Sex during pregnancy

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Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?
Almost every woman during pregnancy can have a normal sex life until her water breaks or signs of labor appear. You are not afraid of affecting the baby when having sex, the uterus and amniotic sac will protect your baby, the cervical mucus plug will prevent the risk of infection.

In some cases, you need to change the way you "love" or have to abstain from it.
When you have sex, when you reach an orgasm, it can cause a slight contraction of the uterus (maybe due to nipple stimulation or Prostaglandin). in semen causing uterine contractions). These contractions are usually temporary and harmless.
In some cases, you need to change the way you "love" or have to abstain for some reason at a certain stage, maybe even throughout pregnancy. To be sure you need to consult a doctor.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn có hiểu đúng về dấu hiệu mang thai sớm?

Các dấu hiệu mang thai sớm không phải chỉ mỗi trễ kinh mà còn có rất nhiều dấu hiệu khác như xuất huyết âm đạo, ngực căng tức,… Điểm xem bạn biết được bao nhiêu dấu hiệu mang thai sớm thông qua bài trắc nghiệm này nhé!

Change of sex life during pregnancy.
Many women say that their sex life during pregnancy has completely changed. Some women feel heightened emotions and complete satisfaction, but some have no need or discomfort to have sex at one stage or throughout their pregnancy. Why this change?
The increase in the volume of circulation to the pelvic area causes blood stasis in the genitals, increasing the sensation, in addition to the change as well as the increase in vaginal secretions, it will help you to be excited when "in love".
On the other hand, you may not like this change, blood stasis in the genitals makes you very uncomfortable. And as mentioned above, you may feel a slight contraction of your abdominal muscles or have a uterine contraction right or after having sex.
Your breasts become very delicate, sensitive to the touch, especially in the first trimester, this sensitivity will gradually decrease but still be more sensitive than usual. Some women feel very euphoric when their partner touches their breasts, but others don't, and they don't even want the touch.
Intimacy, physical contact is more important than sex
Let your partner know about anything that makes you uncomfortable, including things that you did and found great before you were pregnant. satisfied.
If you want to show affection to your partner but don't want to "love" like the usual way, the same movements of caressing, cuddling, and stimulation can help both of you feel relaxed and satisfied.
Remember, closeness and physical contact are more important than sex. If you are not ready to "love" or have a doctor's recommendation, show your affection by hugging, kissing...
Your partner has a change in sexual relations when you are pregnant are not?
Most men find it more attractive when their partner is pregnant despite not being able to do everything they want. There will be a variety of reasons to discourage men's desire, for example, anxiety about fatherhood also reduces their desire.
Worrying about fatherhood also reduces a man's desire
To be more precise, most of the reasons in general make a man have to learn, choose the right way to "love" in your time are pregnant to avoid harming the baby. If your partner definitely needs safe sex while you're pregnant, stay with them until you start giving birth. The most important thing is to talk about your worries and stress as well as what you need or want. Open information will help you reduce stress, anxiety, allow both of you to relax and have fun, and find your own way in your private life with or without sex.
Safe sex during pregnancy
Some advice for you:
Women should stay on top or next to it, it will be more convenient when the pregnancy is growing. Depth of penetration, a woman should actively follow her own will to feel the most suitable and safe. Fluid or gas (or any foreign object) should not be inserted into the vagina during sex during pregnancy. Absolutely do not douche the vagina. Understanding, empathy, creativity and following a woman's will are precious things to "love" during pregnancy. A woman can always say "no" when she is pregnant. If a woman is in a high-risk pregnancy and should avoid sex, the duration of avoidance should be on the advice of a doctor. Nipple stimulation should also be avoided during this time. Avoid sex (or sexual acts) if your doctor has recommended it. Avoid sex if your water leaks or breaks, even if it is suspected. Avoid sex if you or your partner has an STI or HIV. Use a condom if you can't avoid sex. This is the time to start discussing with your partner about postpartum contraception. Ths. Dr. CCII. Nguyen Thi Huong Linh
Vinmec International General Hospital
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