Side effects and notes when using testosterone gel

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The article was written by Pharmacist Huynh Xuan Loc - Faculty of Pharmacy - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
There are many forms of testosterone-containing drugs such as injections, solutions or topical gels, nasal spray gels, patches, lozenges.... with different concentrations depending on the condition and convenience for the patient. The most common is a topical gel (Brand: Androgel) with indications for hormone replacement therapy in patients with reduced sexual function in men due to symptomatic and laboratory-confirmed testosterone deficiency.

1. What is Testosterone and how does it work?

Testosterone is the main male hormone that helps develop male sex organs, stimulates hair growth and creates male voice characteristics. Patients with testosterone deficiency will lead to decreased sex drive, or delayed puberty, growth retardation in boys. To identify this deficiency, the patient needs to go to the doctor and perform some biochemical blood tests.
Topical gel (Brand: Androgel) is contraindicated for people with existing or suspected prostate cancer or breast carcinoma as well as hypersensitivity to testosterone or its components.

2. How to use testosterone gel correctly?

Testosterone gel is packaged in small packs of 1.25 - 5g gel equivalent to 1.25 - 50mg of testosterone. The drug is used 1 time per day at a certain time and should be taken in the morning.

Gel testosterone được đóng gói chia thành từng gói nhỏ 1.25 - 5g gel
Gel testosterone được đóng gói chia thành từng gói nhỏ 1.25 - 5g gel
The drug is applied to dry, clean skin with no open wounds on the shoulders, arms or abdomen. Apply the entire contents of the pack to the skin and gently massage in a thin layer to dry before dressing. The drug is absorbed and dries very quickly within 3-5 minutes, so the patient does not need to rub vigorously and do not apply the medicine to the genital area due to the risk of skin irritation.
Gloves should be worn when another person, especially a woman, applies medicine to a patient because the drug penetrates very quickly through the skin, which can cause unwanted effects such as hirsutism and hair loss, voice changes or changes in the voice. menstrual cycle change.

3. What are the common side effects?

The most common side effects are reactions at the site of application such as erythema, acne and dry skin; These symptoms usually resolve on their own after stopping the medication. More serious reactions include allergic reactions (redness of the skin, itching, hives, facial swelling...) or difficulty breathing.
When experiencing these allergic symptoms, the patient should contact a doctor or visit the nearest medical facility. The drug can also cause headaches, feeling weak, insomnia, emotional changes ... due to hormonal disturbances. Patients should also be screened for blood pressure and cardiovascular disease prior to treatment as the drug can cause hypertension and worsen existing cardiovascular disease.

Một số phản ứng trên da tại nơi bôi thuốc sẽ tự khỏi sau khi ngừng sử dụng
Một số phản ứng trên da tại nơi bôi thuốc sẽ tự khỏi sau khi ngừng sử dụng

4 . Note when using testosterone gel

Use the correct dose as indicated, do not increase or decrease the dose on your own without the decision of the treating doctor.
Inform your doctor about existing health problems such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, kidney or liver failure, especially prostate or breast cancer.
Because the medicine penetrates the skin quickly, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap and water after using the medicine or before touching the skin of others. Wear a shirt to cover the application area after the gel has dried and bathe or wash the area of ​​application before contact with others. It is best to leave the medicine on the skin for about 5-6 hours after applying it for optimal effect.
In case other people accidentally come into contact with the medicine or the area where the medicine is applied, it is necessary to wash hands or skin that has been in contact with soap and water. Monitor unwanted effects and notify the doctor for appropriate management.
Be careful to avoid contact with children or pregnant women. If this occurs, wash thoroughly within 1 to 6 hours after exposure.

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