Sick children refuse to eat what to do?

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Sick children cannot be a happy and pleasant child. Babies in particular and young children in general will cry and become unusually irritable during their illness. It's a good idea to bring your child to see the pediatrician, follow the doctor's treatment and other instructions. However, many mothers will have to face the situation that their children are sick and lazy to eat without knowing how to solve them. While waiting for the child to recover from the illness, parents need to take some steps to help the child get enough nutrition to help recover quickly.

1. What to do when a sick child refuses to eat?

It is normal for a child to be sick with a lack of appetite and this is not always a bad thing. When a child is sick, their digestive system is often weak, so slowing down eating will give the child's stomach and intestines a chance to recover, especially if the child is vomiting. The same goes for children with infections that cause fever and decrease appetite.
For most minor illnesses such as minor illnesses; They usually don't need a special diet. To answer the question of what to do when sick children refuse to eat, parents can refer to the following measures:
Encourage children to drink lots of water. If your baby has a fever, a respiratory infection such as a cold or flu, or a digestive illness accompanied by diarrhea, it is important for him or her to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Breastfed or formula-fed babies should be fed as often as they like, unless otherwise advised by their doctor. For babies who have started solids, offer liquids and foods with a high water content such as diluted juices, gelatin, and soups. Give your child fluids regularly throughout the day, even a few sips at a time - it's all good. Children with anorexia may be able to resume regular feedings once they have tolerated liquids for a few hours. If your baby has diarrhea or vomiting a lot, your doctor may prescribe a baby-specific rehydration fluid and electrolytes supplement. Note, do not choose sports drinks at the store because they contain a lot of sugar and can make diarrhea worse. A sign that babies are getting enough water is that they are still urinating normally and still wet diapers. Prioritize serving dishes according to children's preferences. Children get sick with lazy eating because then certain foods don't look appealing to them. In this case, prioritize choosing foods that your child likes, like crackers and noodles. However, there is no need to restrict your child's diet to only bland foods if he can tolerate more. Don't force your child to eat: Sometimes, a sick child may be able to eat only smaller and more frequent meals during the day. But if your child still won't eat, don't force him, even if he hasn't eaten in 24 hours. Keep in mind that your child's fast won't last long, but let your pediatrician know about your baby's current feeding status. This has the purpose of detecting the earliest danger signs of the child, if any, and just so that the child is safe. Once they recover from their illness, their appetite will usually return as well. Watch now: Instructions for taking care of children who have just woken up

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Giải đáp trẻ ốm không chịu ăn phải làm sao?

2. Some ways to take care of sick children

Sick children don't eat what to do? Besides this common question, parents should find more ways to take good care of a sick child such as:

2.1. Give your child more time to rest

Rest and plenty of sleep will make sick babies feel good and help them heal. Put your child to bed early if possible and encourage him to take a nap. Avoid situations that are too stimulating for your baby and keep them as quiet as possible. Contact with others is not recommended because of the increased risk of infection.

2.2. Nose drops for children

If your baby's nose is blocked, you can use saline drops, gels or sprays to thin the mucus and relieve congestion. See your child's doctor first and ask if they recommend any specific products. Put two drops of physiological saline in each nostril before feeding and at bedtime, or whenever baby has a lot of stuffy nose.
After instilling or spraying the nose, use the syringe to suck out the mucus in your baby's nose to make it easier for him to breathe. Clean the nostrils two to three times a day with a nasal aspirator, especially before feeding and at bedtime.

2.3. Humidifier

Placing a cold-mist humidifier in an infant's room will help keep the air moist and reduce congestion. A cooler mist humidifier is recommended, as warm mist humidifiers run the risk of scale build-up. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions to change the filter periodically and keep the humidifier clean, and fill it with fresh water every day to prevent mold and bacteria.

2.4. Take a warm bath

A warm bath not only helps soothe a sick infant, but also soothes aches and pains with the heat from the warm water. However, parents need to pay attention to dry the baby thoroughly afterwards to avoid the baby getting cold.

Nhỏ mũi cho trẻ để giúp bé dễ chịu hơn
Nhỏ mũi cho trẻ để giúp bé dễ chịu hơn

2.5. Raise your head

Elevating the head is also a good measure to help take care of a sick child. When your baby has a stuffy nose and is having trouble breathing, you can hold the baby's head a little higher to help the baby breathe easier.
In short, the best way to soothe a sick child is to give them lots of love and care. Hugging them and playing together, giving them a massage or reading and singing to them are all things parents should do. If you're breastfeeding, your baby may want to suckle more, which will make them feel reassured and comforted. Talk to them and reassure them, whether they're old enough to understand or not, as your voice will help relax and soothe when they're sick. In addition, when the child is sick and lazy to eat, the mother can add necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat well, achieve height and weight in accordance with standards and exceed standards, have a good immune system, strengthen resistance to avoid minor illnesses and avoid many diseases.
Also according to leading nutrition experts, parents need to be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods. Besides, nutrition experts also emphasized on the role of biological zinc; Parents should learn and supplement zinc for children properly at the appropriate time, to avoid zinc deficiency affecting the comprehensive development of children.
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