Possible complications of liver biopsy

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Liver biopsy is a procedure often prescribed by doctors to screen for liver diseases, although simple and relatively safe, in some cases liver biopsy can cause complications. desired for the patient.

1. What is a liver biopsy?

The liver is a very important part of the human body, it plays a role in the production of enzymes and proteins that are essential for metabolism, and at the same time, the liver removes toxic substances in the blood, fights infections and contributes to Store vitamins and nutrients needed by the body.
Liver biopsy is a procedure ordered by a specialist, the doctor will use a biopsy needle to take a few liver cells or a small piece of liver tissue and look under the microscope to see if there are any cells. liver abnormalities or liver disease. In addition, liver biopsy results are also used to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment process for hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Quá trình lấy mẫu sinh thiết gan
Quá trình lấy mẫu sinh thiết gan

2. Is a liver biopsy painful?

When hearing about a liver biopsy, many people fear that a liver biopsy will hurt. However, in fact, although the liver biopsy is an invasive procedure, it will not cause excessive pain for the patient, the pain caused by the liver biopsy is only very mild and transient in the right lower quadrant or abdomen. patient's shoulder while the doctor uses a biopsy needle to remove a few liver cells.
If nothing changes, the patient only needs to rest for a short time after the liver biopsy and then can work and function as usual.

3. Possible complications in liver biopsy

Liver biopsy is a relatively safe invasive procedure, but for some reason, the patient may experience complications after a liver biopsy, specifically:
Pain at the biopsy site: The pain from a liver biopsy is usually quite mild, usually lasting about 5-20 minutes. In cases where the patient cannot tolerate the pain, the doctor may prescribe pain relievers. Bleeding: After a liver biopsy, the patient may experience bleeding complications, however, this complication can be treated medically, in case of heavy bleeding, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for blood transfusion or even even hemostasis surgery. This is a very rare complication. Infection: An infectious complication occurs when bacteria enter the abdominal cavity or into the bloodstream of a patient. Injury to adjacent organs: Occurs because the biopsy needle is inserted, possibly the lungs, gallbladder...

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Sinh thiết gan cần được thực hiện tại cơ sở y tế uy tín
To limit possible complications after a liver biopsy, the patient should follow the instructions of the medical staff and rest properly. Liver biopsy results will be available in 1 week. After a liver biopsy, the patient should not participate in vigorous sports to ensure the liver will recover its best function.
When returning home, if the patient has the following abnormal signs, the patient should return to the hospital immediately:
Fatigue, dizziness, headache Vomiting, bloody stool Bleeding at the biopsy site with number large amount Pain in the middle abdomen above the navel, chest, or shoulders High fever with chills Short, shallow, irregular breathing

Khám gan cùng chuyên gia tại Bệnh viện Vinmec
Khám gan cùng chuyên gia tại Bệnh viện Vinmec
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the medical facilities with a team of leading medical experts in the field of Liver - Gallbladder - Pancreas, the most modern machinery in the region. These will be good conditions to make the examination, screening tests or biopsy to diagnose liver cancer quick, convenient, and time-saving so that appropriate and timely treatment measures can be taken. time.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline HERE for support.
What does liver cancer screening include? The most basic things to know about liver cancer Ultrasound, diagnostic tests for liver cancer
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