Statins - When is the best time to take it?

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Statins are a group of drugs that lower cholesterol in the blood and are used quite commonly. Taking the medicine at the right time is very important, it will increase the effectiveness of the drug, avoid unwanted effects.

1. Effects of Statins

Statins work in two ways. It can inhibit the enzyme that the body needs to produce cholesterol or help reduce the plaque (caused by cholesterol build-up) that forms in the arteries. Statins can help reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
Today, there are many statin drugs with different brand names. Some common statins include:
Simvastatin Lovastatin Fluvastatin Atorvastatin Pitavastatin Rosuvastatin.

2. How to choose the right statin

Statin drugs are available in different dosage forms and dosage forms. Depending on the patient, the doctor will choose the right type of statin, mainly depending on factors such as: Current cholesterol levels in the blood, heart problems, medical conditions (diabetes) type 2, family history of cardiovascular disease, current medications... to avoid drug interactions).

Thuốc statin sẽ được bác sĩ điều trị kê đơn phù hợp với tình trạng bệnh lý của người bệnh
Thuốc statin sẽ được bác sĩ điều trị kê đơn phù hợp với tình trạng bệnh lý của người bệnh
For a patient at high risk for cardiovascular disease, the doctor will prescribe either a high-dose statin or a long-acting statin. Conversely, if the patient has few cardiovascular problems, treatment can be initiated with a low dose or with a short-acting statin.

3. The right time to take medicine

Some statins work best when taken in the evening, while the rest of the class are equally effective when taken in the morning. The best time to take lipid-lowering medications depends on the specific drug.
3.1 Short-acting statins (taken in the evening) Short-acting statins are most effective at lowering cholesterol when taken in the evening. That is because the liver enzyme - HMG - CoA - reductase - which plays a role in cholesterol synthesis - is active at night, ie the production of cholesterol from the liver during sleep is greatest.
Most short-acting statins have a half-life of 6 hours. The half-life is the time it takes for half of a drug concentration to be eliminated from the body. Therefore, these statins are indicated to be taken at bedtime to achieve the highest drug concentration when the body synthesizes the strongest endogenous cholesterol and the drug provides the best cholesterol-lowering effect.
These short-acting statins include: Lovastatin, fluvastatin (immediate-release tablets), pravastatin, simvastatin.

Thuốc Lovastatin thuộc nhóm statin tác dụng ngắn
Thuốc Lovastatin thuộc nhóm statin tác dụng ngắn

3.2 Long-acting statins (morning pill) Long-acting statins have a half-life of up to 19 hours. Long-acting statins are equally effective in lowering cholesterol when taken in the morning or evening.
Therefore, patients being treated with long-acting statins can choose their own time of day for convenience. It is important to keep taking the medication at a fixed time of day, in order to maintain stable blood levels of the drug.
Long-acting statins include: Atorvastatin, fluvastain (extended release tablet), rosuvastatin.

4. Notes when taking medicine

For most cases, statins do not have many serious side effects. Common side effects include: Muscle pain, fatigue, cramps, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, headache, dizziness, myositis (which can be serious). Statins can interact with many drugs, so inform your doctor about any medications, vitamins, herbs or other supplements you are taking to avoid dangerous interactions. Statins may interact with grapefruit (a hybrid between a grapefruit and an orange). Therefore, avoid eating or drinking grapefruit juice while taking a statin. People with heart problems can talk to their doctor or nutritionist to adjust their diet such as: Eat less cholesterol and saturated fat, no transfat, rich in fruits and vegetables. Quit smoking, as smoking is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular problems. Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. In this way, it is possible to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Trước khi sử dụng thuốc, người bệnh cần được tư vấn về cách dùng thuốc hiệu quả
Trước khi sử dụng thuốc, người bệnh cần được tư vấn về cách dùng thuốc hiệu quả

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