Rilutek drug: Uses, indications and precautions when using

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Rilutek is also known as Riluzole. The drug is prepared in the form of tablets with a weight of 50mg/tablet. It is commonly used to treat Lou Gehrig's disease (a type of neurological disease) by protecting the brain and spinal cord from the body's overproduction of glutamate.

1. What effect does Rilutek have?

Rilutek is used to treat a type of nerve disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - Lou Gehrig's disease (or ALS). Using the drug Riluzole has the ability to slow the progression of this disease, thereby prolonging the patient's survival time. However, this is not considered a cure for ALS, nor does it reverse nerve damage or muscle weakness. Rilutek's mechanism of action is to protect the nerves in the brain and spinal cord from the body's overproduction of glutamate, which some studies suggest is the cause of nerve damage.
2. How to use Rilutek You need to strictly follow the doctor's prescription about the time to take the medicine and the dosage. If you have any questions, please consult your doctor or pharmacist for answers.
Rilutek is to be taken orally. The time to use the drug is 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal (as directed by the doctor), the time between each dose is 12 hours.
For the case of using the drug in liquid form, before using the medicine, shake the bottle gently for at least 30 seconds. Be sure to dose by using measuring tools, never use household spoons as this may distort your dose. Using the medicine regularly and at the right time will help you set the best effect for the treatment process. The best way for you not to miss any dose is to set a reminder on your phone at every time you take your medicine.
Do not arbitrarily increase the dose or stop using the drug without the permission of the treating doctor. Taking more of the medicine than prescribed does not improve your condition, but also increases the chance of serious side effects. If symptoms persist or show no signs of improvement, take the patient to the hospital to get help from a doctor.

Thuốc Rilutek có tác dụng dùng để điều trị một loại bệnh thần kinh được gọi là teo cơ xơ cứng cột bên - bệnh Lou Gehrig (hay ALS)
Thuốc Rilutek có tác dụng dùng để điều trị một loại bệnh thần kinh được gọi là teo cơ xơ cứng cột bên - bệnh Lou Gehrig (hay ALS)

3. Side effects of the drug Rilutek

During the use of Rilutek, you may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Dizziness Drowsiness, fatigue Nausea, vomiting Diarrhea, loss of appetite Stomach pain Numbness tingling around the mouth area serious side effects: signs of infection (such as sore throat that doesn't go away, fever, chills, cough), vomiting that doesn't stop, jaundice, severe stomach pain, dark urine. Serious allergic reaction. Signs that you have an allergic reaction include: red, itchy, or swollen rash (especially in the face, tongue or throat), dizziness, and difficulty breathing. When your doctor directs you to use this medicine, it means that they have judged that the benefits of the drug outweigh the side effects it causes. There are many cases of using the drug without any serious side effects occurring.

4. Precautions

To prevent possible side effects, when using the drug you need to:
Tell your doctor about any allergies you may have (eg to drug ingredients, food, pollen, etc.) animal hair,...). There are some inactive substances in the composition of the drug, which can cause serious side effects or allergic reactions. Tell your doctor or pharmacist your and your family's medical history, especially of liver and kidney problems. The side effects of this medicine may make you feel dizzy or drowsy. Do not drive or do any work that requires high concentration immediately after taking the medicine. During the use of the drug, you should limit the use of alcoholic beverages. Smoking is not only bad for your lungs, but it also affects the concentration of the drug in your blood. Therefore, when you go to the doctor you should tell the health care provider about whether you are smoking or using nicotine or have stopped smoking for a short time. Some manufacturers make liquid products that may contain sugar and/or aspartame. Therefore, patients with diabetes, phenylketonuria (PKU).... should be careful when using the drug. For pregnant women, doctors are advised to use the drug only when absolutely necessary. Have a thorough discussion with your doctor about the risks and benefits of the drug.

Cho bác sĩ biết về các loại dị ứng mà bạn có thể gặp trước khi sử dụng thuốc Rilutek
Cho bác sĩ biết về các loại dị ứng mà bạn có thể gặp trước khi sử dụng thuốc Rilutek

5. Interaction

Once a drug interaction occurs, it can change the way the drug works, causing serious side effects. Therefore, you should not start, stop or change the dose of any medicine without the consent of your doctor.

6. Overdose

Overdose usually occurs when a patient takes more than prescribed. Serious symptoms may occur such as:
Fainting Difficulty breathing When these symptoms appear take the patient immediately to the nearest medical facility or poison control center to be treated by doctors. doctor.

7. Preservation and some things to note when using Rilutek

The most suitable temperature to store the medicine is at room temperature, avoid exposing the medicine to direct sunlight. Absolutely store medicine in the bathroom, restroom or places with high humidity, because it can make the medicine moldy and affect the quality of the medicine
In case you use the medicine in liquid form, let it medicine bottle vertically. Close the bottle cap after each use, absolutely do not put it in the freezer. After opening the cap, the maximum time to use the drug is 15 days. If medicines have expired or cannot be used anymore, you need to dispose of them properly so as not to affect the environment.

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