain weight after starting treatment with the drug. This may be because they feel better and will make them eat better and crave more. In addition, depression can also be the cause of changes in weight.

2.4. Steroids

Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as prednisone are known to have a high risk of weight gain. This is due to the effect of this drug on water retention and increased appetite. Some people may also see a temporary change in their body (such as in the face, abdomen, and back of the neck) of fat retention while using steroids.
If you use steroids for about a week and do not stop using them suddenly. Because, that can lead to serious problems. Before you want to change your medication or treatment plan, you need to consult with your doctor or specialists to avoid adverse health effects.

2.5. Drugs that can cause weight gain

Certain prescription drugs have been linked to weight gain. These drugs include antipsychotics (used to treat disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder), medicines for migraines, drugs for seizures, drugs to treat high blood pressure and diabetes.
Before using prescription drugs, you should talk to your doctor so that you can find the right treatment for your existing symptoms and limit the side effects caused by the drug.

Nhiều loại thuốc có thể gây tăng cân
Nhiều loại thuốc có thể gây tăng cân

2.6. Birth control pills

Contrary to popular belief, combined oral contraceptives (estrogen and progestin) have not been shown to cause long-term weight gain. It is thought that some women taking the combination pill may experience some signs of weight gain related to water retention, but this is usually short-term. If you're still concerned about possible weight gain, talk to your doctor.

2.7. Hypothyroidism

If your thyroid does not make enough thyroid hormone, you may feel tired, weak, cold and gain weight. Not enough thyroid hormone causes metabolism to slow down, making weight gain more likely. Even an underactive thyroid can cause weight gain. So, treating hypothyroidism with medication can reverse some weight problems.

2.8. Menopause

Most women gain weight around the time of menopause, but hormones are probably not the only cause. In addition, aging also slows down your metabolism, so you burn fewer calories. And lifestyle changes (less exercise) also play a role.
Places of weight gain that may be associated with menopause are often due to fat accumulation around the waist, hips and thighs.

Phụ nữ ở giai đoạn mãn kinh rất dễ tăng cân
Phụ nữ ở giai đoạn mãn kinh rất dễ tăng cân

2.9. Cushing's syndrome

Weight gain is one of the common symptoms of Cushing's syndrome, which is a condition where exposure to too much of the stress hormone Cortisol causes weight gain and other unusual symptoms.
You can get Cushing's syndrome if you use steroids for asthma, arthritis or lupus erythematosus. It can also happen when your adrenal glands make too much cortisol or it can be related to a tumor. The location of weight gain can be concentrated around the face, neck, upper back or waist.

2.10. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common hormonal problem in women of childbearing age. Most women with polycystic ovary syndrome develop many small cysts on the ovaries. This condition leads to a hormone imbalance that also affects the menstrual cycle and can lead to excessive body hair growth as well as acne. Women with this condition also have insulin resistance (the hormone that controls blood sugar). Therefore, can cause weight gain. Weight tends to increase around the abdomen, putting these women at a higher risk of heart disease.

2.11. Cigarette

Quitting smoking is one of the best actions because it can help the body's health become better. When you quit smoking, you can gain weight. On average, people who stop smoking gain at least 4.5 kg. However, after a few weeks you can adjust your weight balance and this will make it easier for you to lose weight.

Bỏ thuốc lá bạn có thể tăng cân
Bỏ thuốc lá bạn có thể tăng cân

3. Some weight control rules if you gain weight

3.1. Rule 1

Do not stop taking any medicine without consulting your doctor. Therefore, you need to have the right awareness of the importance of the drug that you are taking.
Medicines can be very important to your health. In addition, it has a number of other problems that can cause you to gain weight. So, see your doctor so you can find out the cause and the appropriate remedy.

3.2. Rule 2

Do not compare yourself to others when taking the same medicine. Not everyone experiences the same side effects on the same medication. Even if, some drugs can cause users to lose weight and this may not happen to you

3.3. Rule 3

Remember that weight gain is only due to water retention, it is not permanent body weight or fat. Once you have finished taking your medication or your condition is under control, the puffiness caused by water retention may lessen. Meanwhile, stick to a lower sodium diet.

3.4. Rule 4

If you have signs of weight gain, ask your doctor to check the medicine you are taking. In many cases, your doctor may be able to switch you to a different medication that doesn't have the same side effects as the previous medication.

Khi có dấu hiệu tăng cân bất thường, bạn nên tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ về loại thuốc đang dùng
Khi có dấu hiệu tăng cân bất thường, bạn nên tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ về loại thuốc đang dùng

3.5. Rule 5

Find out if the weight gain is from a decrease in metabolism or a medical condition or medication use. And if it's due to a drop in metabolism, then make time to engage in metabolism-boosting activities.
Maintaining a moderate weight combined with exercise and maintaining a suitable diet will help us prevent many diseases. Therefore, it is very important to find out the reasons that cause the body to gain too much weight, which is difficult to control.
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