Surgical methods for intestinal prolapse and possible risks

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Hello doctor! I'm Hoa, 23 years old, male gender. I have prolapsed bowel when exercising vigorously, since childhood, in primary and junior high school, the disease makes it difficult if I exercise vigorously such as running and jumping. When I was in high school and now in university, I can run and play sports, but I know that this disease is congenital and cannot be cured on its own. I would like to consult my doctor about surgical methods to treat intestinal prolapse and possible risks of surgery. Thank you doctor.
Nguyen Huu Hoa (1997)
Hello! According to the symptoms you describe, it may be preliminary to diagnose you with an inguinal hernia, a condition in which the intestines or other abdominal organs prolapse through a weak spot in the abdominal wall in the inguinal canal, where the vascular structures are located. , nerves and vas deferens connecting the testicles and other organs in the abdomen.
In your case, surgery is the absolute indication for treatment, the doctor will deal mainly with the abdominal wall, usually placing an artificial graft to help the body restructure that weak position, helping The visceral organs in the abdomen do not prolapse during vigorous exercise.
The risks of surgery are generally quite low, are risks related to surgical complications such as damage to blood vessels, nerves or vas deferens, especially when the hernia sac forms for a long time, profuse inflammation, risk of allergic reactions to drugs, anesthesia (or spinal anesthesia ...) . You should consult a gastroenterologist for more specific advice.
You can go to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System for more specific advice and examination by specialist doctors. Thank you for sending the question “surgical methods to treat intestinal prolapse” and possible risks to Vinmec. Best regards!
Master, Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Thang - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec International General Hospital Da Nang.
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