How to know breast milk is not nutritious? When should I start weaning your baby?

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The article was consulted with Doctor Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrients for a baby's development. However, over time, breast milk may not meet the nutritional needs of the baby's body. Usually, after the baby is 6 months old, the mother needs to breastfeed the baby in combination with complementary foods.

1. Energy needs from breast milk with baby's development

In the first 6 months after birth, exclusive breastfeeding meets the baby's nutritional and fluid needs. Children do not need to eat or drink any other food or drink, including cooled boiled water, except for the case where vitamins and minerals must be added as prescribed by the doctor; When the baby is 6-12 months old, breast milk provides 70% of the baby's energy needs When the baby is 1-2 years old: breast milk provides 30-40% of the baby's energy needs. Therefore, all babies over 6 months of age need complementary foods in addition to breast milk. However, breast milk is still an important source of energy, providing abundant nutrients for children over 6 months old, so parents still need to maintain breastfeeding until the baby can eat a complete replacement food. all breast milk.

2. When does breast milk run out of nutrients?

Breast milk is the best source of food for children, a source of nutrients suitable for the baby's digestive system. Not only that, breast milk also has a lot of biological factors such as antibodies, enzymes and white blood cells, ... that formula milk does not have. Fatty acids found in breast milk help the baby's brain development and cognitive enhancement. From 6 months to 24 months of age (appropriate time for weaning), the quality of breast milk begins to decline in terms of nutrients and antibodies. However, breast milk is still very necessary and suitable for the baby's digestive system. Casein - a special protein in breast milk - has the ability to help babies prevent diarrhea, ear infections, allergies and respiratory infections. Therefore, babies should still be given breast milk as the main thing, even if the quality is reduced. At the same time, children over 6 months old can supplement with formula milk and gradually increase solids, close to adult food. This is a preparation step so that when the mother's milk supply is cut off, the baby will not be disappointed.

3. When to wean the baby?

There is no specific rule on when to decide to wean your baby. The time of weaning depends on each individual and each specific family situation. Weaning is the process by which a child gradually adapts to the transition from milk to adult food. This transition should be gradual.
The right time to wean a baby is when the baby is 18-24 months old. Besides, the mother should only wean the child when the child is in normal health and is not sick or ill. This will make weaning more convenient, without affecting the baby's health.
When children are weaned, parents need to pay special attention to their child's diet to ensure adequate nutrition. It is possible to add lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help meet the needs of nutrients, aid digestion, and enhance nutrient absorption. help improve anorexia, help children eat appetite. For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the International General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.

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