Imaging and node of the inferior portal vein system Enlarged X-ray

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Tran Cong Trinh - Radiologist - Radiology Department - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
After imaging and node of the lower portal vein system with enhanced radiograph, in order not to have post-operative liver failure, the minimum remaining healthy liver volume must be more than 30% in healthy liver or 40% in patients with cirrhosis.

1. The effect of imaging and nodes of the inferior portal vein system X-ray increased light

Inferior portal venous angiography and node enlarging X-ray is a minimally invasive vascular exploration technique that passes through the hepatic parenchyma (or sometimes through the splenic parenchyma) into the splenic vein system. Conduct contrast injection and angiography to assess circulation status and venous system pathology.

2. Indications and contraindications for angiography and nodes of the inferior portal vein system Enlarged X-ray

Indications for imaging and nodes of the lower portal vein system X-ray is enhanced when:
People with liver cancer are indicated for major liver resection but the remaining liver volume is not enough. Absence of liver failure Gastrointestinal bleeding due to esophageal and gastric varices Portal hypertension, portal vein obstruction Portal venous abnormalities

Bệnh nhân ung thư gan được chỉ định thực hiện
Bệnh nhân ung thư gan được chỉ định thực hiện
Contraindications for imaging and nodes of the lower portal vein system X-ray is enhanced when:
Liver tumor has extensive spread in the liver Liver tumor has vascular invasion Liver tumor has biliary tract dilatation, portal hypertension. Other comorbidities such as: heart failure, severe renal failure With lymph node metastasis, lung metastasis Coagulation disorders, platelets <50,000 Allergy to iodine contrast agents Severe renal failure (grade IV) Venous thrombosis Internal jugular, superior vena cava, hepatic vein Severe and uncontrolled coagulopathy Severe ascites Pregnant women

3. Steps to perform imaging and node of inferior portal vein system X-ray enhanced light

Step 1: Preparation: Television illuminator X-ray machine; specialized electric pump; ultrasound machine with transducer; film, film printer, image storage system; lead vest, apron, X-ray shield. Local anesthetic; general anesthetic; anticoagulants; neutralizing anticoagulants; water-soluble iodine contrast agent; Antiseptic solution for skin and mucous membranes. Medical supplies. Materials that cause embolism. Step 2: Select the portal vein access route, the location of the portal vein puncture during ultrasound. Step 3: Anesthetize the entrance from the subcutaneous layer to the parietal peritoneum, then insert the needle into the right or left portal vein branch, insert the wire into the portal vein body and insert the tube into the lumen. Step 4: Take an anatomical examination of the portal vein system through the catheter, dose of contrast agent 15ml, pump speed 5ml/s. Step 5: Plug the portal vein branches with embolization material. Then check after occlusion of portal vein branches. Step 6: Withdraw the tube into the lumen, plug the puncture with spongel or biological glue.

Chụp và nút hệ tĩnh mạch cửa dưới Xquang tăng sáng nên thực hiện ở những bệnh viện uy tín, an toàn
Chụp và nút hệ tĩnh mạch cửa dưới Xquang tăng sáng nên thực hiện ở những bệnh viện uy tín, an toàn
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in neurological examination and treatment, patients can completely rest in peace. examination and treatment center at the Hospital.
Before taking a job at Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital, the position of Doctor of Radiology from September 2017, Doctor Tran Cong Trinh worked at Gia Dinh People's Hospital since 2007. -2017. In his role, Dr. Tran Cong Trinh has participated in guiding the teaching of students, residents, specialists and new doctors entering the department
For examination and treatment at International General Hospital Vinmec, please come directly to Vinmec Health System or register online HERE.

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