Screening for abnormal antibodies by Scangel/Gelcard technique on automated machines

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Screening for abnormal antibodies is carried out to reduce the risk of blood transfusion and post-transfusion complications for patients. The test is also performed on pregnant women whose Rh blood group is incompatible with the fetus.

1. What is an abnormal antibody finding?

The principle of performing abnormal antibody screening technique is based on agglutination reaction (reaction between antigen and antibody). An agglutination reaction is a reaction between a visible antigen (cell, or cell-like size) and a specific antibody to form an antigen-antibody complex in the form of agglutinated granules visible to the naked eye. often.
Abnormal antibody screening is a screening test for antibodies produced after an immune response against a foreign antigen on the surface of a donor's red blood cells encountered in a blood transfusion or for Rh antibodies in the body mother after giving birth to her first child with Rh blood group opposite to her mother's.

Xét nghiệm sàng lọc kháng thể Rh trong máu của người mẹ
Xét nghiệm sàng lọc kháng thể Rh trong máu của người mẹ

2. Indications for screening for abnormal antibodies

People who donate blood Patients who during the course of treatment are predicted to need blood transfusions Patients who have received blood transfusions many times (7 days to test once)

3. Abnormal antibody testing procedure

Received biological samples will be centrifuged blood type for 10 minutes (speed 3,500 rpm) Antibody screening test performed on reagent kit CAP - R INDICATOR CELLS, CAP- LISS, CAP - R CONTROL SET, CAP - RS POOLED CELLS Test is done on a Scangel/Gelcard Machine Test time is 1 hour

Lấy máu xét nghiệm kháng thể bất thường
Lấy máu xét nghiệm kháng thể bất thường

4. Meaning of Abnormal Antibody Screening Test

Abnormal antibody screening test is an important test before blood transfusion for people with a history of repeated blood transfusions to limit the risk of agglutinating, hemolytic, life-threatening reactions receive.
A “negative” abnormal antibody screening test result does not guarantee that no IgG antibodies are present. The ability to detect abnormal antibodies is highly dependent on the red blood cell sample used. Abnormal antibody screening test results are “positive” to detect antibodies, mainly natural antibodies IgM and immunoglobulins IgG . If the result is “positive”, then the abnormal antibody identification test should be performed. The presence of IgG antibodies in the serum can be due to many causes, the most prominent of which are: Transfusion outside the ABO system. Due to the difference in Rh blood group of the fetus and mother in many previous pregnancies. Due to an excess of autologous IgG antibodies.

Sự xuất hiện kháng thể IgG có thể do dư thừa kháng thể tự sinh
Sự xuất hiện kháng thể IgG có thể do dư thừa kháng thể tự sinh

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