Should you drink orange juice and calcium at the same time?

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Calcium and orange juice are important nutrients needed for a child's development, but drinking orange juice and calcium both provide essential nutrients for a child's development.

1. Why need calcium supplements for children?

Calcium is a substance that plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth of children. In addition, calcium also plays a role in nerve conduction and strengthens the immune system. Using calcium and vitamin D helps children limit rickets and malnutrition. If children are deficient in calcium or improperly supplemented with calcium, it will cause some of the following symptoms:
Anorexia, anorexia. Not sleeping well, or waking up at night. At night, when I sleep, I sweat a lot. Cognitive slower than peers, poor adaptation to the surrounding environment. Hands and feet are sore. Hair loss in the shape of a scarf, especially in children under 1 year old.

Trẻ rụng tóc hình vành khăn ở trẻ sơ sinh
Trẻ rụng tóc hình vành khăn ở trẻ sơ sinh

2. How to naturally supplement calcium for children

The best way to supplement calcium for children is to use natural nutritious foods, breast milk is a nutritious source of calcium for young children. However, in some cases, you need to consult a doctor for specific prescriptions, to avoid excess or deficiency of calcium.
It is completely possible to supplement calcium through daily meals. Seafood such as shrimp, crab, snail, oyster, ... are all calcium-rich foods that mothers should give their children to use. Along with that, vitamin K in green vegetables such as bok choy, cabbage, celery, ... contains osteocalcin that helps in the process of creating calcium in the bones.
However, in reality, it is very difficult for parents to calculate how much calcium the child gets into the body through food. Toddlers can only absorb about 20% of calcium through their diet, the rest will be excreted. Therefore, parents should provide more calcium for children through some other products to develop both height and weight for children.
For those who are still breastfeeding, breast milk is the source of nutrition as well as a source of calcium for the baby. Therefore, the mother's diet is very important.
In addition, oral calcium supplements can be given to children, but must be agreed and prescribed by doctors.

Sữa mẹ bổ sung lượng lớn canxi cho trẻ đang thời kỳ ăn sữa
Sữa mẹ bổ sung lượng lớn canxi cho trẻ đang thời kỳ ăn sữa

3. What time of day should children take calcium?

According to nutritionists, calcium should be taken at 7 to 8 am. This is the most easily absorbed time, reducing the risk of calcium accumulation in the liver, kidneys and urinary tract. It is important to note that calcium should not be taken before meals to avoid adverse effects on the stomach, can take calcium after meals for about 1 hour.
For adults who need 1000mg of calcium per day, we can completely divide it into 2 doses in the morning and afternoon so that the body can absorb it most effectively. Absolutely do not give children calcium in the afternoon and evening, especially after 9 pm. If the child is taking antibiotics, they should be used after 2 hours.

4. Should orange juice and calcium be taken at the same time?

Orange juice is a favorite drink of many people including children. This is a drink with good health effects because it contains many vitamins and trace elements. An ingredient in orange juice is an organic oxalic acid.
When calcium is taken with orange juice, calcium will react with oxalic acid to form calcium oxalate salt. This is a compound that is difficult to dissolve, so it will prevent the absorption of calcium into the body. In some more dangerous cases, it also causes itching, burning in the mouth and throat leading to swelling, even difficulty breathing. In addition, calcium oxalate salt crystals present in the urine are a major component of nephrolithiasis and one of the effects of ethylene glycol toxicity.

Người bệnh không nên uống nước cam và canxi cùng lúc
Người bệnh không nên uống nước cam và canxi cùng lúc

If children use calcium and orange juice for a long time, it will cause calcium oxalate to accumulate and increase in the body. This will make the digestive system uncomfortable, the child will feel short of breath, more seriously, may have convulsions and coma. If you use too much calcium and orange juice, it can also cause poisoning in children. Although poisoning can be cured in children, it can cause damage to the liver and kidneys.
Therefore, it is not advisable to drink calcium and orange juice at the same time, it is best for children to drink calcium with cooled boiled water. If you want to drink orange juice, you should drink it 2 hours before the time for children to take calcium to avoid unfortunate cases.
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