Nutritional needs of 9-month-old babies

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Children need to eat enough nutrients every day to grow healthy, strong and smart. At around 9 months of age, babies are growing rapidly and need more energy and nutrients than at any other time in their lives. Therefore, parents need to understand the nutritional needs of 9-month-old children to supplement appropriately.

1. Nutritional needs for 9-month-old children

To help 9-month-old children develop appropriate weight and height, during this period, parents need to understand their nutritional needs and supplement to the fullest extent.
For 9-month-old children, in addition to breast-feeding, children need to eat solid foods, porridge and fruit,... The daily diet of a 9-month-old child includes three main meals and three snacks. Nutritional needs of a 9-month-old baby include:
Breast milk: 500-600ml Three main meals: powder or porridge for snacks each meal about 200ml, pureed rice 60-90g of white rice. In addition, parents should give their children more food such as 60-90g of meat (eg pork, shrimp, fish,...), 15g of fat or oil, green vegetables and ripe fruits. Three snacks include: fruit, biscuits or cheese,... The weaning menu for a 9-month-old baby needs to ensure all four basic nutrient groups including: protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals.
Carbohydrate group: rice, wheat, oats and legumes,... Protein group: meat, shrimp, crab, fish, egg yolk,... Vitamin and substance group: includes all vegetables and fruits. Prioritize dark green vegetables and citrus fruits. Milk and dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, butter,...

Nhu cầu dinh dưỡng của trẻ 9 tháng gồm sữa mẹ và bữa ăn dặm
Nhu cầu dinh dưỡng của trẻ 9 tháng gồm sữa mẹ và bữa ăn dặm

2. Some notes on the weaning menu for 9-month-old babies

Some notes in the diet for 9-month-old children include:
9-month-old babies have grown 4 incisors and started the process of chewing. At this time, parents can give their children whole grain porridge or powdered solids and chopped vegetables but do not need to grind or crush like the previous stage. Practice feeding your child with foods such as vegetables, tubers and fruits. This not only helps children discover the true taste of foods, but also encourages them to practice chewing, stimulates the digestive system, children will be more excited about meals and helps children eat more deliciously. than. In addition to the feeding time, the mother should supplement with extra meals with dairy products such as yogurt, butter, cheese, etc. to help the child increase nutrients. Let's build a rich nutritional menu for children, provide enough nutrients, help children eat more appetizing. In particular, for children who are still breastfed, it is necessary to increase iron in the child's daily menu such as red meat, chicken liver, pork liver,... However, it should be noted that a 9-month-old baby may have susceptible to allergies to foods such as: fresh milk, egg whites and shellfish such as oysters, snails, clams, etc. Adequately replenish water for children: Different from the time when the child was 6 years old. In the first month of life, a 9-month-old baby needs to drink enough water to avoid constipation. Children should practice sitting at the table: To practice serious eating habits, parents should let children sit at the table as a habit, children will be excited and this will stimulate children's appetite. See now: What to feed a 9-month-old baby to gain weight and height?

3. Some traditional weaning menus for 9-month-old babies

3.1 Salmon + pumpkin porridge

Salmon: 30g Pumpkin: 30g Plain rice: 40g Cooking oil: 5g Green onions + dried onions Method: Salmon is washed, then steamed with a little ginger slices to remove the fishy smell of the fish. . Cooked fish, let it cool, remove the bones, and mince it finely. Then fry the fish with finely chopped dried onions and put it in a bowl. Peel the pumpkin, then steam it and mash it. When the porridge is cooked, add the salmon and pumpkin mixture, mix well, bring to a boil until finely chopped scallions and turn off the heat. Ladle the porridge into a bowl and add a few drops of olive oil, give it to your child while the porridge is still warm.

Món cháo cá hồi + bí đỏ đáp ứng nhu cầu dinh dưỡng của trẻ 9 tháng
Món cháo cá hồi + bí đỏ đáp ứng nhu cầu dinh dưỡng của trẻ 9 tháng

3.2 Chicken liver porridge + sweet potato

Chicken liver: 30g Sweet potato: 20g Plain rice: 20g Cooking oil: 5g Method: Wash and minced chicken liver. Fry chicken liver with dried onions and scoop out into bowls. Potatoes are steamed and mashed. When the rice is cooked, add a mixture of chicken liver and sweet potatoes, then mix well and bring to a boil. Ladle the porridge into a bowl and add a few drops of olive oil or cooking oil and then feed it to the child.

3.3 Pork porridge + hot vegetables

Rice: 20g Lean meat: 30g Spinach: 30g Cooking oil: 5g Method: Put 20g of rice in a simmering pot. Wash the pork and chop it finely. Sauteed dried onions until fragrant and add pork until cooked. Spinach peeled, washed and pureed and then put into porridge. Mix the mixture well and wait for the porridge to boil again until the vegetables are cooked, then turn off the heat. Ladle the porridge into a bowl and add a few drops of olive oil and feed it to the child.

3.4 Shrimp porridge + spinach

Rice: 20g Shrimp: 30g Spinach: 30g Cooking oil: 5g Method: Shrimp peel off the shell, remove the head and black thread, then finely chop and then stir-fry with chopped dried onions. Wash and chop the spinach. When the rice is soft, add spinach and shrimp to cook, mix well when the porridge boils, then turn off the heat. Scoop out the porridge to add olive oil or cooking oil and feed it to the child.
In short, young children need to eat enough nutrients every day to grow healthy, strong and smart. At around 9 months of age, babies are growing rapidly and need more energy and nutrients than at any other time in their lives. Therefore, in order to help children develop healthy, parents need to build a reasonable diet, can refer to the traditional weaning menus for 9-month-old babies and add necessary micronutrients such as: : Bio-Zinc, Selenium, Chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... to improve taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard, Good immune system, strengthen resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems. Parents can refer to the supplement of micronutrients from pediatricians, nutritionists to use it for the right purpose and bring high efficiency.
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