What adolescents need to know about reproductive health

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Adolescent pregnancy is associated with increased morbidity and mortality for both mother and fetus. Understanding reproductive health physiology to help young people avoid unwanted pregnancy and possible unfortunate consequences.
What happens after semen is released into female friends? Does semen stay there until death or is it released? If semen exists in it, what happens once it dies?
After semen is released into the vagina, it will travel further, up the vagina, through the cervix and up the fallopian tubes or it will drain out. Most of the semen will come out when you stand up. The remaining semen will carry sperm, which have the ability to live for about 3 days. If you are trying to get pregnant, you should not get up after intercourse for at least 20 minutes.
When is it “safe” to have intercourse?
There is no time when it is considered safe to have unprotected sex because beyond the possibility of pregnancy you can be infected with sexually transmitted diseases. STDs can be transmitted at any time from an infected person to an uninfected person.

Can girls still get pregnant even after the first intercourse?
Yes, it is possible to get pregnant from the first intercourse. This chance of getting pregnant varies from person to person, depending on what phase of your menstrual cycle you are in. The longer you are in the middle of your period, around day 14 of your cycle (if your cycle is 28 days), the more likely you are to get pregnant.
If a male withdraws his penis before ejaculating, can a female friend avoid pregnancy?
Unfortunately, even though the male partner withdraws the penis before ejaculating, the female friend can still get pregnant. This is because the male partner's fluid may already contain sperm and comes out just before and during intercourse, no need to wait until the time of ejaculation.
When can men and women start intercourse?
There is no universal answer when is the best time to have intercourse for all partners, but the problem is that you decide for yourself when is the optimal time for you. There are many ways to make yourself sexually satisfied without having to have intercourse. Giving and receiving cuddles allows you to show and share your love without having to have intercourse.

Can sperm penetrate clothes?
No, most clothes act as barriers against sperm penetration.
What's difficult about teen pregnancy?
· Affect your studies
· Unstable economic conditions
· Will become a teenage mother who is not yet fully developed physically and mentally.
Explaining things that teenagers often misunderstand:
· Having sex with a condom will reduce pleasure, cause infertility, cause infection, cause inconvenience when using. Mistake!
· Using spermicide has a high rate of contraception and helps avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Mistake!
· Having intercourse in a standing position cannot get pregnant or if a woman lies on top during intercourse, she will not get pregnant. Mistake!
· After ejaculation, just douche the vagina with solutions such as vinegar, lemon juice... can prevent pregnancy. Mistake!
Adolescents voluntarily practice safe sex to protect themselves and protect their partners:
· Peace of mind, no worries about pregnancy, therefore more pleasure.
· Safe, low risk of sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV/AIDS.
· Reduce the risk of cervical cancer, reduce the risk of infertility.
When you have questions about early sex, who do you ask?
· Teachers
· Your school medical staff
· Health call centers
· Obstetricians, paediatricians, adolescent health professionals in hospitals and health centers

MSc. Dr. Vo Thi Thuy Dieu
Obstetrics Department - Vinmec International General Hospital
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