Prevention of Rh blood group incompatibility between mother and child

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Rh blood group incompatibility between mother and child is not common, even rare, but this is a condition that any pregnant woman needs to be concerned about. Rh incompatibility causes many dangerous conditions for the fetus and prevention of mother-child blood group incompatibility is urgently proposed.

1. What is Rh incompatibility between mother and child?

Normally, when doing a blood test, we only know blood groups A, B, AB or O. However, for pregnant women, the blood test does not stop at determining the blood group. and some factors necessary for pregnancy but also related to Rhesus factor (Rh for short)
Rh factor is a protein known as antigen D located on the surface of red blood cells. People who have this factor in a blood test will be denoted RhD (+) and people who do not have RhD (-). The Rh factor varies by race, with 99% of Asians being Rh(+).
If both parents are Rh (-) or the mother is Rh (+), there is no danger to the unborn baby. However, if the mother is Rh positive and the child is Rh negative, it will cause Rh incompatibility.
In fact, the Rh factor does not affect your health, but if during pregnancy there is an incompatibility with the mother and child's Rh blood group, the mother's body will assume the fetus is a foreign body and should be removed. Antibodies that cross the placenta will attack the fetal red blood cells, causing a variety of dangerous complications.
Currently, the percentage of mothers with Rh negative blood group is very rare, but if the mother is Rh negative, and the father is Rh positive or Rh group is unknown, the risk of incompatibility is high mother's Rh blood.
Also, because antibodies take time to develop, firstborns are usually unaffected, mostly secondborns will. However, it is still not possible to ignore the case that the mother with the first miscarriage has already created antibodies, so the next pregnancy will be at risk of acquiring it.

Bất đồng nhóm máu Rh mẹ con thường xảy ra ở con thứ do kháng thể cần thời gian để phát triển
Bất đồng nhóm máu Rh mẹ con thường xảy ra ở con thứ do kháng thể cần thời gian để phát triển

2. Mother's blood group Rh positive, child Rh negative have any effect?

When conducting a blood test, the Rh factor will be shown right after your blood type, for example you have AB blood, your results will be listed as AB+ or AB-. You also do not need to worry too much about this Rh factor because in fact it does not cause too much impact on your health, unless you are pregnant.
Effect of Rh factor occurs only when Rh incompatibility occurs between mother and child. At this point, the body will signal that the fetus is a foreign body and begin to produce antibodies that are part of the immune system to destroy the foreign body through the placenta.
Status of mother Rh positive Rh negative child will cause many effects to the child such as hemolytic disease, jaundice, even heart failure, liver failure. Hemolytic disease in newborns is very dangerous, if not treated promptly, the risk of death is very high

3. Early detection of Rh incompatibility factors in mother and child

Currently, blood test is the first basic test ordered when pregnant women go for antenatal care. If the results show that the mother is Rh positive, there is nothing to worry about, but if it is Rh negative, the doctor will recommend the father take a blood test to determine the Rh factor.
In case the father is Rh negative, the parents do not have to worry about this factor disagreement. If the father is Rh positive, there is a risk of having an Rh negative mother and an Rh positive child.
In this case the doctor will look for signs of disagreement through the following methods:
Indirect positive test Coombs Measure Bilirubin levels in the newborn's blood Look for signs of red blood cell destruction in the infant's blood born. Early detection of Rh incompatibility factors in the mother and child helps doctors have a plan to treat the effects of this condition right from the time of birth.

Tiến hành xét nghiệm máu ở mẹ và cha để xác định khả năng xảy ra bất đồng nhóm máu Rh mẹ con
Tiến hành xét nghiệm máu ở mẹ và cha để xác định khả năng xảy ra bất đồng nhóm máu Rh mẹ con

4. How to prevent mother-child blood group incompatibility?

Although the status of an Rh positive mother and an Rh negative child when occurring will cause many negative effects on the baby, the prevention of mother and child blood group incompatibility for the next pregnancy is completely possible.
First, parents before marriage or pregnancy should have a pre-marital examination, this will determine the blood group status of both husband and wife and in case the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive. Annotated and explained the risk of blood group incompatibility to parents.
When pregnant, the mother should inform the doctor about her own condition to have the best health care regimen for both mother and fetus.
Besides, pregnant women can receive prophylactic anti-D Immunoglobulin in the last months of pregnancy specifically at 28 and 34 weeks to prevent antibody formation in the mother's body. In addition, after giving birth, the mother should also be vaccinated against blood group incompatibility for the next pregnancy.
To protect mother and baby's health comprehensively, Vinmec International General Hospital now has a full maternity service, with a team of highly qualified doctors, ultrasound system, and medical equipment. Modern equipment will promptly recognize abnormalities during pregnancy, help monitor the health of mother and baby right from the beginning of pregnancy, early detect and intervene in time health problems.
In addition, at Vinmec, we also perform intensively Double Test or Triple Test tests to screen for fetal malformations; Quantitative angiogenesis factor test to diagnose preeclampsia; thyroid screening test; Rubella test; testing for parasites that are transmitted from mother to child, which seriously affects the baby's brain and physical development after birth...
After birth, the baby will be cared for in a sterile room before being brought back back to mom. Pregnant women will rest in a high-class hospital room, designed according to international hotel standards, 1 mother 1 room with full facilities and modern equipment. Mothers will be consulted by nutritionists on how to feed the baby before being discharged from the hospital. Postpartum follow-up with both mother and baby with leading Obstetricians and Paediatricians.

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