Sex life after childbirth

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Sex life is going well until you get pregnant and nine months later, the baby is born. Changing bodies, changing families and adding new responsibilities have made sex life more of a challenge, but what is normal? The following shares help you understand and have a happy married life after giving birth.
When can you have sex again?
After you give birth, whether vaginal or cesarean, your body needs time to recover. Doctors usually recommend that you can have sex for 4-6 weeks after giving birth. This is the time for the body to heal: the cervix closes, the uterus is mostly back to its normal size, vaginal bleeding stops, and the wound heals completely.

There is no standard for you to follow.
However, it is up to you and your spouse to decide what time is right for you. Some couples will have sex within the first month, many between 1 and 3 months. There are also people who wait until 6 months or even 1 year later. Factors such as fatigue, stress, and fear of pain can cause you to lose interest in sex. There is no standard for you to follow. There are also some suggestions that you should have sex before your postpartum follow-up (usually 6 weeks postpartum) so you can discuss further with your doctor about any difficulties you're having.
Sex after childbirth will hurt a lot?
Hormonal changes can make your vagina dry and painful, especially when you're breastfeeding. To ease the discomfort of sex, take it slow. Extend the foreplay with cuddling, kissing, and caressing, slowly stimulating feelings of desire. Talking to your husband is also essential because worries about sex can reduce libido and feelings. If the vagina is dry, you can use a lubricating cream or gel. You can try different positions to avoid hurting the wound. Must focus, direct all attention on you and your husband. If you still have pain doing this, see your doctor for appropriate treatment options.
How does birth affect sex?
If you gave birth vaginally, the stitches after cutting or tearing the perineum will hurt you. These threads will disappear in 10 days and the wound will heal completely after 2 weeks and the pain will gradually decrease. If you have stitches, you can try different positions to limit penetration and put pressure on the stitches and have sex when you're ready. If there are no lacerations or cuts, the wound will heal quickly and you'll probably be ready for sex sooner, although you may feel a little tight and tight and want light sex.
If you have a cesarean section, you may worry about the scar, but the wound will heal over time. If there is still a lot of pain, you can choose a position that does not put pressure on the scar.
Fatigue, fear of pain, and other fears such as abdominal injuries and vaginal lacerations play an important role in a woman's sexual readiness.
In addition, after vaginal delivery, decreased vaginal muscle tone can reduce exposure during sex which can affect emotions. This is also only temporary. To increase muscle tone in the perineum, do Kegel exercises. Simply squeeze your pelvic muscles as if you were urinating and try to stop the flow of urine. Do it for 5 seconds each time, and for 4-5 times. Then, increase to 10 seconds and then relax for 10 seconds. Once you have mastered it, maintain Kegel exercises at least 3 times a day, 10 times each time.
What to do when you are not interested in sex?
This is also normal. There are many ways to be intimate without love, especially when you have to adjust your life accordingly when you have children. If you don't feel cravings or you're afraid of pain, share this with your husband.

If you think you are suffering from depression, see a doctor right away.
When you're not ready to fall in love, maintain intimacy in another way. Being together, even for just a few minutes in the morning or after the baby goes to bed at night. Call and text each other during the day. Use different ways to express love, recall love memories.
If communication with your husband doesn't help, you may want to look out for signs of postpartum depression - such as over-stimulation or anger, over-tiredness, lack of joy in life, and difficulties in bonding. bond with children. If you think you are suffering from depression, see your doctor right away. Early treatment leads to an early recovery.
What to do to increase sex drive?
Sexual worries related to pregnancy and childbirth will disappear after 1 year. During this time, pay attention to improving your physical and mental health. For example:
- Set parenting appropriate goals
- Appreciate the changes in your body
- Eat a healthy diet that includes lots of water
- Get together exercise every day
- Get as much rest as possible
- Ask for help from your husband and friends
- Join groups or forums for new moms.
Mr. BS. Ho Thi Hoang Anh
Obstetrics Department – ​​Vinmec International General Hospital
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