Should vitamin E supplements be taken during pregnancy?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Assoc. Prof, Dr., Doctor II Chu Hoang Van, Department of Medical Examination, Vinmec Times City International Hospital
For the human body, vitamin E plays an extremely important role, they participate in biochemical reactions, are catalysts, promote the metabolism of nutrients and fight free radicals. NO and remove excess free radicals, help slow down the aging process of the body, and at the same time fight the cell death cycle, keeping the body healthy, fresh and smooth. Because the great effect of vitamin E is undeniable, many women wonder if they can take vitamin E while pregnant or take vitamin E to help them conceive.
In fact, vitamin E has many important roles for women during pregnancy. Some studies have shown that taking vitamin E increases fertility, when combined with vitamin C, significantly reduces preeclampsia, especially in pregnant women with high-risk groups such as dysmenorrhea. hypertension in pregnancy.
Although vitamin E is very useful for the body, if pregnant women use too much or abuse vitamin E, it will lead to cardiovascular diseases in babies, so it is necessary to be cautious when taking vitamin E while pregnant. first trimester and throughout pregnancy.
Pregnant women taking too much vitamin E will have an adverse effect on the fetus and their own health, not only the risk of cardiovascular disease, taking vitamin E during the first 3 months of pregnancy or during pregnancy Too much pregnancy can also lead to skin inflammation, vomiting, diarrhea, increased risk of bleeding, blurred vision, increased risk of premature birth. Therefore, WHO considers that vitamin E supplementation is NOT RECOMMENDED for pregnant women for the purpose of improving maternal and infant outcomes.
To ensure safety, pregnant women should supplement vitamin E adequately in the following 2 ways:
Supplement vitamin E through daily food orally, some foods rich in vitamin E such as: Sweet potatoes, beans Women, green vegetables, nuts, seafood... Pregnant women take vitamin E during the first 3 months of pregnancy with oral tablets: Need to supplement about 10-15 mg/day.

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