Protecting children with weak resistance: What you need to know

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In order to nurture children for comprehensive development, parents must not only provide adequate nutrition for their children, but also have many other issues to keep in mind. One of the things that many parents are concerned about today is how to overcome the weak resistance in young children.

1. The condition of children with weak resistance

Resistance is the great defense "shield" of the human body against external agents that affect health. Children have weak resistance often because the immune system has not fully developed, the resistance is weaker than that of adults. This is also the reason why children often encounter diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, minor illnesses,...
If this situation lasts for a long time without intervention, it will easily cause children to show signs of rickets, undernutrition and affect general growth. Therefore, helping children with weak resistance to restore their body to a normal state is not only extremely necessary, but also a stepping stone for their future solid growth.
Watch now: How to boost your child's immune system

2. Ways to help increase resistance in children

As mentioned, strengthening health is essential for children with weak resistance in the early stages of development. However, parents should not be too focused on giving children any medicine to increase their resistance, instead, they should properly balance their child's daily nutrition, helping them create positive habits. for yourself and avoid harmful agents for health.
The following are tips to help children with weak resistance become healthier that mothers can refer to:

2.1. Build a habit of regular exercise

Mothers should encourage their children to go outside to be more active instead of sitting at home staring at the TV or computer screen. Creating a habit of physical activity will help children improve their immune system. In order for children to be motivated to exercise, parents should be the ones to play with them in age-appropriate sports or games. For older children, parents can let them try playing soccer, cycling, swimming,...

Xây dựng thói quen tập thể dục thường xuyên cho trẻ em sức đề kháng yếu
Xây dựng thói quen tập thể dục thường xuyên cho trẻ em sức đề kháng yếu

2.2. Care about the quality of your baby's sleep

Getting enough sleep and on time has been recognized by researchers around the world as necessary to improve children's health. Adequate sleep will help children avoid the attack of bacteria because the natural impulse cells are always guaranteed not to be reduced. This is considered an effective weapon of the immune system, used to prevent bacteria from entering the body.
When setting a sleep schedule for children, parents need to consider the age of their children. Specifically, babies need to sleep for 18 hours/day, children who are in the toddler stage need 12-13 hours of sleep/day and children who have entered kindergarten should sleep about 10 hours a day.

2.3. Add green vegetables and fruits to your baby's daily diet

Nutritionists have proven that nutrients found in green vegetables and fruits will help the body produce more interferon and white blood cells. These are antibodies that help coat the surface of cells and block the invasion of bacteria. Besides, many other studies also show that adding fruits and vegetables to children regularly will increase their chances of preventing cancer as they grow up. Therefore, mothers should add fresh and natural sources of green foods to their children's daily menu.
Watch now: How to improve the immune system?

2.4. Breastfeeding will help improve baby's health

Providing breast milk in the first years of life not only strengthens the baby's immune system, but also avoids diseases such as ear infections, diarrhea, pneumonia, allergies, urinary infections and syndromes. dangerous sudden death in children. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has also affirmed the need for breast milk and recommends that mothers try to breastfeed their babies for the first year after birth. In case there is not enough milk, you should also try to provide breast milk for the first 2-3 months to strengthen the baby's immune system.

2.5. Help your baby avoid harmful bacteria

The space around the baby always contains a lot of harmful bacteria. The baby's contact with objects after playing and sucking will give bacteria the opportunity to enter the child's body. Mothers should help children give up the habit of thumb sucking in children, and at the same time teach them to wash their hands thoroughly with soap after eating, playing, sneezing or coughing, etc. Besides, it is advisable to bathe children cleanly. with antibacterial shower gels specifically for babies to help improve the skin's resistance.

2.6. Do not overuse antibiotics

When a child is sick, parents often think that what medicine should be given to their child to increase the child's resistance immediately. But in fact, the use of antibiotics only works against bacteria, and sick children can also be caused by viruses. The overuse of antibiotics will cause intestinal disorders, bloating, indigestion, loss of appetite,... directly affecting the child's resistance. Therefore, when a child is sick, parents need to limit self-medication, but should consult a doctor to find the optimal treatment.

Cha mẹ nên bổ sung rau xanh và trái cây vào khẩu phần ăn hằng ngày của bé
Cha mẹ nên bổ sung rau xanh và trái cây vào khẩu phần ăn hằng ngày của bé

2.7. Eliminate cigarette smoke in your baby's living environment

The harmful effects of cigarette smoke almost everyone knows. Smoke from cigarettes not only contains more than 4000 toxins capable of destroying cells in the body, but also causes many complications with a high risk of death. Children's immune systems are still in a very weak stage of development, so the impact from smoking is even greater. Children who are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke are at increased risk of sudden death, lung and tooth damage, infections, bronchitis and asthma. In addition, exposure to cigarette smoke also affects the intellectual and neurological development in young children. Therefore, for children to develop comprehensively and stay healthy, parents need to limit their children's exposure to tobacco, either directly or indirectly.
To help children with weak resistance become healthy is actually quite simple. Parents just need to try to pay attention to the nutritional quality in the diet, build healthy habits for their children as well as stay away from harmful agents to help their children's immune system. good and outstanding resistance. In addition, mothers should also pay attention to complete vaccination with vaccines and supplement for children with micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C). ,... to improve taste, eat well, gain height and weight right and exceed standards, have a good immune system, enhance resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems.
Also according to leading nutrition experts, parents need to be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods. Besides, nutrition experts also emphasized on the role of biological zinc; Parents should learn and supplement zinc for children properly at the appropriate time, to avoid zinc deficiency affecting the comprehensive development of children.
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