Place of breast cancer metastasis: Lymph nodes, bones, liver, lungs

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Breast cancer often has the ability to metastasize to the lymph nodes, liver, brain, bones, and lungs. However, no matter what organs breast cancer has spread to, it is still referred to as breast cancer, for example, when breast cancer metastasizes to the lungs, it does not mean that you have lung cancer.

1. Where does breast cancer mainly metastasize?

Classification according to the TNM system (T - tumor, N - Nodes, M - Metastasis) cancer in general and breast cancer in particular are usually divided into 4 stages, of which the latest stage is stage 4 when the cancer cancer that has spread to other organs or parts of the body, also known as metastatic cancer or advanced cancer.
For some women with breast cancer, it is acceptable to choose to live with the condition for a long time, but for others, the choice of pain management and quality of life is primary treatment goal.
Although breast cancer has metastasized to any organ, it is still referred to as breast cancer, for example, when breast cancer metastasizes to the lung, it does not mean that you have lung cancer. In general, breast cancer can metastasize or spread to any part of a person's body, but there are certain places where it is most likely to go, including the lymph nodes, liver, brain, bones and lungs.

Trắc nghiệm: Những lầm tưởng và sự thật về ung thư vú

Ung thư vú có tỷ lệ tử vong cao nhất ở nữ giới khiến họ rất lo sợ bản thân mắc phải căn bệnh này. Tuy nhiên, không ít chị em có những hiểu biết thái quá về ung thư vú. Thử sức cùng bài trắc nghiệm sau sẽ giúp bạn loại bỏ được những nghi ngờ không đúng về căn bệnh này.

Bài dịch từ:

2. Breast cancer metastasis to lymph nodes

After breast cancer gets rid of the main tumor, lymph nodes are one of the first sites that cancer cells attack. Lymph nodes in the armpit, inside the breast, and near the collarbone are considered the places where breast cancer most commonly spreads or metastasizes. According to health care professionals, breast cancer metastasis to axillary lymph nodes is when in the axillary lymph nodes appear breast cancer cells (node ​​positive).
In the human body, lymph nodes are a natural barrier system, helping to eliminate microorganisms and pathogens. When making a diagnosis of breast cancer, your doctor will make a clinical assessment of your peripheral lymph nodes (near the tumor) and see if they are abnormal. In addition, you may not feel any obvious symptoms when breast cancer has spread to axillary or other lymph nodes.

3. Bone metastases breast cancer

Bones act as the skeleton of the body, made up of minerals and bone cells. A person will be diagnosed with bone metastatic breast cancer when breast cancer cells appear in their bones.
The first symptom when breast cancer metastasizes to bone is a sudden onset of pain. Breast cancer can travel through the blood and vessels to any bone in the body, including the spine, upper extremities, lower extremities, and even the skull. This condition can lead to weakening of the invaded bone or cause a fracture, but early treatment can help cancer patients prevent this problem.
If the cancer invades the spine, it can cause some problems with autonomic dysfunction such as defecation or urinary incontinence. When the tumor presses on spinal nerves, you may experience numbness or weakness in certain body parts such as arms or legs.

Khi ung thư vú di căn phổi, điều đó không có nghĩa là bạn đang bị ung thư phổi.
Khi ung thư vú di căn phổi, điều đó không có nghĩa là bạn đang bị ung thư phổi.

4. Breast cancer metastasis to liver

Unlike primary liver cancer, liver metastatic breast cancer usually comes from breast cancer cells. This condition can cause symptoms ranging from mild to severe, depending on how far the breast cancer has invaded the liver.
In mild cases of breast cancer with liver metastases, patients may experience unresolved abdominal pain accompanied by persistent fatigue, bloating, flatulence, loss of appetite, loss of appetite, or weight loss. In addition, patients may also experience yellowing of the skin or eyes due to the liver not working as efficiently as it should.
When breast cancer metastasis to the liver is advanced, it may cause edema, accumulation of fluid in the cavity such as peritoneal cavity causing ascites, pericardial cavity causing pericardial effusion, pericardial cavity. lungs causing pleural effusion. Most of the time, these symptoms are caused by a partial or complete loss of liver function.

5. Lung metastatic breast cancer

Similar to the above types of metastasis, lung metastasis usually occurs when the cancer cells in the lung are breast cancer cells. The lungs are the most important gas exchange organs in the body. Therefore, when breast cancer metastasizes to the lungs, it will cause some noticeable symptoms such as shortness of breath, dry cough that does not go away and chest pain. Some people may experience a loss of appetite and lead to weight loss.
One of the main causes of the above symptoms is that breast cancer has spread to the lungs or to the space between the lungs and the chest wall, disrupting that structure and causing an increase in the amount of fluid that accumulates in the upper pleural space. normal level, also known as pleural effusion.

6. Breast cancer metastasis to the brain

In addition to breast cancer metastasis to the lungs, lymph nodes, liver, and bones, breast cancer cells can also migrate to the brain and continue to proliferate there. At that time, the patient may have severe headaches, lose balance, and fall easily. In addition, people with brain metastases may also experience numbness, weakness, or even paralysis of certain parts of the body. Many patients experience altered somatic behaviors, lose control, become confused, or have seizures.

Ung thư vú di căn phổi sẽ gây ra một số triệu chứng đáng chú ý như khó thở
Ung thư vú di căn phổi sẽ gây ra một số triệu chứng đáng chú ý như khó thở

7. How to treat metastatic breast cancer

When breast cancer has spread to organs such as the brain, lungs, bones, liver, and lymph nodes, the patient can be treated with chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or medication.
The treatment regimen given will be based on the type of breast cancer and its metastasis in the body. For example, when breast cancer is HER-2-positive (HER-2 protein levels are above normal), doctors may choose targeted therapy as part of treatment. In addition, pain management with pain relief is also considered an important "key" to helping patients with metastatic breast cancer feel the best they can.
In summary, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. If detected late, treatment often requires mastectomy, but the prognosis is poor compared with early detection. Therefore, breast cancer screening is a measure that can cure the disease, prolong life as well as preserve the breast for patients.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has a Breast Cancer Screening Package to help detect the disease at an early stage, increase the cure rate and save treatment costs for early breast cancer, and at the same time improve the quality of life for patients.
Customers should register for Breast Cancer Screening Package at Vinmec by:
Team of highly qualified and experienced doctors. Comprehensive professional cooperation with domestic and international hospitals: Singapore, Japan, USA, .. Comprehensive treatment and care, multi-specialty coordination towards individualizing each patient. Having a full range of specialized facilities for diagnosis and staging before treatment: Endoscopy, CT scan, PET-CT scan, MRI, histopathological diagnosis, gene-cell testing, .. There are a full range of mainstream cancer treatment methods: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, stem cell transplant...

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