Side effects of antipyretics

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Using antipyretic drugs is a habit of many people. However, some drugs are now used not only to reduce fever but also to relieve pain. Therefore, overusing fever-reducing drugs can cause side effects that affect health and make the disease worse.

1. Antipyretics

Fever is a self-defense response of the body when a pathogen invades such as an infection, a virus, etc. However, if the temperature is too high, it will cause the physiological functions of many organs to be disturbed. Therefore, antipyretic is necessary and drugs used have 3 main groups including:
Salicylate: has antipyretic effect and relieves pain such as headache, muscle aches, common colds, aches and pains due to inflammation. Joints Paracetamol: is a common active ingredient and is used to reduce symptoms of fever, headache,... Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: has a prolonged antipyretic time and has a stronger antipyretic effect than paracetamol. Antipyretics are quite safe and can be used at home. However, if abused and used too much will cause unwanted side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to consult and use the dosage

Sốt là một phản ứng tự vệ của cơ thể khi có tác nhân gây bệnh xâm nhập như nhiễm khuẩn, virus
Sốt là một phản ứng tự vệ của cơ thể khi có tác nhân gây bệnh xâm nhập như nhiễm khuẩn, virus

2. Side effects of antipyretic drugs

Some common side effects when using antipyretics include:
Nausea Vomiting Difficulty sleeping Allergic reactions: Shortness of breath, wheezing, hives, swelling of the face,... Skin reactions: rash, rash,... In addition, fever-reducing drugs when taken in excess can cause damage to other organs such as:
Liver damage: Some antipyretic drugs such as paracetamol can cause liver damage, liver failure, ... Especially in people with hepatitis, using alcohol every day absolutely do not use drugs. Kidney damage: Kidney problems can occur if overuse of antipyretics can even cause kidney failure. Stomach damage: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause stomach disorders, more serious leading to bleeding, stomach ulcers,... Heart problems: heart attack, stroke To prevent The side effects of antipyretic drugs, before using, need to consult a doctor and use the prescribed dose and time. Special attention should be paid to the elderly and young children, this is the most sensitive group and prone to unwanted effects.
In short, antipyretic drugs are used when the body's response exceeds the allowable temperature, in order to lower the body temperature to prevent complications or dysfunction of other organs. However, if overuse of antipyretic drugs and overdose can cause unwanted effects such as liver failure, kidney failure, ... can even lead to death due to the above causes. Therefore, it is necessary to consult and use the drug as prescribed by the doctor.

Paracetamol là hoạt chất phổ biến và có tác dụng được dùng để giảm các triệu chứng sốt, đau đầu
Paracetamol là hoạt chất phổ biến và có tác dụng được dùng để giảm các triệu chứng sốt, đau đầu
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