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Articles in Liver damage

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What is drug-induced liver damage?
Drug-induced liver injury is a general term that refers to the effects on the liver by modern drugs, functional foods, and drugs derived from plants. Effects on the liver are determined through liver function tests or clinical signs of impaired liver function. The incidence of drug-induced liver injury is approximately 10-15/100,000-100,000 annual drug users in the United States. In addition, drugs are responsible for more than 50% of cases of acute liver failure.
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Medicines for pain and liver damage
Acetaminophen is a common medication used to relieve pain and reduce fever. This medicine is very helpful and safe when taken according to the directions on the medicine label. If taken in excess, acetaminophen can damage the liver and possibly cause liver failure.
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What drugs cause liver damage?
Not only alcohol, but also many therapeutic drugs are also capable of causing liver toxicity, hepatitis, liver failure and hepatocellular necrosis, affecting the health of drug users, even causing danger if abuse drugs or arbitrarily buy drugs for themselves or their families.
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Using pain relievers safely: Question and answer set you need to know
Acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol) is an over-the-counter medication widely used to relieve pain and reduce fever. However, when taken in excess, acetaminophen can cause serious liver damage and death. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has made some specific recommendations for the safe use of acetaminophen.
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Side effects of antipyretics
Using antipyretic drugs is a habit of many people. However, some drugs are now used not only to reduce fever but also to relieve pain. Therefore, overusing fever-reducing drugs can cause side effects that affect health and make the disease worse.
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Do not double the dose of Acetaminophen
When you have flu symptoms, you usually take cough and cold medicine every few hours with the hope of getting better. At the end of the day, if you have a headache, think about taking a few acetaminophen tablets to control the pain. These are the wrong acetaminophen dosing habits that need to be stopped immediately.
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Nevirapine (NVP) 1st line ARV side effects
Nevirapine was approved for use in 1996 in the US. Nevirapine belongs to the class of non-nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). After the HIV virus enters the host cell, the HIV RNA strand is released, and the single strand RNA is reverse transcribed to form DNA by reverse transcriptase. The drug inhibits the formation of DNA, reduces the amount of HIV virus.
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Is taking too much pain reliever harmful?
Most pain relievers have side effects on the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the heart, blood pressure and kidneys. In order for the treatment to achieve the best results, the patient needs to actively inform the doctor about the existing health conditions such as gastritis, cardiovascular disease and concomitant medications. From there, the doctor will consider appointing the right pain reliever and cause as few harmful side effects as possible.
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What is Sylhepgan? Effects of the drug Sylhepgan 500
Sylhepgan 500 is often used to treat hyperammonemia such as hepatic encephalopathy, fatty liver, hepatitis caused by many causes such as alcohol, viruses, chemicals, liver damage caused by drugs, ...
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Uses of Amperison
Amperison 0.5mg is indicated for the treatment of hepatitis B virus infection in adults and children over 16 years of age. Before and during treatment with Amperison, patients need to consult their doctor's instructions and strictly follow the recommended dose to achieve the best effect.
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Uses of Effalgin
Effalgin is a basic and common medication used to treat mild to moderate pain and fever. This drug is widely used for adults and children, pregnant women. The following article gives us a detailed understanding of this medicinal product.
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