Should you take a kidney tonic?

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Kidney tonic is much interested in, spreading the word about its great uses. So is the kidney tonic really that good? Should you take a kidney tonic or not, if so, how to take it?

1. What is a kidney tonic?

In Traditional Medicine, “male hypogonadism” is often referred to as impaired renal function. Therefore, when physiological health declines, men often think of using functional foods or kidney tonic remedies.
However, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidney organ is also divided into yin and yang kidneys, physiological impairment in men can be caused by kidney failure and kidney failure or negative yang , sometimes due to the influence of other organs. It is necessary to know where the cause lies, so that the use of kidney tonic and vitality booster will bring good results.
The effect of kidney and yang tonic of Traditional Medicine is said to stimulate the body, including the genital system, to restore its ability to self-regenerate, not as a replacement like using herbal medicine. Sex hormone method of Modern Medicine. Therefore, it is important to note this difference between Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine in order to be able to choose an appropriate and effective treatment method.

2. Should you take a kidney tonic?

Traditional medicine doctors believe that tonics in general and kidney tonics in particular of Traditional Medicine have a very important and necessary role in protecting and improving the health of children. people, helping to improve the physiological life of men.
However, in order to use it effectively, it is necessary to know where the source of the disease lies. For example, a person suffering from kidney failure who uses yang tonics such as chameleon wine, three sizes, deer antler, ... is not only not beneficial but also harmful. On the contrary, people with kidney yang damage who take kidney yin tonics are also very dangerous. Because in each person's body the most important thing is balance, too much yang or yin can cause disease.
Currently on the market there are many products that are labeled as kidney tonic and yang, medicinal alcohol of unknown origin, when you use these products, you can see that they are effective very quickly, but along with that is the danger. Muscles experience many serious side effects such as: Penile pain lasting, erect penis can't descend causing necrosis, tachycardia, and even sudden death during sex. ) due to excessive sexual excitement...
There are also many men who seek to use products advertised to increase the male hormone testosterone because they believe that such products can help improve fertility effective management. The fact is that testosterone is only effective in improving a man's sex drive, and in cases where, despite the desire, there are "problems" in the sexual process, such as erectile dysfunction. positive or premature ejaculation, these products have little effect.
That's why in order to take erectile dysfunction pills properly and effectively, you need to be examined by a traditional medicine doctor, given a remedy suitable for your medical condition and overall health, and strictly follow them. principles of drug use.
According to male experts, in Modern Medicine, the causes of physiological decline in men can be divided into 4 main groups, which are psychological, endocrine, nervous and vascular. Supplementing kidney yang "properly" needs to be overcome from the root of all 4 groups of these causes.
In case of physiological weakness that is not too serious and caused by psychological stress, home remedies can be applied such as reducing stress; adjust the diet, rest in moderation, limit the use of alcohol and tobacco; do Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the genital area; change the bedroom space; share with your partner...
Many scientific studies have shown that some medicinal herbs in nature, traditional medicine such as wormwood, sea oyster, panacea, ginseng areca, erotic yang hoc, ... has the ability to simultaneously overcome all 4 main causes of physiological weakness in men effectively. These herbs and herbs help increase sex drive, increase penile erection, prevent premature ejaculation and prolong sex time for men.
After all, whether it is a tonic or a medicine, if it is used for the wrong disease, for the wrong person, or in the wrong method, it can't bring about the desired effect, and it can even cause serious consequences. so sorry.

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