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Articles in liver biopsy

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Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis
Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) is a liver disease caused by the body's immune system attacking and destroying liver cells. Scientists believe that there is a genetic factor that makes patients more susceptible to these autoimmune diseases. About 70% of people with AIH are women. The disease progresses chronically and leads to cirrhosis, eventually to liver failure if not treated promptly.
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What does liver cancer screening include?
The most common step in screening for cancers is the clinical examination. This is the first step and also plays an important role in cancer screening. During the physical exam, the doctor will look for abnormal lymph nodes and tumors on the body and assess the risk of cancer based on age, sex, family history, health status. , job.
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Diagnosis and treatment of fatty liver
Fatty liver is a condition in which fat accumulates in the liver. The disease is common in people who are obese, drink alcohol or have diabetes, lipid metabolism disorders. If not diagnosed and treated promptly, it will lead to hepatitis, cirrhosis, even liver failure.
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Non-alcoholic fatty liver: Diagnosis and treatment
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by the accumulation of too much fat in nonalcoholic liver cells. Usually the liver contains some amount of fat, but when the amount of fat in the liver occupies more than 5 to 10 percent of the liver volume, fatty liver condition occurs.
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If liver toxicity is suspected, what should be examined?
Hi doctor. When you want to know for sure whether the liver is diseased or not, hepatotoxicity. What do you need to know? Please help me with advice. Thank you very much doctor.
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Hepatomegaly: Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
The liver is an organ located in the abdomen, occupying a fairly large area in the right hypochondrium extending to the epigastrium. In normal patients, when examining the abdomen, the doctor often cannot feel the liver. Hepatomegaly is a term that refers to an increase in the size of the liver beyond the normal limits of the liver. This is not necessarily a specific disease but rather a suggestive sign of many different abnormalities of the body.
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Drug counseling for people with a history of hepatitis B
My wife with hepatitis B has been treated for 2 years to a safe threshold, then stopped taking the medicine to have a baby and has stopped taking it for 4 years. Now go to the doctor for 10^5 virus, but the doctor said that you don't need to take medicine, and when you have high liver enzymes, you have to take it. However, until now, my wife's liver enzymes have never been high, even the last time I had to take liver enzymes 10^8 was not high. Your doctor can advise you on medication for people with a history of hepatitis B.
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Test significance in alcoholic liver injury
Drinking a lot of alcohol on a regular basis is harmful to the body, especially the liver. The test helps to assess the extent of liver damage / function and is a great support for monitoring the progress and results of alcohol cessation. The identification of alcoholic liver disease is based on two sources of information: evidence of excessive alcohol consumption and evidence of liver disease as demonstrated by laboratory/laboratory findings.
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How long does it take to get results from a liver biopsy?
Liver biopsy is an invasive procedure to remove a small piece of liver parenchyma to diagnose certain liver diseases. The procedure is performed by an experienced doctor under the guidance of ultrasound, it takes a certain amount of time to get the results of the liver biopsy procedure.
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Autoimmune hepatitis: What you need to know
Hepatitis is a general term for inflammation of the liver. There are many different types and causes of hepatitis (eg, viruses and certain medications), including autoimmune hepatitis. In autoimmune hepatitis, the body's immune system attacks the liver cells, causing inflammation of the liver.
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Characteristics of liver abscess caused by bacteria
A pyogenic liver abscess is a purulent lesion of the liver caused by bacteria. Often, signs of bacterial liver abscess are difficult to recognize through clinical manifestations, which require laboratory tests. Bacterial liver abscess, if not detected and treated promptly, will leave dangerous complications and high mortality rate.
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