Is it possible to get pregnant if having sex after ovulation day?


Dear doctor, 
My husband and I had intercourse less than 24 hours after ovulation. Four weeks after that, I confirmed my pregnancy. So, I would like to ask: “Is it possible to get pregnant if having sex after ovulation?”  However, I did not experience a missed period and seemed to conceive immediately. This situation makes my husband suspicious, causing me distress and tired. Could you please advise? Thank you very much. 

Anonymous customer


With the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant if having sex after ovulation day?”, the doctor gives the following advice:
In every menstrual period, a woman usually releases 1 egg (sometimes 2 eggs). The egg after ovulation can live from 12 to 24 hours. If this egg does not meet any sperm to fertilize, it will stop growing, then degenerate and you have a period. 

If you have sex after ovulation day at least 1 day (over 24 hours), the possibility of pregnancy will be low. However, you may ovulate later and become pregnant without realizing it. So your pregnancy is perfectly proper. 
If you have any questions about “Is it possible to get pregnant if having sex after ovulation days?”, you can come to any hospital in Vinmec health system to check and consult. Thank you for believing us and sending your question to Vinmec. We wish you good health. 

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